pulviscriptor / agario-client

Node.js agar.io client implementation
MIT License
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Google+ Implemention #64

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Could you implement google+ as well?

pulviscriptor commented 8 years ago

google+ auth codes is supported by the code. You can do client.auth_provider = 2; to switch key type to google. But how to generate google auth key i do not know. You can investigate it yourself, i'm little busy for that.

2016-01-23 1:21 GMT+02:00 Zephyr Vi Britannia notifications@github.com:

Could you implement google+ as well?

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/pulviscriptor/agario-client/issues/64.

AmazingGamerBoy commented 8 years ago

Pulviscriptor please find a way to implement google+!

ghost commented 8 years ago

@pulviscriptor I have already attempted by looking at web requests to look for the auth key but I couldn't find it. At least tell us what requested url has the auth key?

pulviscriptor commented 8 years ago

@Zephyr-Vi I do not know URL and do not know is it hard or not to get it. You can look how "fun" it was searching FB URL https://github.com/pulviscriptor/agario-client/issues/42 When i will have some free time for it, i will look what i can do.

DeepSnowNeeL commented 8 years ago

Relevent parts on agar.io script :

(function(a) { function b() { var a = document.createElement("script"); a.type = "text/javascript"; a.async = !0; a.src = "// apis.google.com/js/client:platform.js?onload=gapiAsyncInit"; var b = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0]; b.parentNode.insertBefore(a, b); f = !0 } var d = {}, f = !1; c.gapiAsyncInit = function() { e(d).trigger("initialized") }; a.google = { oa: function() { b() }, ma: function(a, b) { c.gapi.client.load("plus", "v1", function() { console.log("fetching me profile"); gapi.client.plus.people.get({ userId: "me" }).execute(function(a) { b(a) }) }) } }; a.wa = function(a) { f || b(); "undefined" !== typeof gapi ? a() : e(d).bind("initialized", a) }; return a })(p); var Ec = function(a) { function b(a) { c.MC.doLoginWithGPlus(a); p.cache.login_info = [a, "google"]; p.I.M(a, "google") }

                function d(a) {
                    g.userInfo.picture = a;
                    e(".agario-profile-picture").attr("src", a)
                var f = null,
                    k = {
                        client_id: A.gplus_client_id,
                        cookie_policy: "single_host_origin",
                        scope: "profile email"
                a.ea = {
                    Y: function() {
                        return f
                    init: function() {
                        var a = this,
                            b = g && "1" == g.loginIntent && "google"

== g.context; p.wa(function() { c.gapi.ytsubscribe.go("agarYoutube"); c.gapi.load("auth2", function() { f = c.gapi.auth2.init(k);

f.attachClickHandler(document.getElementById("gplusLogin"), {}, function(a) { console.log("googleUser : " + a) }, function(a) { console.log("failed to login in google plus: ", JSON.stringify(a, void 0, 2)) }); f.currentUser.listen(_.bind(a.va, a)); b && 1 == f.isSignedIn.get() && f.signIn() }) }) }, va: function(a) { if (f && a && f.isSignedIn.get() && !pb) { pb = !0; g.loginIntent = "1"; var e = a.getAuthResponse(), k = e.access_token; c.Y = e; console.log("loggedIn with G+!"); var h = a.getBasicProfile(); a = h.getImageUrl(); void 0 == a ? p.google.ma(e, function(a) { a.result.isPlusUser ? (a && d(a.image.url), b(k), a && (g.userInfo.picture = a.image.url), g.userInfo.socialId = h.getId(), Ma()) : (alert("Please add Google+ to your Google account and try again.\nOr you can login with another account."), c.logout()) }) : (d(a), g.userInfo.picture = a, g.userInfo.socialId = h.getId(), Ma(), b(k)); g.context = "google"; c.updateStorage() } }, pa: function() { f && (f.signOut(), pb = !1) } }; return a }(p); c.gplusModule = Ec; var ec = function() { p.ea.pa() }; c.logoutGooglePlus = ec;

More info about G+ api : https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/javascript/reference/referencedocs#gapiclientloadname--------version-callback

Le sam. 23 janv. 2016 à 11:31, pulviscriptor notifications@github.com a écrit :

@Zephyr-Vi https://github.com/Zephyr-Vi I do not know URL and do not know is it hard or not to get it. You can look how "fun" it was searching FB URL #42 https://github.com/pulviscriptor/agario-client/issues/42 When i will have some free time for it, i will look what i can do.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub https://github.com/pulviscriptor/agario-client/issues/64#issuecomment-174169179 .

ghost commented 8 years ago

I figured out how to do it myself. :P

issy123 commented 8 years ago

Could you contribute and share the code so we can expand agario client script

pulviscriptor commented 8 years ago

@Zephyr-Vi You can just share URL or method how to obtain token and i will do the rest. Just if you want to share.

DaAwesomeRazor commented 8 years ago


@pulviscriptor Could that url help?

hassanila commented 8 years ago

@pulviscriptor This might be the solution for G+, https://github.com/althjs/social-oauth-client#google and
https://github.com/laardee/serverless-authentication-google/blob/master/src/index.js PLZ give it some time as we all need it

pulviscriptor commented 8 years ago

@hassanila97 I can't implement it any time soon, can't find time to investigate how it works. If you/somebody can do it, that would be great.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@pulviscriptor Okay, I've investigated it so it works like this, also can you give me credit in the code for doing this so something like "//Thanks to Zephyr for telling me how it works (https://github.com/Zephyr-Vi)".

First we have to load the client_id and login_hint which is used in the request to get our agario token.

https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/auth?redirect_uri=storagerelay://http/agar.io?id=XXXXX&response_type=permission&scope=email profile openid&openid.realm=&client_id=XXXXX&ss_domain=http://agar.io&fetch_basic_profile=true

This url seems to be static which gives you a static "login_hint" but the "client_id" seems to change. The cookies sent it the request doesn't seem to effect it which believes me to think it is unneeded.

Which returns a html format:

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <title>Connecting ...</title>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=0">
        <script src='https://ssl.gstatic.com/accounts/o/3403534109-storagerelay.js'></script>

        <script type="text/javascript">
            var done = function () {
            lso.relayAuthResponseByWebStorageEvent('http:\/\/agar.io', 'xxxxx', 'xxxx', {
                "login_hint": "xxxx"
                , "client_id": "xxxx"
            }, done);



GET https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/iframerpc?action=issueToken&response_type=token id_token&scope=openid profile email&client_id=xxxx&login_hint=XXXXX&ss_domain=http://agar.io&origin=http://agar.io HTTP/1.1 Which returns a JSON object:

{"token_type":"Bearer","access_token":"XXXXXX","scope":"https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile https://www.googleapis.com/auth/plus.me openid email profile","login_hint":"XXXXX","expires_in":3600,"id_token":"XXXX","session_state":{"extraQueryParams":{"authuser":"0"}}}

I did more research by looking into the code and the token used is called "access_token":

var e = a.getAuthResponse() , g = e.access_token;

No problem for me doing this. ;)

hassanila commented 8 years ago

Great work

DaAwesomeRazor commented 8 years ago

@pulviscriptor Szammi, henopied and I finally finished our google plus token finder(Couldnt think of the right word for it). I have no idea how to use github so henopied is working on adding it in a pull request

pulviscriptor commented 8 years ago

@DaAwesomeRazor Great! I'm bad at investigations of HTTP stuff and can't find free day for it.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@DaAwesomeRazor No credits for me figuring out the requests? :-1: