pulumi / pulumi-snowflake

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Invalid value for warehouse parameter maxConcurrencyLevel #673

Closed anitalySuper closed 1 month ago

anitalySuper commented 1 month ago

Describe what happened

Updated to pulumi-snowflake v.0.56.0. Per the migration guide, I added in the value of 8 for maxConcurrencyLevel for every warehouse (this was previously not directly set in Pulumi as each warehouse would take on the default value of 8). Note, I was just specifying the default value and did not change the value.

When running pulumi up, I get a series of errors:

error: 1 error occurred:
    * updating urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::kafka-warehouse--warehouse--object: 1 error occurred:
    * 001008 (22023): SQL compilation error:
invalid value [0] for parameter 'MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL'


error: 1 error occurred:
    * updating urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::analyst-warehouse--warehouse--object: 1 error occurred:
    * giving up after 3 attempts

Sample program

This is the corresponding yaml:

    type: snowflake:Warehouse
      autoResume: true
      autoSuspend: 60
      maxClusterCount: 2
      minClusterCount: 1
      resourceMonitor: null
      scalingPolicy: STANDARD
      warehouseSize: XSMALL
      maxConcurrencyLevel: 8
    type: snowflake:Warehouse
      autoResume: true
      autoSuspend: 60
      maxClusterCount: 4
      minClusterCount: 1
      resourceMonitor: null
      scalingPolicy: STANDARD
      statementTimeoutInSeconds: 3600
      warehouseSize: XSMALL
      maxConcurrencyLevel: 8

Below is the corresponding state after running pulumi up:

                    "urn": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::kafka-warehouse--warehouse--object",
                    "custom": true,
                    "id": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                    "type": "snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse",
                    "inputs": {
                        "__defaults": [
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "default",
                        "maxClusterCount": 2,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL"
                    "outputs": {
                        "__meta": "{\"schema_version\":\"1\"}",
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "default",
                        "id": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "maxClusterCount": 2,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "parameters": [
                                "maxConcurrencyLevels": [
                                        "default": "8",
                                        "description": "Maximum number of SQL statements a warehouse cluster can execute concurrently before queuing them. Small SQL statements count as a fraction of 1.",
                                        "key": "MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "8"
                                "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "0",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for queued statements: statements will automatically be canceled if they are queued on a warehouse for longer than this amount of time; disabled if set to zero.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_QUEUED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "0"
                                "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "172800",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for statements: statements are automatically canceled if they run for longer; if set to zero, max value (604800) is enforced.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "172800"
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "resourceMonitor": "null",
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "showOutputs": [
                                "autoResume": true,
                                "autoSuspend": 60,
                                "available": 0,
                                "comment": "",
                                "createdOn": "2021-09-01 14:04:25.163 +0000 UTC",
                                "enableQueryAcceleration": false,
                                "isCurrent": false,
                                "isDefault": false,
                                "maxClusterCount": 2,
                                "minClusterCount": 1,
                                "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                                "other": 0,
                                "owner": "ACCOUNTADMIN",
                                "ownerRoleType": "ROLE",
                                "provisioning": 0,
                                "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                                "queued": 0,
                                "quiescing": 0,
                                "resourceMonitor": "",
                                "resumedOn": "2022-11-14 19:58:23.937 +0000 UTC",
                                "running": 0,
                                "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                                "size": "XSMALL",
                                "startedClusters": 0,
                                "state": "SUSPENDED",
                                "type": "STANDARD",
                                "updatedOn": "2024-07-22 19:57:54.984 +0000 UTC"
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 172800,
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": ""
                    "parent": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::snowflake-warehouses-prod",
                    "initErrors": [
                        "updating urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::kafka-warehouse--warehouse--object: 1 error occurred:\n\t* 001008 (22023): SQL compilation error:\ninvalid value [0] for parameter 'MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL'\n\n"
                    "provider": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:providers:snowflake::default::38fad7dd-c35e-45c1-b54a-6a703bae095b",
                    "propertyDependencies": {
                        "autoResume": [],
                        "autoSuspend": [],
                        "maxClusterCount": [],
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": [],
                        "minClusterCount": [],
                        "name": [],
                        "scalingPolicy": [],
                        "warehouseSize": []
                    "created": "2024-03-22T19:19:02.066689238Z",
                    "modified": "2024-07-24T15:49:18.664968524Z"
                    "urn": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::analyst-warehouse--warehouse--object",
                    "custom": true,
                    "id": "ANALYST_WAREHOUSE",
                    "type": "snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse",
                    "inputs": {
                        "__defaults": [
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "false",
                        "maxClusterCount": 4,
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": 8,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "ANALYST_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 3600,
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": "STANDARD"
                    "outputs": {
                        "__meta": "{\"schema_version\":\"1\"}",
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "default",
                        "id": "ANALYST_WAREHOUSE",
                        "maxClusterCount": 4,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "ANALYST_WAREHOUSE",
                        "parameters": [
                                "maxConcurrencyLevels": [
                                        "default": "8",
                                        "description": "Maximum number of SQL statements a warehouse cluster can execute concurrently before queuing them. Small SQL statements count as a fraction of 1.",
                                        "key": "MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "8"
                                "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "0",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for queued statements: statements will automatically be canceled if they are queued on a warehouse for longer than this amount of time; disabled if set to zero.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_QUEUED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "0"
                                "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "172800",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for statements: statements are automatically canceled if they run for longer; if set to zero, max value (604800) is enforced.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "WAREHOUSE",
                                        "value": "3600"
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "resourceMonitor": "null",
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 3600,
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": ""
                    "parent": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::snowflake-warehouses-prod",
                    "initErrors": [
                        "updating urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::analyst-warehouse--warehouse--object: 1 error occurred:\n\t* giving up after 3 attempts\n\n"
                    "provider": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:providers:snowflake::default::38fad7dd-c35e-45c1-b54a-6a703bae095b",
                    "propertyDependencies": {
                        "autoResume": [],
                        "autoSuspend": [],
                        "maxClusterCount": [],
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": [],
                        "minClusterCount": [],
                        "name": [],
                        "scalingPolicy": [],
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "warehouseSize": []
                    "created": "2024-03-22T19:19:02.188742734Z",
                    "modified": "2024-07-24T15:49:18.50073172Z"

Log output

No response

Affected Resource(s)


Output of pulumi about

Version      3.111.1
Go Version   go1.22.1
Go Compiler  gc

OS       debian
Version  11.9
Arch     x86_64

Name           pulumi.com
URL            https://app.pulumi.com
User           Unknown
Token type     personal

Additional context

No response


Vote on this issue by adding a 👍 reaction. To contribute a fix for this issue, leave a comment (and link to your pull request, if you've opened one already).

guineveresaenger commented 1 month ago

Hi @anitalySuper, thank you for reporting this bug. We're sorry that this happened.

I'm unfortunately unable to reproduce this behavior exactly; our test account is not of a high enough tier to allow for multi-cluster warehouses.

I did do the following:

Run pulumi up with the following YAML file:

`name: snowflake-673
runtime: yaml
description: A minimal Pulumi YAML program
config: {'pulumi:tags': {value: {'pulumi:template': yaml}}}
    type: snowflake:Warehouse
      autoResume: true
      autoSuspend: 60
      resourceMonitor: null
      warehouseSize: XSMALL
      enableQueryAcceleration: false
      version: 0.55.0

Relevant section of stack file:

 "inputs": {
                    "__defaults": [
                    "autoResume": true,
                    "autoSuspend": 60,
                    "comment": "",
                    "enableQueryAcceleration": false,
                    "maxConcurrencyLevel": 8,
                    "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                    "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                    "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
                    "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 172800,
                    "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                    "warehouseType": "STANDARD"

Update the version field to 0.56.0 and explicitly set `maxConcurrencyLevel:

name: snowflake-673
runtime: yaml
description: A minimal Pulumi YAML program
    type: snowflake:Warehouse
      autoResume: true
      autoSuspend: 60
      resourceMonitor: null
      warehouseSize: XSMALL
      maxConcurrencyLevel: 8
      enableQueryAcceleration: false # I cannot set this to true due to now having an Enterprise subscription
      version: 0.56.0

The upgrade succeds for me. Relevant stack.json output:

 "parameters": [
                            "maxConcurrencyLevels": [
                                    "default": "8",
                                    "description": "Maximum number of SQL statements a warehouse cluster can execute concurrently before queuing them. Small SQL statements count as a fraction of 1.",
                                    "key": "MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL",
                                    "level": "WAREHOUSE",
                                    "value": "8"
                            "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                    "default": "0",
                                    "description": "Timeout in seconds for queued statements: statements will automatically be canceled if they are queued on a warehouse for longer than this amount of time; disabled if set to zero.",
                                    "key": "STATEMENT_QUEUED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                    "level": "WAREHOUSE",
                                    "value": "0"
                            "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                    "default": "172800",
                                    "description": "Timeout in seconds for statements: statements are automatically canceled if they run for longer; if set to zero, max value (604800) is enforced.",
                                    "key": "STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                    "level": "",
                                    "value": "172800"
                    "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,

My best guess is that there's something about the additional parameters that you're setting for your multi-cluster warehouses are not playing well together.

One thing you could try is set `"enableQueryAcceleration": "true", or try tweaking some of the other affected defaults changes.

Please let us know how it goes!

anitalySuper commented 1 month ago

Hi @guineveresaenger thanks for testing this.

As part of the migration to v0.56.0, I have set the other default values as specified and I'm still getting this error.

I've looked into a historical checkpoint file before the migration; this is what the state looks like:

                    "urn": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::kafka-warehouse--warehouse--object",
                    "custom": true,
                    "id": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                    "type": "snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse",
                    "inputs": {
                        "__defaults": [
                        "autoResume": true,
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": false,
                        "maxClusterCount": 2,
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": 8,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 172800,
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": "STANDARD"
                    "outputs": {
                        "autoResume": true,
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": false,
                        "id": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "maxClusterCount": 2,
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": 8,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "resourceMonitor": "null",
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 172800,
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": "STANDARD"
                    "parent": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::snowflake-warehouses-prod",
                    "provider": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:providers:snowflake::default::38fad7dd-c35e-45c1-b54a-6a703bae095b",
                    "propertyDependencies": {
                        "autoResume": [],
                        "autoSuspend": [],
                        "maxClusterCount": [],
                        "minClusterCount": [],
                        "name": [],
                        "scalingPolicy": [],
                        "warehouseSize": []
                    "created": "2024-03-22T19:19:02.066689238Z",
                    "modified": "2024-04-03T03:13:03.519544689Z"

The parameters (including the min/max cluster counts) haven't changed in between, so I'm not sure why there would be incompatibility between versions of pulumi-snowflake.

I have separate warehouse where I already set `"enableQueryAcceleration": "true". Here's the latest state (reporting the invalid MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL error under initErrors):

                    "urn": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::reporting-warehouse--warehouse--object",
                    "custom": true,
                    "id": "REPORTING_WAREHOUSE",
                    "type": "snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse",
                    "inputs": {
                        "__defaults": [],
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "true",
                        "maxClusterCount": 6,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "REPORTING_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 5,
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "warehouseSize": "LARGE"
                    "outputs": {
                        "__meta": "{\"schema_version\":\"1\"}",
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "true",
                        "id": "REPORTING_WAREHOUSE",
                        "maxClusterCount": 6,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "REPORTING_WAREHOUSE",
                        "parameters": [
                                "maxConcurrencyLevels": [
                                        "default": "8",
                                        "description": "Maximum number of SQL statements a warehouse cluster can execute concurrently before queuing them. Small SQL statements count as a fraction of 1.",
                                        "key": "MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "8"
                                "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "0",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for queued statements: statements will automatically be canceled if they are queued on a warehouse for longer than this amount of time; disabled if set to zero.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_QUEUED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "0"
                                "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "172800",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for statements: statements are automatically canceled if they run for longer; if set to zero, max value (604800) is enforced.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "172800"
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 5,
                        "resourceMonitor": "null",
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "warehouseSize": "LARGE",
                        "warehouseType": ""
                    "parent": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::snowflake-warehouses-prod",
                    "initErrors": [
                        "updating urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::reporting-warehouse--warehouse--object: 1 error occurred:\n\t* 001008 (22023): SQL compilation error:\ninvalid value [0] for parameter 'MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL'\n\n"
                    "provider": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:providers:snowflake::default::38fad7dd-c35e-45c1-b54a-6a703bae095b",
                    "propertyDependencies": {
                        "autoResume": [],
                        "autoSuspend": [],
                        "comment": [],
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": [],
                        "maxClusterCount": [],
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": [],
                        "minClusterCount": [],
                        "name": [],
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": [],
                        "scalingPolicy": [],
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "warehouseSize": [],
                        "warehouseType": []
                    "created": "2024-03-22T19:19:01.676779748Z",
                    "modified": "2024-07-25T18:26:56.158716445Z"

When I check snowflake's query history to see what the ALTER WAREHOUSE statement is, I get the following: ALTER WAREHOUSE "REPORTING_WAREHOUSE" SET MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL = 0

So for some reason, Pulumi is not picking up the stated value of 8 in the yaml file. Any thoughts?

anitalySuper commented 1 month ago

One thing that looks off between my state output for parameters vs yours, is the the level value is blank in mine but is set to WAREHOUSE for yours.

"maxConcurrencyLevels": [
                                        "default": "8",
                                        "description": "Maximum number of SQL statements a warehouse cluster can execute concurrently before queuing them. Small SQL statements count as a fraction of 1.",
                                        "key": "MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "8"

Why is that and does it matter?

guineveresaenger commented 1 month ago

One thing that looks off between my state output for parameters vs yours, is the the level value is blank in mine but is set to WAREHOUSE for yours.

That is not the case for your initial example - it is also WAREHOUSE, so I don't think that's necessarily related, although the docs state that this parameter is set on Warehouse

I have separate warehouse where I already set `"enableQueryAcceleration": "true". Here's the latest state (reporting the invalid MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL error under initErrors):

I think it would help here if we'd stick to one single minimal reproduction to avoid confusion - it's hard to look at a stack file but not see the corresponding program, and I can't tell if all newly explicit fields are set.

In your first example, it looks like you have two remaining default inputs in your stack state after the update:

"__defaults": [



 "__defaults": [


This does seem as though there's a few of the formerly-default, now-explicit parameters missing from your updated resource file for both Warehouses.

Could you try to set all of these defaults explicitly and try your upgrade again?

anitalySuper commented 1 month ago

Hi @guineveresaenger, I have set all the remaining default values. Here they are:

    type: snowflake:Warehouse
      autoResume: true
      autoSuspend: 60
      comment: ""
      maxClusterCount: 2
      minClusterCount: 1
      resourceMonitor: null
      scalingPolicy: STANDARD
      statementTimeoutInSeconds: 172800
      statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds: 0
      warehouseSize: XSMALL
      warehouseType: STANDARD
      enableQueryAcceleration: false
      queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor: 8
      maxConcurrencyLevel: 8
    type: snowflake:Warehouse
      autoResume: true
      autoSuspend: 60
      comment: ""
      maxClusterCount: 4
      minClusterCount: 1
      resourceMonitor: null
      scalingPolicy: STANDARD
      statementTimeoutInSeconds: 3600
      statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds: 0
      warehouseSize: XSMALL
      warehouseType: STANDARD
      enableQueryAcceleration: false
      queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor: 8
      maxConcurrencyLevel: 8
    type: snowflake:Warehouse
      autoResume: true
      autoSuspend: 60
      comment: ""
      maxClusterCount: 6
      minClusterCount: 1
      resourceMonitor: null
      scalingPolicy: STANDARD
      statementTimeoutInSeconds: 172800
      statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds: 0
      warehouseSize: LARGE
      warehouseType: STANDARD
      enableQueryAcceleration: true
      queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor: 5
      maxConcurrencyLevel: 8

