pulumi / pulumi-google-native

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AnalyticsHub missing Subscribe method #544

Open devopsangel opened 2 years ago

devopsangel commented 2 years ago

What happened?

Per spec method is exist but current version does not seem support it. https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-google-native/blob/master/discovery/analyticshub_v1beta1.json#L701

Steps to reproduce

from pulumi_google_native.analyticshub.v1beta1 import (

Expected Behavior

Method subscribe exposed.

"id": "analyticshub.projects.locations.dataExchanges.listings.subscribe",

Actual Behavior

Method does not exist

Versions used

pip3 show pulumi_google_native
Name: pulumi-google-native
Version: 0.20.0
Summary: A native Pulumi package for creating and managing Google Cloud resources.
Home-page: https://pulumi.com
License: Apache-2.0

Additional context



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lblackstone commented 2 years ago

@viveklak This looks like another resource type that might need special handling to map to a CRUD model. I didn't see an equivalent resource in the TF provider.

viveklak commented 2 years ago

@devopsangel thanks for opening the issue. Currently the google-native provider only models resources that fit a certain shape - e.g. resources that have a put/get/delete etc. endpoint. We also currently only model a get function to retrieve an existing resources. Typically modeling mutative operations as functions is a bit problematic since that doesn't fit in well with state management patterns for an IaC tool like Pulumi. However, we have the means to seed a google SDK client with the same credentials as the Pulumi provider through functions in https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/google-native/api-docs/authorization/. It would be a better idea to bootstrap a google sdk client to handle this? I do think we can perhaps model listing subscriptions as an explicit resource but this would require some custom implementation here.

devopsangel commented 2 years ago

thank you so much @viveklak for a quick response. If I go with custom implementation is there sort of PulumiBase that I can extend and add that only functionality, or by bootstraping you meant make straight POST call to that endpoint, or something below?


from pulumi import ComponentResource, ResourceOptions, log

class AhListing(ComponentResource):
    def __init__(
        resource_name: str,
        project: str,
        args: ...,
        opts: Optional[ResourceOptions] = None,
viveklak commented 2 years ago

Ah interesting point. You could perhaps explore implementing a pulumi dynamic resource provider (since it looks like you are using python). An example is here: https://github.com/pulumi/examples/tree/master/aws-py-dynamicresource In this case you would have to model a subscription resource and implement the corresponding get/create/delete etc.

devopsangel commented 2 years ago

Thank you, I am going to check. @viveklak is this something are you going to support in the future? Otherwise it feels half baked.

viveklak commented 2 years ago

I will switch this to a feature request and prioritize it accordingly. The way to implement this would be to essentially encode the semantics I mentioned above in the dynamic provider directly in the google-native provider. I can't commit to a timeline for that at the moment though.

devopsangel commented 2 years ago

Unfortunately, that AH Subscribe so raw .... :( I am including code snippet if somebody else try that too.

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import binascii
import os
from pulumi import Input, Output
from pulumi.dynamic import Resource, ResourceProvider, CreateResult, UpdateResult, DiffResult
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional

from google.cloud.bigquery_data_exchange_v1beta1 import (

ah_client = AnalyticsHubServiceClient()

class AnalyticsHubSubscribeArgs(object):
    name: Input[str]
    project_id: Input[str]
    dataset_id: Input[str]
    location: Input[str]
    friendly_name: Optional[Input[str]]
    description: Optional[Input[str]]
    labels: Optional[Input[Dict[str, Any]]]

    def __init__(self,
        self.name = name
        self.project_id = project_id
        self.dataset_id = dataset_id
        self.location = location
        self.friendly_name = friendly_name
        self.description = description
        self.labels = labels

class AnalyticsHubSubscribeProvider(ResourceProvider):
    def create(self, args):
        name (str):
            Required. Resource name of the listing to subscribe to. e.g.
        destination_dataset (google.cloud.bigquery_data_exchange_v1beta1.types.DestinationDataset):
            BigQuery destination dataset to create for
            the subscriber.

        # destination_dataset = DestinationDataset()
        # destination_dataset.dataset_reference.dataset_id = args["dataset_id"]
        # destination_dataset.dataset_reference.project_id = args["project_id"]
        # destination_dataset.friendly_name = args["friendly_name"]
        # destination_dataset.description = args["description"]
        # destination_dataset.location = args["location"]
        # destination_dataset.labels = args["labels"]

        request = SubscribeListingRequest(
            # destination_dataset=destination_dataset
                "dataset_reference": {
                    "dataset_id": args["dataset_id"],
                    "project_id": args["project_id"]
                "friendly_name": args["friendly_name"],
                "description": args["description"],
                "location": args["location"],
                "labels": args["labels"]

        # Make the request
        response = ah_client.subscribe_listing(request=request)

        # If successful, the response body is empty.
        # print(response)

        # return CreateResult("ah-" + binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(8)).decode("utf-8"), {**args, **response})
        return CreateResult("ah-" + binascii.b2a_hex(os.urandom(8)).decode("utf-8"), {**args})

    def diff(self, id, old_inputs, new_inputs):
        replaces = []
        if old_inputs["friendly_name"] != new_inputs["friendly_name"]:

        if old_inputs["labels"] != new_inputs["labels"]:

        if old_inputs["dataset_id"] != new_inputs["dataset_id"]:

        if old_inputs["description"] != new_inputs["description"]:

        return DiffResult(
            # If the old and new inputs don't match, the resource needs to be updated/replaced
            changes=old_inputs != new_inputs,
            # If the replaces[] list is empty, nothing important was changed, and we do not have to
            # replace the resource

    def update(self, id, old_inputs, new_inputs):
        return UpdateResult(outs={**new_inputs})

class AnalyticsHubSubscribe(Resource):
    name: Output[str]
    project_id: Output[str]
    dataset_id: Output[str]
    location: Output[str]
    friendly_name: Output[str]
    description: Output[str]
    labels: Output[Dict[str, Any]]

    def __init__(self, name: str, args: AnalyticsHubSubscribeArgs, opts=None):
        super().__init__(AnalyticsHubSubscribeProvider(), name, vars(args), opts)
devopsangel commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this?