pulumi / pulumi-meraki

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`meraki.networks.VlanProfiles` not correctly detecting diff for `vlanNames` #97

Closed zbuchheit closed 1 week ago

zbuchheit commented 3 weeks ago

Describe what happened

Whe attempting to use the meraki.networks.VlanProfiles resource, it is not correctly detecting a diff on the vlanNames field for the resource when there is a change. I am able to import the resource, add a field to vlanNames, and expect a diff but pulumi shows no changes. The equivalent in TF using the upstream provider works fine.

Sample program

I can provide a full example on a call but essentially the resource looks like the following

const vlans = new meraki.networks.ApplianceVlans("vlans", {
  networkId: network.id,
  applianceIp: "",
  vlanId: "2",
  subnet: "",
  name: "guest",
  dhcpHandling: "Do not respond to DHCP requests",
  dnsNameservers: "upstream_dns",
  dhcpLeaseTime: "1 day",
  dhcpBootOptionsEnabled: false,

const vlanProfiles = new meraki.networks.VlanProfiles(
    networkId: network.id,
    name: "Default Profile",
    iname: "Default",
    vlanNames: [
        name: "default",
        vlanId: "1",
        name: vlans.name, //This should trigger a diff to add
        vlanId: vlans.vlanId, //This should trigger a diff to add
    vlanGroups: [],
    dependsOn: [vlans],

Log output


Affected Resource(s)

No response

Output of pulumi about

Version      3.121.0
Go Version   go1.22.4
Go Compiler  gc

resource  meraki  0.2.5
language  nodejs  unknown

OS       darwin
Version  14.2.1
Arch     arm64

This project is written in nodejs: executable='/Users/zbuchheit/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.1/bin/node' version='v18.17.1'

Current Stack: zbuchheit-pulumi-corp/meraki-org-policy-groups-ts/dev

TYPE                                                           URN
pulumi:pulumi:Stack                                            urn:pulumi:dev::meraki-org-policy-groups-ts::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::meraki-org-policy-groups-ts-dev
pulumi:providers:meraki                                        urn:pulumi:dev::meraki-org-policy-groups-ts::pulumi:providers:meraki::default_0_2_5_github_/api.github.com/pulumi/pulumi-meraki
meraki:networks/base:base                                      urn:pulumi:dev::meraki-org-policy-groups-ts::meraki:networks/base:base::base-network
meraki:networks/applianceVlansSettings:ApplianceVlansSettings  urn:pulumi:dev::meraki-org-policy-groups-ts::meraki:networks/applianceVlansSettings:ApplianceVlansSettings::vlan-settings
meraki:networks/applianceVlans:ApplianceVlans                  urn:pulumi:dev::meraki-org-policy-groups-ts::meraki:networks/applianceVlans:ApplianceVlans::vlans
meraki:networks/vlanProfiles:VlanProfiles                      urn:pulumi:dev::meraki-org-policy-groups-ts::meraki:networks/vlanProfiles:VlanProfiles::vlan-profiles

Found no pending operations associated with dev

Name           pulumi.com
URL            https://app.pulumi.com/zbuchheit-pulumi-corp
User           zbuchheit-pulumi-corp
Organizations  zbuchheit-pulumi-corp
Token type     personal

NAME            VERSION
@pulumi/meraki  0.2.5
@pulumi/pulumi  3.122.0

Additional context

No response


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VenelinMartinov commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for the report and the repro here @zbuchheit!

I've had an initial look at this and have confirmed your observations about the lack of diff there.

Interestingly if I change another property on the resource the diff is correctly shown:

    ~ meraki:networks/vlanProfiles:VlanProfiles: (update)
      ~ iname    : "Default" => "Default1"
      ~ vlanNames: [
            [0]: {
                    name  : "default"
                    vlanId: "1"
          + [1]: {
                  + name  : "guest"
                  + vlanId: "2"
          + [2]: {
                  + name  : "voice"
                  + vlanId: "3"

GRPC logs:

```json { "method": "/pulumirpc.ResourceProvider/Diff", "request": { "id": "L_686235993220612994", "urn": "urn:pulumi:dev::meraki_97::meraki:networks/vlanProfiles:VlanProfiles::vlan-profiles", "olds": { "iname": "Default", "isDefault": true, "name": "vlan-profiles-4e760d2", "networkId": "L_686235993220612994", "vlanGroups": [], "vlanNames": [ { "name": "default", "vlanId": "1" } ] }, "news": { "iname": "Default", "name": "vlan-profiles-4e760d2", "networkId": "L_686235993220612994", "vlanGroups": [], "vlanNames": [ { "name": "default", "vlanId": "1" }, { "name": "guest", "vlanId": "2" } ] }, "oldInputs": { "iname": "Default", "name": "vlan-profiles-4e760d2", "networkId": "L_686235993220612994", "vlanGroups": [], "vlanNames": [ { "name": "default", "vlanId": "1" } ] } }, "response": { "changes": "DIFF_NONE" }, "metadata": { "kind": "resource", "mode": "client", "name": "meraki" } } ```

This certainly looks like a bridge issue - the change seems to be very much ignored here.

VenelinMartinov commented 3 weeks ago

A workaround here would be to update another property along with the vlanNames, run up and revert the other change.

VenelinMartinov commented 3 weeks ago

Confirmed this does not repro in TF:

