pulumi / pulumi-gcp

A Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Pulumi resource package, providing multi-language access to GCP
Apache License 2.0
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Warnings when importing a freshly created GKE cluster with default parameters #844

Closed alamothe closed 3 months ago

alamothe commented 2 years ago

What happened?

Pulumi outputs warnings when importing a freshly created GKE cluster from Google Cloud console.

Steps to reproduce

pulumi import gcp:container/cluster:Cluster carsync-prod us-central1-a/carsync-prod

Expected Behavior

No warnings

Actual Behavior

  gcp:container:Cluster (carsync-prod):
    warning: One or more imported inputs failed to validate. This is almost certainly a bug in the `gcp` provider. The import will still proceed, but you will need to edit the generated code after copying it into your program.
    warning: gcp:container/cluster:Cluster resource 'carsync-prod' has a problem: Conflicting configuration arguments: "cluster_ipv4_cidr": conflicts with ip_allocation_policy. Examine values at 'Cluster.ClusterIpv4Cidr'.
    warning: gcp:container/cluster:Cluster resource 'carsync-prod' has a problem: Conflicting configuration arguments: "ip_allocation_policy": conflicts with cluster_ipv4_cidr. Examine values at 'Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy'.
    warning: gcp:container/cluster:Cluster resource 'carsync-prod' has a problem: Conflicting configuration arguments: "monitoring_service": conflicts with cluster_telemetry. Examine values at 'Cluster.MonitoringService'.
    warning: gcp:container/cluster:Cluster resource 'carsync-prod' has a problem: Conflicting configuration arguments: "logging_service": conflicts with cluster_telemetry. Examine values at 'Cluster.LoggingService'.

Versions used

Version      3.35.3
Go Version   go1.18.3
Go Compiler  gc

Additional context

No response


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stack72 commented 2 years ago

@Frassle I'd love your thoughts on this...

alamothe commented 2 years ago

Even though these were just warnings, and the import was successful, I had to remove a bunch of conflicting fields for pulumi up to work (it was giving an error).

I still have no idea how the cluster was actually configured on Google Cloud. Did it use this or did it use that? Pulumi said it couldn't use both, but that was precisely what it imported.

Frassle commented 2 years ago

@stack72 This will be based on whatever the Read method returned from the provider. The engine data flow is a very simple call Read, run the result of that through Check warn about any check failures but then save the state and code as returned.

I'd try making a gke cluster and then seeing what provider Read returns for it.

jondkelley commented 1 year ago

I also get these conflicts when importing an existing Google GKE cluster.

pulumi import gcp:container/cluster:Cluster my-cluster com-my-dev-760a2504/us-central1/com-my-us-gke-dev

Then execute pulumi up with my code:

    error: gcp:container/cluster:Cluster resource 'my-cluster' has a problem: Conflicting configuration arguments: "logging_service": conflicts with cluster_telemetry. Examine values at 'Cluster.LoggingService'.
    error: gcp:container/cluster:Cluster resource 'my-cluster' has a problem: Conflicting configuration arguments: "ip_allocation_policy": conflicts with cluster_ipv4_cidr. Examine values at 'Cluster.IpAllocationPolicy'.
    error: gcp:container/cluster:Cluster resource 'my-cluster' has a problem: Conflicting configuration arguments: "monitoring_service": conflicts with cluster_telemetry. Examine values at 'Cluster.MonitoringService'.
    error: gcp:container/cluster:Cluster resource 'my-cluster' has a problem: Conflicting configuration arguments: "cluster_ipv4_cidr": conflicts with ip_allocation_policy. Examine values at 'Cluster.ClusterIpv4Cidr'.

The only way to resolve these errors is changes to the imported YAML to address the conflict.

For instance ipAllocationPolicy has conflicting entries so I remove the cidr blocks from them.

    clusterSecondaryRangeName: gke-com-my-us-gke-dev-pods-5c803d01
    servicesSecondaryRangeName: gke-com-my-us-gke-dev-services-5c803d01

Then I have to remove

  monitoringService: monitoring.googleapis.com/kubernetes
  loggingService: logging.googleapis.com/kubernetes

This fixes the conflicts. But it causes state drift against the remote API. As indicated below:

     Type                      Name               Plan     Info
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack       k8s-us-dev
     └─ gcp:container:Cluster  my-cluster           [diff: +enableKubernetesAlpha,enableL4IlbSubsetting,enableLegacyAbac,enableShieldedNodes-clusterIpv4Cidr,loggingService,monitoringService,project~__defaults,ipAllocationPol
jondkelley commented 1 year ago

This issue needs ownership.