Here's their state:

                    "urn": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::kafka-warehouse--warehouse--object",
                    "custom": true,
                    "id": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                    "type": "snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse",
                    "inputs": {
                        "__defaults": [
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "default",
                        "maxClusterCount": 2,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL"
                    "outputs": {
                        "__meta": "{\"schema_version\":\"1\"}",
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "default",
                        "id": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "maxClusterCount": 2,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "parameters": [
                                "maxConcurrencyLevels": [
                                        "default": "8",
                                        "description": "Maximum number of SQL statements a warehouse cluster can execute concurrently before queuing them. Small SQL statements count as a fraction of 1.",
                                        "key": "MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "8"
                                "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "0",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for queued statements: statements will automatically be canceled if they are queued on a warehouse for longer than this amount of time; disabled if set to zero.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_QUEUED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "0"
                                "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "172800",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for statements: statements are automatically canceled if they run for longer; if set to zero, max value (604800) is enforced.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "172800"
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "resourceMonitor": "null",
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": ""
                    "parent": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::snowflake-warehouses-prod",
                    "initErrors": [
                        "updating urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::kafka-warehouse--warehouse--object: 1 error occurred:\n\t* 001008 (22023): SQL compilation error:\ninvalid value [0] for parameter 'MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL'\n\n"
                    "provider": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:providers:snowflake::default::38fad7dd-c35e-45c1-b54a-6a703bae095b",
                    "propertyDependencies": {
                        "autoResume": [],
                        "autoSuspend": [],
                        "comment": [],
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": [],
                        "maxClusterCount": [],
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": [],
                        "minClusterCount": [],
                        "name": [],
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": [],
                        "scalingPolicy": [],
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "warehouseSize": [],
                        "warehouseType": []
                    "created": "2024-03-22T19:19:02.066689238Z",
                    "modified": "2024-07-25T20:30:32.089184757Z"
                    "urn": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::analyst-warehouse--warehouse--object",
                    "custom": true,
                    "id": "ANALYST_WAREHOUSE",
                    "type": "snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse",
                    "inputs": {
                        "__defaults": [
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "false",
                        "maxClusterCount": 4,
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": 8,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "ANALYST_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 3600,
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": "STANDARD"
                    "outputs": {
                        "__meta": "{\"schema_version\":\"1\"}",
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "false",
                        "id": "ANALYST_WAREHOUSE",
                        "maxClusterCount": 4,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "ANALYST_WAREHOUSE",
                        "parameters": [
                                "maxConcurrencyLevels": [
                                        "default": "8",
                                        "description": "Maximum number of SQL statements a warehouse cluster can execute concurrently before queuing them. Small SQL statements count as a fraction of 1.",
                                        "key": "MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "8"
                                "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "0",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for queued statements: statements will automatically be canceled if they are queued on a warehouse for longer than this amount of time; disabled if set to zero.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_QUEUED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "0"
                                "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "172800",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for statements: statements are automatically canceled if they run for longer; if set to zero, max value (604800) is enforced.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "WAREHOUSE",
                                        "value": "3600"
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "resourceMonitor": "null",
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "showOutputs": [
                                "autoResume": true,
                                "autoSuspend": 60,
                                "available": 0,
                                "comment": "",
                                "createdOn": "2019-08-26 22:20:15.862 +0000 UTC",
                                "enableQueryAcceleration": false,
                                "isCurrent": true,
                                "isDefault": false,
