pulumi / pulumi-eks

A Pulumi component for easily creating and managing an Amazon EKS Cluster
Apache License 2.0
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Support for AWS Native #1075

Open geowalrus4gh opened 3 months ago

geowalrus4gh commented 3 months ago


Issue details

Pulumi recommends to create new projects using AWS Native. But pulumi-eks component supports only AWS Classic. Would like to see it work with AWS Native as well. Can this component be built as an abstraction to EKS on top of the underlying AWS Classic/Native in an opinionated way?

mjeffryes commented 3 months ago

Thanks for this suggestion @geowalrus4gh. Unfortunately, I think our guidance here has been a source of confusion: there's no reason to feel like you "ought" to start new projects using aws-native resources rather than aws classic resources. We'll be making some docs updates soon to reflect this, but in general, both AWS native and AWS classic provider resources that are unique to that specific provider, but where they overlap, there's no strong reason to prefer the resources from one provider over the other unless you encounter something missing or broken.

Given that context, I think it may be a while before we spend the time to enable AWSX to build aws-native cloud control based resources instead of building on AWS classic resources. It is something we'll want to do eventually though, so we'll keep this ticket open as a placeholder and as a landing place for any more specific feedback users have on this topic.