Shrooblord commented 1 year ago

I used @jondkelley's fixes and do not experience state drift with remote API; however, it still seems odd that I'd have to manually edit an import from the actual state of the GCP Cluster. How can the current state be in conflict with itself...?

t0yv0 commented 3 months ago

Given this cluster:

import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";

const cluster = new gcp.container.Cluster("primary", {
    name: "my-gke-cluster",
    location: "us-central1",
    removeDefaultNodePool: true,
    initialNodeCount: 1,

export const clusterId = cluster.id;

I can now do an import without warnings:

Importing (dev2)

View in Browser (Ctrl+O): https://app.pulumi.com/anton-pulumi-corp/pulumi-gcp-844/dev2/updates/2

     Type                      Name                 Status               
     pulumi:pulumi:Stack       pulumi-gcp-844-dev2                       
 =   └─ gcp:container:Cluster  c2                   imported (0.95s)     

    clusterId: "projects/pulumi-development/locations/us-central1/clusters/my-gke-cluster"

    = 1 imported
    2 unchanged

Duration: 2s

Please copy the following code into your Pulumi application. Not doing so
will cause Pulumi to report that an update will happen on the next update command.

Please note that the imported resources are marked as protected. To destroy them
you will need to remove the `protect` option and run `pulumi update` *before*
the destroy will take effect.

import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as gcp from "@pulumi/gcp";

const c2 = new gcp.container.Cluster("c2", {
    addonsConfig: {
        gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig: {
            enabled: true,
        networkPolicyConfig: {
            disabled: true,
    clusterIpv4Cidr: "",
    clusterTelemetry: {
        type: "ENABLED",
    databaseEncryption: {
        state: "DECRYPTED",
    defaultMaxPodsPerNode: 110,
    defaultSnatStatus: {
        disabled: false,
    initialNodeCount: 1,
    location: "us-central1",
    loggingConfig: {
        enableComponents: [
    masterAuth: {
        clientCertificateConfig: {
            issueClientCertificate: false,
    monitoringConfig: {
        advancedDatapathObservabilityConfigs: [{
            enableMetrics: false,
            enableRelay: false,
        enableComponents: ["SYSTEM_COMPONENTS"],
        managedPrometheus: {
            enabled: true,
    name: "my-gke-cluster",
    network: "projects/pulumi-development/global/networks/default",
    networkPolicy: {
        enabled: false,
        provider: "PROVIDER_UNSPECIFIED",
    networkingMode: "VPC_NATIVE",
    nodeLocations: [
    nodePoolDefaults: {
        nodeConfigDefaults: {
            loggingVariant: "DEFAULT",
    nodeVersion: "1.29.4-gke.1043002",
    notificationConfig: {
        pubsub: {
            enabled: false,
    podSecurityPolicyConfig: {
        enabled: false,
    privateClusterConfig: {
        masterGlobalAccessConfig: {
            enabled: false,
    project: "pulumi-development",
    protectConfig: {
        workloadConfig: {
            auditMode: "BASIC",
        workloadVulnerabilityMode: "WORKLOAD_VULNERABILITY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED",
    releaseChannel: {
        channel: "REGULAR",
    securityPostureConfig: {
        mode: "BASIC",
        vulnerabilityMode: "VULNERABILITY_MODE_UNSPECIFIED",
    serviceExternalIpsConfig: {
        enabled: false,
    subnetwork: "projects/pulumi-development/regions/us-central1/subnetworks/def}, {
    protect: true,

This is accomplished by dropping out conflicting properties in pulumi-terraform-bridge during import. The dropout is not very intelligent but attempts to resolve conflicts.


Version      3.117.0
Go Version   go1.22.3
Go Compiler  gc

resource  gcp     7.26.0
language  nodejs  unknown

OS       darwin
Version  14.5
Arch     arm64

This project is written in nodejs: executable='/Users/anton/bin/node' version='v18.18.2'

Current Stack: anton-pulumi-corp/pulumi-gcp-844/dev2

TYPE                           URN
pulumi:pulumi:Stack            urn:pulumi:dev2::pulumi-gcp-844::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::pulumi-gcp-844-dev2
pulumi:providers:gcp           urn:pulumi:dev2::pulumi-gcp-844::pulumi:providers:gcp::default_7_26_0
gcp:container/cluster:Cluster  urn:pulumi:dev2::pulumi-gcp-844::gcp:container/cluster:Cluster::primary
gcp:container/cluster:Cluster  urn:pulumi:dev2::pulumi-gcp-844::gcp:container/cluster:Cluster::c2

Found no pending operations associated with dev2

Name           pulumi.com
URL            https://app.pulumi.com/anton-pulumi-corp
User           anton-pulumi-corp
Organizations  anton-pulumi-corp, moolumi, pulumi
Token type     personal

NAME            VERSION
@pulumi/pulumi  3.120.0
@types/node     18.19.34
typescript      5.4.5
@pulumi/gcp     7.26.0

Pulumi locates its logs in /var/folders/gd/3ncjb1lj5ljgk8xl5ssn_gvc0000gn/T/com.apple.shortcuts.mac-helper// by default

I will close this as fixed but please feel free to open another issue if something is not working as expected.