                                "maxClusterCount": 4,
                                "minClusterCount": 1,
                                "name": "ANALYST_WAREHOUSE",
                                "other": 0,
                                "owner": "ACCOUNTADMIN",
                                "ownerRoleType": "ROLE",
                                "provisioning": 0,
                                "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                                "queued": 0,
                                "quiescing": 0,
                                "resourceMonitor": "",
                                "resumedOn": "2024-07-25 20:25:17.693 +0000 UTC",
                                "running": 15,
                                "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                                "size": "XSMALL",
                                "startedClusters": 1,
                                "state": "STARTED",
                                "type": "STANDARD",
                                "updatedOn": "2024-07-25 20:25:17.693 +0000 UTC"
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 3600,
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": "STANDARD"
                    "parent": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::snowflake-warehouses-prod",
                    "initErrors": [
                        "updating urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::analyst-warehouse--warehouse--object: 1 error occurred:\n\t* 001008 (22023): SQL compilation error:\ninvalid value [0] for parameter 'MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL'\n\n"
                    "provider": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:providers:snowflake::default::38fad7dd-c35e-45c1-b54a-6a703bae095b",
                    "propertyDependencies": {
                        "autoResume": [],
                        "autoSuspend": [],
                        "comment": [],
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": [],
                        "maxClusterCount": [],
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": [],
                        "minClusterCount": [],
                        "name": [],
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": [],
                        "scalingPolicy": [],
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "warehouseSize": [],
                        "warehouseType": []
                    "created": "2024-03-22T19:19:02.188742734Z",
                    "modified": "2024-07-25T20:30:28.822337006Z"
                    "urn": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::reporting-warehouse--warehouse--object",
                    "custom": true,
                    "id": "REPORTING_WAREHOUSE",
                    "type": "snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse",
                    "inputs": {
                        "__defaults": [],
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "true",
                        "maxClusterCount": 6,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "REPORTING_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 5,
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "warehouseSize": "LARGE"
                    "outputs": {
                        "__meta": "{\"schema_version\":\"1\"}",
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "true",
                        "id": "REPORTING_WAREHOUSE",
                        "maxClusterCount": 6,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "REPORTING_WAREHOUSE",
                        "parameters": [
                                "maxConcurrencyLevels": [
                                        "default": "8",
                                        "description": "Maximum number of SQL statements a warehouse cluster can execute concurrently before queuing them. Small SQL statements count as a fraction of 1.",
                                        "key": "MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "8"
                                "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "0",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for queued statements: statements will automatically be canceled if they are queued on a warehouse for longer than this amount of time; disabled if set to zero.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_QUEUED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "0"
                                "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "172800",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for statements: statements are automatically canceled if they run for longer; if set to zero, max value (604800) is enforced.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "172800"
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 5,
                        "resourceMonitor": "null",
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "warehouseSize": "LARGE",
                        "warehouseType": ""
                    "parent": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::snowflake-warehouses-prod",
                    "initErrors": [
                        "updating urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::reporting-warehouse--warehouse--object: 1 error occurred:\n\t* 001008 (22023): SQL compilation error:\ninvalid value [0] for parameter 'MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL'\n\n"
                    "provider": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:providers:snowflake::default::38fad7dd-c35e-45c1-b54a-6a703bae095b",
                    "propertyDependencies": {
                        "autoResume": [],
                        "autoSuspend": [],
                        "comment": [],
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": [],
                        "maxClusterCount": [],
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": [],
                        "minClusterCount": [],
                        "name": [],
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": [],
                        "scalingPolicy": [],
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "warehouseSize": [],
                        "warehouseType": []
                    "created": "2024-03-22T19:19:01.676779748Z",
                    "modified": "2024-07-25T20:30:34.845286563Z"
guineveresaenger commented 1 month ago

