// Typed Arrays
// ES6 class equivalent to the following C structure:
// struct Example { unsigned long id; char username[16]; float amountDue }
class Example {
constructor (buffer = new ArrayBuffer(24)) {
this.buffer = buffer
set buffer (buffer) {
this._buffer = buffer
this._id = new Uint32Array (this._buffer, 0, 1)
this._username = new Uint8Array (this._buffer, 4, 16)
this._amountDue = new Float32Array(this._buffer, 20, 1)
get buffer () { return this._buffer }
set id (v) { this._id[0] = v }
get id () { return this._id[0] }
set username (v) { this._username[0] = v }
get username () { return this._username[0] }
set amountDue (v) { this._amountDue[0] = v }
get amountDue () { return this._amountDue[0] }
let example = new Example()
example.id = 7
example.username = "John Doe"
example.amountDue = 42.0
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