pulumi / pulumi-command

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pulumi_command.common has no attribute Logging #445

Closed bonovoxly closed 1 month ago

bonovoxly commented 1 month ago

What happened?

Using the latest pulumi command returns this error (just started happening this morning):

 AttributeError: module 'pulumi_command.common' has no attribute 'Logging'


some snippets:

from pulumi_command import local
# not sure this is what is causing it, as on preview the error occurs 
# (and it might be erroring at Installing requirements?). again not sure, just posting this quickly.
        self.local_command = local.Command(f"{self.lambda_name}_zip", 
                                           triggers=[{"contentHash": content_hash}],

Output of pulumi about

# NOTE - also occurs in a GitHub action, so not just a Mac bug...
pulumi about  
Version      3.112.0
Go Version   go1.22.1
Go Compiler  gc

aws         5.43.0
aws-iam     0.2.0
command     0.11.0
kubernetes  4.11.0
python      unknown

OS       darwin
Version  14.5
Arch     arm64

Additional context

verified no error in 0.10.0.


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thomas11 commented 1 month ago

Hi @bonovoxly, thank you for reporting this. I can see a weird change in the Python SDK in v0.11.0 and will investigate. Are you able to stay on v0.10.0 in the meantime?

bonovoxly commented 1 month ago

@thomas11 yeah we can. just wanted to make sure that IF it was a bug, someone was notified.

(I was secretly hoping it was user error ;) )

iwahbe commented 1 month ago

This is due to https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi/issues/16221.

thomas11 commented 1 month ago

Fixed in v0.11.1.