Hi @anitalySuper, thank you for your reply.

We're looking into whether there's something odd going on with the way we update defaults in the stack state.

In the meantime, it would be awesome if you could do the following for us:

Try to retrace your update if you can:

  1. Set export PULUMI_DEBUG_GRPC=logs.jsonl in your terminal (this will log the GRPC calls to a file called logs.jsonl
  2. When you run pulumi up, can you additionally get logs: pulumi up --logtostderr --logflow -v=10

While doing so, can you capture the following (I apologize- I know I've asked this before; I'm trying to pinpoint exactly where things went wrong):

  1. The code for KAFKA_WAREHOUSE before the update, meaning on v0.55.0
  2. The state file for KAFKA_WAREHOUSE at the old version (v0.55.0)
  3. The updated KAFKA_WAREHOUSE code with defaults set explicitly, now on v0.56.0
  4. The state file for KAFKA_WAREHOUSE at the new version (v0.56.0)

Thank you very much for your patience! 🙏

anitalySuper commented 1 month ago

Hi @guineveresaenger,

First, I had to revert the state file to a previous checkpoint to downgrade from v0.56.0.

Here's the yaml for KAFKA_WAREHOUSE for v0.55.0 (note that I left out the default values that v0.56.0 requires):

    type: snowflake:Warehouse
      autoResume: true
      autoSuspend: 60
      maxClusterCount: 2
      minClusterCount: 1
      resourceMonitor: null
      scalingPolicy: STANDARD
      warehouseSize: XSMALL

I ran this command: pulumi up --logtostderr --logflow -v=10 --target urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::kafka-warehouse--warehouse--object

Here are the logs (github wouldn't let me upload a jsonl file): logs-old.json

Here's the full state file: prod-old.json

The state file section specific to KAFKA_WAREHOUSE:

                    "urn": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::kafka-warehouse--warehouse--object",
                    "custom": true,
                    "id": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                    "type": "snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse",
                    "inputs": {
                        "__defaults": [
                        "autoResume": true,
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": false,
                        "maxClusterCount": 2,
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": 8,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 172800,
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": "STANDARD"
                    "outputs": {
                        "autoResume": true,
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": false,
                        "id": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "maxClusterCount": 2,
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": 8,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "resourceMonitor": "null",
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 172800,
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": "STANDARD"
                    "parent": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::snowflake-warehouses-prod",
                    "provider": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:providers:snowflake::default::38fad7dd-c35e-45c1-b54a-6a703bae095b",
                    "propertyDependencies": {
                        "autoResume": [],
                        "autoSuspend": [],
                        "maxClusterCount": [],
                        "minClusterCount": [],
                        "name": [],
                        "scalingPolicy": [],
                        "warehouseSize": []
                    "created": "2024-03-22T19:19:02.066689238Z",
                    "modified": "2024-04-03T03:13:03.519544689Z"

Here's the yaml for KAFKA_WAREHOUSE for v0.56.0 (note I have now added in the default values):

    type: snowflake:Warehouse
      autoResume: true
      autoSuspend: 60
      comment: ""
      maxClusterCount: 2
      minClusterCount: 1
      resourceMonitor: null
      scalingPolicy: STANDARD
      statementTimeoutInSeconds: 172800
      statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds: 0
      warehouseSize: XSMALL
      warehouseType: STANDARD
      enableQueryAcceleration: false
      queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor: 8
      maxConcurrencyLevel: 8

Here are the logs: logs-new.json

Here's the full state file: prod-new.json

The state file section specific to KAFKA_WAREHOUSE:

