Project 'Pulumi' failed to publish the nuget package: couldn't the nuget package
Project 'Pulumi.Automation' failed to publish the nuget package: couldn't the nuget package
Project 'Pulumi.FSharp' failed to publish the nuget package: couldn't the nuget package
Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Some nuget packages were not published: [Pulumi; Pulumi.Automation; Pulumi.FSharp]
at Program.publishSdks() in /home/runner/work/pulumi-dotnet/pulumi-dotnet/build/Program.fs:line 144
at Program.main(String[] args) in /home/runner/work/pulumi-dotnet/pulumi-dotnet/build/Program.fs:line 227
The last several commits to
have failed publishing the dev SDK.The most recent failure: