pulumiverse / infra

IaC for all infrastructure required by Pulumiverse
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Ability to publish Java SDKs #44

Open ringods opened 1 year ago

ringods commented 1 year ago

We should investigate what is needed to publish the Java SDKs of all the providers under the Pulumiverse umbrella.

ringods commented 1 year ago

Info from @dirien:

ringods commented 1 year ago

Request for a repository at Maven Central:


ringods commented 1 year ago

@cobraz to publish Java SDKs to Maven Central with com.pulumiverse we must:

To register this Group Id you must prove ownership of the domain pulumiverse.com. Please complete the following steps to continue:

Add a DNS TXT record to your domain with the text: OSSRH-86096. Please read https://central.sonatype.org/faq/how-to-set-txt-record/ Edit this ticket and set Status to Open.

More info: https://central.sonatype.org/publish/

Can you execute this on a short term?

simenandre commented 1 year ago

Record is added! Can you change the status to open on the ticket?

ringods commented 1 year ago

@cobraz tnx. Sonatype ticket is set to open.

muhlba91 commented 1 year ago

is there already any update?

afaik, we‘d require the publish username and password secrets, and signing certificate and password set as github actions secrets in this org. e.g. see the gcp provider action: https://github.com/pulumi/pulumi-gcp/blob/master/.github/workflows/release.yml

ringods commented 1 year ago

I still need to finish the setup of the upstream Sonatype registry. But our Github Actions workflows in general have a lot of inconsistencies over all the current providers. I would like to have some more generalization there so that adding Java publishing becomes much easier.

ringods commented 1 month ago

Support to publish Java packages is dependent on this upstream issue:


Please upvote as much as possible if you need Java support.