pulumi / pulumi-kubernetes

A Pulumi resource provider for Kubernetes to manage API resources and workloads in running clusters
Apache License 2.0
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Add immutable fields to Kubernetes OpenAPI spec #342

Open hausdorff opened 5 years ago

hausdorff commented 5 years ago

Following up from this comment, some fields in Kubernetes resource definitions are immutable (e.g., Deployment's .spec.selector), and changing them necessitates a replacement.

We are currently manually curating a list of these things, which once correct, will be very powerful. But a better idea is to engage SIGCLI and simply solve this in upstream by changing the OpenAPI spec to reflect these things.

This is our local "tracking issue" for this.

hausdorff commented 5 years ago

Just a quick note as I un-tag this from P1: I tagged it P1 when I didn't know "what P1 means at Pulumi". To be clear: we can and should track with upstream to see how we can assist as they start to make similar changes to upstream, but we should not block M21 on it.

Since upstream is not quite ready to have the conversation, I will bump to M22.