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Allow ESC to grant access to secretes provider key without running `pulumi env run` #458

Open pierskarsenbarg opened 2 days ago

pierskarsenbarg commented 2 days ago

Pulumi allows users to bring their own encryption key as a secret provider.

It's possible to use ESC and the Pulumi CLI in non-interactive mode to grant access to the key and run an update.

So for example, with this Pulumi program:

import * as random from "@pulumi/random";

export const pw = new random.RandomPassword("pw", {
    length: 20

and this environment:

    region: eu-west-1
          duration: 1h
          roleArn: arn:aws:iam::{accountId}:role/{roleName}
          sessionName: pulumi-environments-session
    AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: ${aws.creds.accessKeyId}
    AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: ${aws.creds.secretAccessKey}
    AWS_SESSION_TOKEN: ${aws.creds.sessionToken}
    AWS_REGION: ${aws.region}

I can run pulumi env run {escProjectName}/{environmentName} -- pulumi up --yes (--yes is needed because we're running Pulumi in non-interactive mode) and this will work.

It would be nice to be able to do this just with pulumi up

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