                    "urn": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::kafka-warehouse--warehouse--object",
                    "custom": true,
                    "id": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                    "type": "snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse",
                    "inputs": {
                        "__defaults": [
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "false",
                        "maxClusterCount": 2,
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": 8,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": 0,
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": 172800,
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": "STANDARD"
                    "outputs": {
                        "__meta": "{\"schema_version\":\"1\"}",
                        "autoResume": "true",
                        "autoSuspend": 60,
                        "comment": "",
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": "false",
                        "id": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "maxClusterCount": 2,
                        "minClusterCount": 1,
                        "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                        "parameters": [
                                "maxConcurrencyLevels": [
                                        "default": "8",
                                        "description": "Maximum number of SQL statements a warehouse cluster can execute concurrently before queuing them. Small SQL statements count as a fraction of 1.",
                                        "key": "MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "8"
                                "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "0",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for queued statements: statements will automatically be canceled if they are queued on a warehouse for longer than this amount of time; disabled if set to zero.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_QUEUED_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "0"
                                "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [
                                        "default": "172800",
                                        "description": "Timeout in seconds for statements: statements are automatically canceled if they run for longer; if set to zero, max value (604800) is enforced.",
                                        "key": "STATEMENT_TIMEOUT_IN_SECONDS",
                                        "level": "",
                                        "value": "172800"
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                        "resourceMonitor": "null",
                        "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                        "showOutputs": [
                                "autoResume": true,
                                "autoSuspend": 60,
                                "available": 0,
                                "comment": "",
                                "createdOn": "2021-09-01 14:04:25.163 +0000 UTC",
                                "enableQueryAcceleration": false,
                                "isCurrent": false,
                                "isDefault": false,
                                "maxClusterCount": 2,
                                "minClusterCount": 1,
                                "name": "KAFKA_WAREHOUSE",
                                "other": 0,
                                "owner": "ACCOUNTADMIN",
                                "ownerRoleType": "ROLE",
                                "provisioning": 0,
                                "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": 8,
                                "queued": 0,
                                "quiescing": 0,
                                "resourceMonitor": "",
                                "resumedOn": "2022-11-14 19:58:23.937 +0000 UTC",
                                "running": 0,
                                "scalingPolicy": "STANDARD",
                                "size": "XSMALL",
                                "startedClusters": 0,
                                "state": "SUSPENDED",
                                "type": "STANDARD",
                                "updatedOn": "2024-07-22 19:57:54.984 +0000 UTC"
                        "warehouseSize": "XSMALL",
                        "warehouseType": "STANDARD"
                    "parent": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:pulumi:Stack::snowflake-warehouses-prod",
                    "initErrors": [
                        "updating urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::kafka-warehouse--warehouse--object: 1 error occurred:\n\t* 001008 (22023): SQL compilation error:\ninvalid value [0] for parameter 'MAX_CONCURRENCY_LEVEL'\n\n"
                    "provider": "urn:pulumi:prod::snowflake-warehouses::pulumi:providers:snowflake::default::38fad7dd-c35e-45c1-b54a-6a703bae095b",
                    "propertyDependencies": {
                        "autoResume": [],
                        "autoSuspend": [],
                        "comment": [],
                        "enableQueryAcceleration": [],
                        "maxClusterCount": [],
                        "maxConcurrencyLevel": [],
                        "minClusterCount": [],
                        "name": [],
                        "queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor": [],
                        "scalingPolicy": [],
                        "statementQueuedTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "statementTimeoutInSeconds": [],
                        "warehouseSize": [],
                        "warehouseType": []
                    "created": "2024-03-22T19:19:02.066689238Z",
                    "modified": "2024-07-30T04:10:27.869052546Z"
VenelinMartinov commented 1 month ago

Hey @anitalySuper, thanks for providing the logs.

I've reproduced an issue, which I believe is the same as yours module account differences - our account does not have some enterprise features enabled.


name: snowflake_673_repro
runtime: yaml
        type: pulumi:providers:snowflake
        defaultProvider: true
            version: 0.55.0
        type: snowflake:Warehouse
            autoResume: true
            autoSuspend: 60
            resourceMonitor: null
            warehouseSize: XSMALL

provision the above warehouse. Then change the program to, without any intermediate updates!

name: snowflake_673_repro
runtime: yaml
        type: pulumi:providers:snowflake
        defaultProvider: true
            version: 0.56.0
        type: snowflake:Warehouse
            autoResume: true
            autoSuspend: 60
            resourceMonitor: null
            warehouseSize: XSMALL
            maxConcurrencyLevel: 8
            enableQueryAcceleration: false
            queryAccelerationMaxScaleFactor: 0

Run pulumi up and observe:

    error: 1 error occurred:
        * updating urn:pulumi:dev::snowflake_673_repro::snowflake:index/warehouse:Warehouse::db: 1 error occurred:
        * 001423 (22023): SQL compilation error:
    invalid property 'QUERY_ACCELERATION_MAX_SCALE_FACTOR'; feature 'Query Acceleration Service' not enabled

Note that this should not happen as we've specified enableQueryAcceleration: false but it seems to get the old value from state.

The workaround here is to either run pulumi up again - that seems to succeed for me.

Another workaround is to specify PULUMI_ENABLE_PLAN_RESOURCE_CHANGE=1 when running pulumi up. This enables a feature which more faithfully represents the underlying TF provider to the pulumi engine. That also seems to get around the issue.

I'll open a PR to enable this by default.