pulumi / pulumi-policy

Pulumi's Policy as Code SDK, CrossGuard. Define infrastructure checks in code to enforce security, compliance, cost, and other practices, enforced at deployment time.
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`validateResourceOfType` doesn't work for a `Provider` resource. #323

Closed ringods closed 2 months ago

ringods commented 6 months ago

What happened?

For a customer case, I tried writing a policy that enforces the subscriptionId to be set on the Azure provider. I can make this work if I write a custom validation fucntion which checks args.type === 'pulumi:providers:azure' manually.

Using validateResourceOfType(azure.Provicer, ... ) doesn't seem to work. In the example below, only the file args-my.json gets written, not args-typed.json.


import * as fs from "fs";

import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";
import { PolicyPack, validateResourceOfType, ResourceValidationArgs, ReportViolation } from "@pulumi/policy";

function myProviderValidation(args: ResourceValidationArgs, reportViolation: ReportViolation): Promise<void> | void {
    if (args.type === 'pulumi:providers:azure') {
        const data = JSON.stringify(args);

        fs.writeFileSync('/Users/ringods/Projects/pulumi-customers/refresh-with-provider-config/policy/args-my.json', data, {
            flag: 'w',

const typedProviderValidation = validateResourceOfType(azure.Provider, (provider, args, reportViolation) => {
    const data = JSON.stringify(args);

    fs.writeFileSync('/Users/ringods/Projects/pulumi-customers/refresh-with-provider-config/policy/args-typed.json', data, {
        flag: 'w',

new PolicyPack("azure-provider-config", {
    policies: [
            name: "azure-provider-require-subscriptionid-my",
            description: "Checks that an explicit subscriptionId is configured for the stack.",
            enforcementLevel: "mandatory",
            validateResource: myProviderValidation,
            name: "azure-provider-require-subscriptionid-typed",
            description: "Checks that an explicit subscriptionId is configured for the stack.",
            enforcementLevel: "mandatory",
            validateResource: typedProviderValidation,

Output of pulumi about

pulumi about
Version      3.100.0
Go Version   go1.21.5
Go Compiler  gc

azure   5.60.0
nodejs  unknown

OS       darwin
Version  14.2
Arch     arm64

This project is written in nodejs: executable='/Users/ringods/.volta/bin/node' version='v18.15.0'

Current Stack: team-ce/refresh-with-provider-config/ringo

TYPE                                    URN
pulumi:pulumi:Stack                     urn:pulumi:ringo::refresh-with-provider-config::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::refresh-with-provider-config-ringo
pulumi:providers:azure                  urn:pulumi:ringo::refresh-with-provider-config::pulumi:providers:azure::default_5_60_0
azure:core/resourceGroup:ResourceGroup  urn:pulumi:ringo::refresh-with-provider-config::azure:core/resourceGroup:ResourceGroup::resourceGroup
azure:storage/account:Account           urn:pulumi:ringo::refresh-with-provider-config::azure:storage/account:Account::storage

Found no pending operations associated with team-ce/ringo

Name           pulumi.com
URL            https://app.pulumi.com/v-ringo-pulumi-corp
User           v-ringo-pulumi-corp
Organizations  v-ringo-pulumi-corp, team-ce, ediri, demo, pulumi
Token type     personal

NAME            VERSION
@pulumi/azure   5.60.0
@pulumi/pulumi  3.100.0
@types/node     18.19.4

Pulumi locates its logs in /var/folders/yq/10j1hf8s1ks9f23yxrdbbbb40000gn/T/ by default

Additional context

Test this with this small Azure Classic app:

import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi";
import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure";

// Create an Azure Resource Group
const resourceGroup = new azure.core.ResourceGroup("resourceGroup");

// Create an Azure resource (Storage Account)
const account = new azure.storage.Account("storage", {
    // The location for the storage account will be derived automatically from the resource group.
    resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name,
    accountTier: "Standard",
    accountReplicationType: "LRS",

// Export the connection string for the storage account
export const connectionString = account.primaryConnectionString;

Running with the local policy pack:

pulumi up -v 5 --policy-pack /Users/ringods/Projects/pulumi-customers/policy-enforce-subscriptionid


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justinvp commented 6 months ago

validateResourceOfType is implemented using this internal helper:


In generated Node.js provider SDKs, it looks like there is a difference in values for __pulumiType for Provider resources vs. regular custom resources. Providers have just have the name of the provider __pulumiType = 'azure' whereas custom resources have a full type token __pulumiType = 'azure:storage/blob:Blob'.



    /** @internal */
    public static readonly __pulumiType = 'azure';

     * Returns true if the given object is an instance of Provider.  This is designed to work even
     * when multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process.
    public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is Provider {
        if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
            return false;
        return obj['__pulumiType'] === "pulumi:providers:" + Provider.__pulumiType;

Custom Resource


    /** @internal */
    public static readonly __pulumiType = 'azure:storage/blob:Blob';

     * Returns true if the given object is an instance of Blob.  This is designed to work even
     * when multiple copies of the Pulumi SDK have been loaded into the same process.
    public static isInstance(obj: any): obj is Blob {
        if (obj === undefined || obj === null) {
            return false;
        return obj['__pulumiType'] === Blob.__pulumiType;

I'd have to double check to see if it's always been like that, but the likely fix would be to adjust the internal isTypeOf helper to strip the pulumi:providers: prefix from the type if it has that prefix.

justinvp commented 6 months ago

@ringods, actually, I can't repro this. I tried to repro with Azure classic program and policy pack, and the policy using validateResourceOfType(azure.Provider runs for me. I also added an integration test in https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-policy/pull/324 which is passing.

I see your Pulumi program is using @pulumi/azure 5.60.0. What version of @pulumi/azure is the policy pack using?

ringods commented 6 months ago

@justinvp I instantiated a new policy pack from template azure-classic-typescript and got this as the azure classic provider:

        "@pulumi/azure": "^4.0.0",


A number of the policy templates haven't had their dependencies updated in years. 😮

When I update @pulumi/azure to exactly 5.0.0, it still fails, but when bumping to 5.60.0 it works. So the type check is probably updated somewhere along the v5 releases.

justinvp commented 2 months ago

This should be fixed with https://github.com/pulumi/templates-policy/pull/27.

pulumi-bot commented 2 months ago

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