Closed Puiu closed 1 year ago
I faced the same problem today, which I managed to solve, so I'm dumping my solution here to help anybody else.
After the failed deproyment of the service, I ran kubectl get services
app-svc-duevx4ka LoadBalancer <pending> 80:32263/TCP 2m35s
I see that external IP is indeed missing. I then ran kubectl describe service app-svc-duevx4ka
to get the actual error:
user supplied IP Address was not found in resource group
It turns out this is because my Public IP was in my own resource group, but it has to be in the resources group where the cluster nodes are provisioned.
@Puiu In your code above you should change the Public IP definition to
const apiLoadBalancerIp = new"LBIp", {
allocationMethod: "Static",
resourceGroupName: cluster.nodeResourceGroup,
tags: {
service: "kubernetes-api-loadbalancer",
a full example is available here.
Another possible error that I also got later is
LinkedAuthorizationFailed\" Message=\"The client 'guid' with object id 'guid' has
permission to perform action 'Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/virtualmachines/write'
on scope '/subscriptions/guid/resourceGroups/mc_fsakse1ec8b14_fsakscluster21b4d410_westeurope/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/aks-aksagentpool-33998035-vmss/virtualmachines/2';
however, it does not have permission to perform action 'Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets/join/action'
on the linked scope(s) '/subscriptions/guid/resourceGroups/fsakse1ec8b14/providers/Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/fsaksvnetd0e531c8/subnets/fsakssubnetd21d113f'
or the linked scope(s) are invalid.
which means that the service principal doesn't have enough permissions to deploy the networking changes. Lack of permission would err the deployment of any load balancer, with or without an explicit IP.
Be sure to assign your SP to the Network Contributor
const rgNetworkRole = new azure.role.Assignment("assignment", {
roleDefinitionName: "Network Contributor"
This fixed the error only after I redeployed the whole AKS cluster.
It looks like provides a workaround, so closing this out.
Hi, I'm trying to deploy an AKS cluster from this repo but I'm getting this error:
kubernetes:core/v1:Service (aks-demo-app):
error: 2 errors occurred:
* the Kubernetes API server reported that "default/aks-demo-app-0d237785" failed to fully initialize or become live: 'aks-demo-app-0d237785' timed out waiting to be Ready
* Service was not allocated an IP address; does your cloud provider support this?
I already modified some parts of the code which were deprecated to solve other issues but I'm still getting the above error:
In my service appears like:
aks-demo-app-1df19714 LoadBalancer <pending> 80:30560/TCP 17m
So, I described it and this is the cause:
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal EnsuringLoadBalancer 4m53s (x8 over 15m) service-controller Ensuring load balancer
Warning SyncLoadBalancerFailed 4m52s (x8 over 15m) service-controller Error syncing load balancer: failed to ensure load balancer: Retriable: false, RetryAfter: 0s, HTTPStatusCode: 400, RawError: {\r
"error": {\r
"code": "PublicIPAndLBSkuDoNotMatch",\r
"message": "Standard sku load balancer /subscriptions/dcc0660f-f795-4497-9301-022f92ct333s/resourceGroups/mc_multicloud89299de2_aksclusterbd3b44d_westus2/providers/Microsoft.Network/loadBalancers/kubernetes cannot reference Basic sku publicIP /subscriptions/dcc0660f-f795-4497-9301-022f92ct333s/resourceGroups/MC_multicloud89299de2_aksClusterbd3b44d_westus2/providers/Microsoft.Network/publicIPAddresses/staticappipa6e0d4e5.",\r
"details": []\r
Maybe this is the cause of the problem , but I'm not sure how to modify my pulumi program to fix it.
Any help??
Thanks in advance
I just found that we can change it through the sku
so, the code should be updated as shown:
this.staticAppIP = new"staticAppIP", {
resourceGroupName: this.cluster.nodeResourceGroup,
allocationMethod: "Static",
sku: "Standard", // By default, standard load balancer is used when you create a new cluster instead of basic
location: resourceGroup.location,
}, {parent: this}).ipAddress;
With that, I was able to see the web app exposed to the internet successfully!!!
Problem description
I am trying to create a load balancer for a Kubernetes deployment with an azure public IP address, but I get this error:
Errors & Logs
kubernetes:core:Service (anabi-api-service): error: 2 errors occurred:
Reproducing the issue
My code looks like this:
I know you can get the ip of the load balancer after it was created, and it works. But trying to do it with pre-existing IP, it fails.