```hcl resource "meraki_networks_appliance_vlans" "vlans" { network_id = meraki_networks.base_network.id appliance_ip = "" id = "2" subnet = "" name = "guest" dhcp_handling = "Do not respond to DHCP requests" dns_nameservers = "upstream_dns" dhcp_lease_time = "1 day" dhcp_boot_options_enabled = false depends_on = [meraki_networks_appliance_vlans_settings.vlan_settings] } resource "meraki_networks_vlan_profiles" "vlan_profiles" { network_id = meraki_networks.base_network.id iname = "Default" vlan_names = [ { name = "default" vlan_id = "1" }, { name = meraki_networks_appliance_vlans.vlans.name vlan_id = meraki_networks_appliance_vlans.vlans.id } ] vlan_groups = [] depends_on = [meraki_networks_appliance_vlans.vlans] } ```

But it looks as if the TF plan is returning the wrong planned state (but it's likely on our side, as this does not repro in TF)

``` 0.021s DiffWithContext rh.terraformResourceName=meraki_networks_vlan_profiles 0.024s plannedStateValue=tftypes.Value{ typ: tftypes.Object{ AttributeTypes: { "iname": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "is_default": tftypes.primitive{ name: "Bool", _: nil, }, "name": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "network_id": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "vlan_groups": tftypes.Set{ ElementType: tftypes.Object{ AttributeTypes: { "name": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "vlan_ids": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, }, OptionalAttributes: {}, _: nil, }, _: nil, }, "vlan_names": tftypes.Set{ ElementType: tftypes.Object{ AttributeTypes: { "adaptive_policy_group": tftypes.Object{ AttributeTypes: { "id": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "name": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, }, OptionalAttributes: {}, _: nil, }, "name": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "vlan_id": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, }, OptionalAttributes: {}, _: nil, }, _: nil, }, }, OptionalAttributes: {}, _: nil, }, value: map[string]tftypes.Value{ "iname": { typ: tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, value: "Default", }, "is_default": { typ: tftypes.primitive{ name: "Bool", _: nil, }, value: bool(true), }, "name": { typ: tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, value: "vlan-profiles-4e760d2", }, "network_id": { typ: tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, value: "L_686235993220612994", }, "vlan_groups": { typ: tftypes.Set{ ElementType: tftypes.Object{ AttributeTypes: { "name": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "vlan_ids": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, }, OptionalAttributes: {}, _: nil, }, _: nil, }, value: []tftypes.Value{ }, }, "vlan_names": { typ: tftypes.Set{ ElementType: tftypes.Object{ AttributeTypes: { "adaptive_policy_group": tftypes.Object{ AttributeTypes: { "id": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "name": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, }, OptionalAttributes: {}, _: nil, }, "name": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "vlan_id": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, }, OptionalAttributes: {}, _: nil, }, _: nil, }, value: []tftypes.Value{ { typ: tftypes.Object{ AttributeTypes: { "adaptive_policy_group": tftypes.Object{ AttributeTypes: { "id": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "name": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, }, OptionalAttributes: {}, _: nil, }, "name": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "vlan_id": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, }, OptionalAttributes: {}, _: nil, }, value: map[string]tftypes.Value{ "adaptive_policy_group": { typ: tftypes.Object{ AttributeTypes: { "id": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, "name": tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, }, OptionalAttributes: {}, _: nil, }, value: nil, }, "name": { typ: tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, value: "default", }, "vlan_id": { typ: tftypes.primitive{ name: "String", _: nil, }, value: "1", }, }, }, }, }, }, } ```

from https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/blob/18db7c57211af0eb7dfa26a70b145edc4d33a88f/pf/tfbridge/provider_diff.go#L95

VenelinMartinov commented 2 weeks ago

Built out a repro in the bridge: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/pull/2168

VenelinMartinov commented 2 weeks ago

Opened https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-terraform-bridge/issues/2170 for the bridge bug, will continue the investigation there.

VenelinMartinov commented 2 weeks ago

Update here, this looks like an issue in the bridge internals and it doesn't look pretty. We seem to be mishandling Computed set nested values in the PF bridge.

pulumi-bot commented 2 weeks ago

This issue has been addressed in PR #109 and shipped in release v0.2.6.

zbuchheit commented 2 weeks ago

I am still seeing this behavior in v0.2.6, I recommend we re-open this issue

zbuchheit commented 2 weeks ago

confirmed this is resolved and we can close