pulumi / pulumi-opsgenie

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OpsGenie and Sentry integration doesn't work #203

Open m1n9o opened 9 months ago

m1n9o commented 9 months ago

What happened?

The Sentry alert can not be sent to OpsGenie with the integration key created by the Pulumi code.


You can reproduce the issue with below code snippet.

sentry_integration = opsgenie.ApiIntegration("test_sentry_integration",
                                             name="Test Sentry Integration",

Output of pulumi about

Version      3.84.0
Go Version   go1.21.1
Go Compiler  gc

opsgenie  1.2.9
python    unknown

OS       darwin
Version  14.0
Arch     x86_64

This project is written in python: executable='/Users/~~~/.pyenv/shims/python3' version='3.10.6'

Current Stack: organization/integrations/dev

TYPE                                              URN
pulumi:pulumi:Stack                               urn:pulumi:dev::integrations::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::integrations-dev
pulumi:providers:opsgenie                         urn:pulumi:dev::integrations::pulumi:providers:opsgenie::default
pulumi:providers:opsgenie                         urn:pulumi:dev::integrations::pulumi:providers:opsgenie::default_1_2_9
opsgenie:index/team:Team                          urn:pulumi:dev::integrations::opsgenie:index/team:Team::team_for_integrations
opsgenie:index/apiIntegration:ApiIntegration      urn:pulumi:dev::integrations::opsgenie:index/apiIntegration:ApiIntegration::test_sentry_integration
opsgenie:index/emailIntegration:EmailIntegration  urn:pulumi:dev::integrations::opsgenie:index/emailIntegration:EmailIntegration::test_email_integration
opsgenie:index/apiIntegration:ApiIntegration      urn:pulumi:dev::integrations::opsgenie:index/apiIntegration:ApiIntegration::test_crashlytics_integration

Found no pending operations associated with dev

Name         Someone-MacBook-Pro.local
URL            file://~
User           some.one

NAME             VERSION
pip              23.2.1
pulumi-opsgenie  1.2.9
sentry-sdk       1.31.0
setuptools       68.2.2
wheel            0.41.2

Additional context

No response


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mikhailshilkov commented 9 months ago

Hi @m1n9o Could you please elaborate what "doesn't work" mean in this case? Does opsgenie.ApiIntegration fail to create? Does it not work as you expect? Thank you.

m1n9o commented 9 months ago

Sorry to the confusion, I can create Sentry integration with opsgenie.ApiIntegration successfully, and I can view the integration as well as the integration key on the console. However, the integration key seems not a valid integration key. This was the error message when I tried to send test notification. Interestingly, if you create a Sentry integration on the console manually, the integration key is invalid.

mikhailshilkov commented 9 months ago

Thank you for coming back to me.

The resource implementation looks extremely straightforward: it take the type property and passes it on to the API call: https://github.com/opsgenie/terraform-provider-opsgenie/blob/d4378be0718ba789c14cdb76888903a58c80e9be/opsgenie/resource_opsgenie_api_integration.go#L126-L140

It seems to be an issue with Opsgenie API. Do you have a way to ask for their support?

m1n9o commented 9 months ago

Thanks, I am curious who is the custodian of pulumi-opsgenie? I thought it was OpsGenie developers.

mikhailshilkov commented 9 months ago

We (Pulumi) currently take care of it. Our implementation is a fairly thin wrapper around their TF provider, which is run by OpsGenie folks.

benjaminmatthews-dev commented 1 month ago

Has this got something to do with an additional parameter on the OpsGenie API no utilised by the TF?


We had this issue with setting up API keys for our Postman Integration via API. Our solution was to use pulumi to setup the API, and then after the pulumi stack has processed, we extract the integrationId then complete a PUT request to /v2/integrations/${integration} to set allowConfigurationAccess to true.

We are using Typescript. Our solution is to set the integrationIds that require elevated privileges onto the stack, and then we use axios to do a custom request to the OpsGenie PUT endpoint as a post deployment process after the stack has deployed.

async function setConfigAccess(integration: string, apiKey: string) {
  try {
    const current = await axios.get(`https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/integrations/${integration}`, {
      headers: {
        Authorization: `GenieKey ${apiKey}`,
    if (current.data.data.allowConfigurationAccess !== true) {
      console.log(`Setting configuration access for ${integration}`);
      const dataToSend = {
        allowConfigurationAccess: true,
      await axios.put(`https://api.opsgenie.com/v2/integrations/${integration}`, dataToSend, {
        headers: {
          Authorization: `GenieKey ${apiKey}`,
      console.log(`OpsGenie Configuration access set for ${integration} (${current.data.data.name})`);
  } catch (error) {
    console.error(`Error setting configuration access for ${integration}  (${current.data.data.name})`, error);