pulumi / pulumi-policy

Pulumi's Policy as Code SDK, CrossGuard. Define infrastructure checks in code to enforce security, compliance, cost, and other practices, enforced at deployment time.
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Properties added via a transform are not available in resources in a stack validation policy #340

Open jkodroff opened 3 months ago

jkodroff commented 3 months ago

What happened?

I have a transform which adds an arbitrary property to a resource. The added property is available in a resource policy, but not a stack policy:

Stack policy:

    image = {
      "type": "docker:index/image:Image",
      "props": {
        "baseImageName": "docker.io/joshkodroff/snyk-policy-good-image",
        "context": ".",
        "dockerfile": "GoodDockerfile",
        "imageName": "docker.io/joshkodroff/snyk-policy-good-image",
        "registryServer": "",
        "repoDigest": "sha256:b2f5dd30f96f5ba6841e6a6f26dc68cf4325e0e0dcdac0ec96a5044c69b0cfcb"
      "urn": "urn:pulumi:dev::demo-pulumi-policy-snyk::docker:index/image:Image::good-image",
      "name": "good-image",

Resource policy:

   args = {
      "type": "docker:index/image:Image",
      "props": {
// added properties via transform are here:
        "snyk": {
          "dockerfileAbsPath": "/Users/jkodroff/src/jkodroff/demo-pulumi-policy-snyk/infra/GoodDockerfile"


Pulumi program:

import * as docker from "@pulumi/docker";
const resolve = require('path').resolve;

const addDockerfileAbsPath = (args: any) => {
  // TODO: Could we move this function to an export in the Policy Pack if we
  // were to publish it as an npm package like compliance ready policies?
  // That way, we could do:
  // transformations: [snykPolicy.addDockerfilePath]

  if (args.props["build"]?.dockerfile === undefined) {
    // There's no path to a Dockerfile, so there's nothing to verify
    return args;

  const context = args.props["build"]?.context as string ?? ".";
  const dockerfile = args.props["build"].dockerfile as string;
  const localPath = `${context}/${dockerfile}`;
  const absPath = resolve(localPath);

  args.props["snyk"] = {};
  args.props["snyk"]["dockerfileAbsPath"] = absPath;

  return args;

new docker.Image("good-image", {
  imageName: "docker.io/joshkodroff/snyk-policy-good-image",
  buildOnPreview: true,
  build: {
    dockerfile: "GoodDockerfile",
    platform: "linux/arm64",
}, {
  transformations: [addDockerfileAbsPath]


interface SnykPolicyConfig {
    dockerfileScanning: boolean,
    excludeBaseImageVulns: boolean,
    failOn: string,
    severityThreshold: string,

const validateStack = async (args: StackValidationArgs, reportViolation: ReportViolation) => {
    const config = args.getConfig<SnykPolicyConfig>();

    const dockerImages = args.resources.filter(x => x.type === "docker:index/image:Image");
    for (const image of dockerImages) {
        await validateImage(config, image, reportViolation);

const validateImage = async (config: SnykPolicyConfig, image: PolicyResource, reportViolation: ReportViolation) => {
    console.log(`image = ${JSON.stringify(image, null, 2)}`);

const debugResource = validateResourceOfType(docker.Image, async (image, args, reportViolation) => {
    console.log(`image = ${JSON.stringify(image, null, 2)}`);
    console.log(`args = ${JSON.stringify(args, null, 2)}`);

new PolicyPack("demo-snyk", {
    policies: [{
        configSchema: {
            properties: {
                // TODO: log level (console and pass to Snyk)
                "dockerfileScanning": {
                    default: true,
                    type: "boolean",
                "excludeBaseImageVulns": {
                    default: false,
                    type: "boolean"
                "failOn": {
                    default: "all",
                    enum: ["all", "upgradable"]
                "severityThreshold": {
                    default: "critical",
                    enum: ["low", "medium", "high", "critical"]
        enforcementLevel: "mandatory",
        name: "snyk-container-scan",
        description: "Scans Docker Images with Snyk",
        validateStack: validateStack,
        name: "debug",
        description: "debug",
        validateResource: debugResource,

Output of pulumi about

Version      3.109.0
Go Version   go1.22.1
Go Compiler  gc

docker  4.5.1
nodejs  unknown

OS       darwin
Version  14.3.1
Arch     arm64

This project is written in nodejs: executable='/opt/homebrew/bin/node' version='v21.2.0'

Current Stack: jkodrofftest/demo-pulumi-policy-snyk/dev

Found no resources associated with dev

Found no pending operations associated with dev

Name           pulumi.com
URL            https://app.pulumi.com/josh-pulumi-corp
User           josh-pulumi-corp
Organizations  josh-pulumi-corp, pulumi-gitlab-demo2, jkodrofftest, zephyr, pulumi
Token type     personal

NAME            VERSION
@pulumi/docker  4.5.1
@pulumi/pulumi  3.105.0
@types/node     18.19.15

Pulumi locates its logs in /var/folders/5m/4n1x3f8151s35wc80w06z5k80000gn/T/ by default

Additional context

No response


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Frassle commented 3 months ago

Stack policies only get to see resource outputs, this would need resource inputs sent as well.

jkodroff commented 3 months ago

@Frassle Is there any reason a stack policy and a resource policy should not have the same object shape?