pulumi / pulumi-pulumiservice

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Do not dump the Environment content on error when creating a new Environment #384

Closed aureq closed 1 month ago

aureq commented 1 month ago

What happened?

When creating a new ESC Environment using this provider, but submitting an incorrect input as part of the yaml argument, when applying the change, the Pulumi CLI errors ✔. However, when it errors it dumps the Environment content (as passed to the code) to the console ❌.

This is especially problematic because secrets present would be exposed on the user's terminal or in a CI/CD log.



"""A Python Pulumi program"""

import yaml
import pulumi
import pulumi_pulumiservice as pulumiservice

environment = pulumiservice.Environment("test-environment",
    yaml = pulumi.Output.all(pulumi.Output.secret('DWedwije87dcweijdjj78e6ytgh')).apply(lambda args:
                "apiKey": args[0]

Output of pulumi about

Version      3.129.0
Go Version   go1.22.6
Go Compiler  gc

KIND      NAME           VERSION
resource  pulumiservice  0.23.1
language  python         unknown

OS       debian
Version  12.6
Arch     x86_64

This project is written in python: executable='/home/aureq/work/customers/zendesk/5662/venv/bin/python' version='3.11.9'

Current Stack: menfin/zendesk/5662

TYPE                            URN
pulumi:pulumi:Stack             urn:pulumi:5662::zendesk::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::zendesk-5662
pulumi:providers:pulumiservice  urn:pulumi:5662::zendesk::pulumi:providers:pulumiservice::default_0_23_1

Found no pending operations associated with 5662

Name           pulumi.com
URL            https://app.pulumi.com/aureq
User           aureq
Organizations  aureq, team-ce, menfin, menfin-team, demo
Token type     personal

NAME                  VERSION
pip                   24.2
pulumi-pulumiservice  0.23.1
setuptools            72.2.0
wheel                 0.44.0

Pulumi locates its logs in /tmp by default

Additional context

No response


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IaroslavTitov commented 1 month ago

Thank you for filing this issue!

I was wondering about the same thing awhile ago, and filed this issue

It looks like if the secret value is not in config but made secret runtime, it will not be covered up on output.

Could you try this with a secret value in config instead?

aureq commented 1 month ago

@IaroslavTitov Could you explain what you would like me to try?

IaroslavTitov commented 1 month ago

@IaroslavTitov Could you explain what you would like me to try?

Instead of using pulumi.Output.secret(), add the secret value into config using pulumi config set --secret, then use it using .requireSecret According to Justin's reply in that issue, this way it will be covered up. If I understand his response correctly, the behaviour in this bug is by design

aureq commented 1 month ago

@IaroslavTitov @justinvp While this may be "by design", in some situation I don't think this is desired at all. For example, if I use the TLS provider to generate a private key and then inject that key into ESC, then if an error occurs, 1) the private key is displayed on the terminal and 2) the private key (because it was successfully created as a resource) remains unchanged for the following run.

And since the private key has been revealed (and stored in Pulumi logs, and potentially in CI/CD logs), rotation is now required but cannot be done directly at a code level.

"""A Python Pulumi program"""

import yaml
import pulumi
import pulumi_pulumiservice as pulumiservice
import pulumi_tls as tls

private_key = tls.PrivateKey("test-key", algorithm="ECDSA", ecdsa_curve="P384")

environment = pulumiservice.Environment("test-environment",
    yaml = pulumi.Output.all(
        private_key.private_key_pem).apply(lambda args:
                'codeSecret': {
                    'fn::secret': args[0]
                'privateKey': {
                    'fn::secret': args[1]

@komalali The output is like this
