pulumi / pulumi-std

Standard library functions implemented as a native Pulumi provider to be consumed from all Pulumi supported languages
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[sdk/nodejs] Copy plugin install script to bin dir #27

Closed justinvp closed 1 year ago

justinvp commented 1 year ago

There is an issue with the way the install-pulumi-plugin.js file is generated in the Node.js SDK. It's emitted as a .js file and not listed in tsconfig.json, so it doesn't get copied over to the bin directory automatically during build. Other providers have some pre-publish scripts that injects another copy of install-pulumi-plugin.js in the bin directory before packaging and publishing, which masked this underlying issue.

Until we've fixed the underlying issue, or gotten rid of this install script altogether, the simplest short-term fix is to simply update the Makefile to copy the file over to the bin directory as part of the build.

Fixes #26