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Social server with an ActivityStreams API
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Delete account #347

Open jpope777 opened 11 years ago

jpope777 commented 11 years ago

Need a way to delete your account from the web interface.

Erkan-Yilmaz commented 11 years ago

When the account is deleted will also all posts (which are in conversations embedded) also be deleted ?

Probably yes currently at identi.ca that causes some side effects

then a place holder should stand in the existing thread: msg deleted which ma ynot cause the side effects

maiki commented 11 years ago

Related to #250, since based on federation settings, someone may have a site that doesn't respect your delete notice; that would be a pain in the ass. ^_^

evanp commented 11 years ago

So, I've been thinking about this.

It's hard to do deleting a whole user account a distributed way. We've never done it right in StatusNet; there's always a little residue left over. We have an insane amount of code in StatusNet to handle partially-deleted accounts that didn't work correctly.

I think the best we can do is "undo" all the activities you've done.

  1. For each person you're following, stop following them.
  2. For each group you're in, leave the group.
  3. For each object that you've created or posted, and haven't deleted, delete that object.
  4. For each thing you've favorited, unfavorite it.
  5. For each object that you've shared, unshare it.
  6. For each list you have, remove all the members of the list, and delete the list.
  7. Remove the user from the list of users on the site.

I'll need to write some particularly hairy unit tests to make sure this works as advertised.

anarcat commented 11 years ago

Just having a basic: "trash everything associated to me on this server" would be a good start.

SteveBell commented 10 years ago

9 months in. Anything on the horizon? This is rather basic functionality.

ghost commented 10 years ago

missing it, too. mainly because the option to delete is one of the biggest steps to establish trust between service and user

michel-slm commented 10 years ago

Indeed. With no way to delete or rename an account, and still no groups, I'm afraid that while I prefer the old identi.ca to Twitter, that's no longer the case with the new one. And I feel trapped not being able to leave

evanp commented 10 years ago

@SteveBell Actually, it's not "basic functionality". It's pretty hard, as I outlined above. Especially hard for federated systems.

@michel-sim You can go through and manually delete all your content, unlike all your favourites, and change your name in the profile settings to "deleted user".

dper commented 10 years ago

@evanp I think you're equivocating. From a user standpoint, deleting an account is definitely "basic functionality". Does it exist on, well, most of the major social networks out there? And most of the major cloud email services? Yes, because it's something users want and expect.

ghost commented 10 years ago

@dper I would go even further and say it is the most important functionality. Today it is sane to only join networks you can leave.

maiki commented 10 years ago

Does it exist on, well, most of the major social networks out there? And most of the major cloud email services? Yes, because it's something users want and expect.

@dper It is not a standard practice. Every site will have a different approach. Twitter puts your account in queue for deletion. Facebook deactivates your account; you have to make a special request to delete your account.

And while an email provider may delete your mail storage and signal to others that your account no longer exists, all your sent messages are still in other folks' systems. Just like pump.io.

It is not equivocating, it is a developer explaining in the issue queue for alpha-released software that it is a difficult challenge, considering that pump.io is more like the existing federated systems than central walled gardens.

I would go even further and say it is the most important functionality. Today it is sane to only join networks you can leave.

@mray now that's equivocating. No one is less than sane because they use pump.io (well, it has less to do with the software, really...). If deleting one's account is your most important feature in social network software, please avoid using the alpha version of pump.io. And Facebook, they make it hard to stay sane over there.

ghost commented 10 years ago

@maiki these days it is sane to begin choosing networks based on the question: "Can you leave?". I know that being in control (self hosting, moving, deleting accounts) is part of the philosophy. It would be just nice know the "delete account" button isn't too far down the priority list. I'm not saying any user of pump.io is insane.

dper commented 10 years ago

@maiki Again, you're dealing with what makes deletion hard. As for Facebook, they've rightly received an incredible amount of negative feedback for trying to make account deletion difficult. I would prefer that Pump not have the same flaws as Facebook. As for Twitter putting account deletion in a queue, I don't see what your issue with that is. Nobody would require that Pump account deletion be instantaneous (after all, servers might need to talk to one another). Although, one would hope for something faster than Twitter's up to 30 days.

larjona commented 10 years ago

Until this feature is developed in pump.io (web interface or node.js pump scripts), the user can try to manually remove the account, following the instructions provided by @evanp in this discussion. The user can do everything except the last step (Remove the user from the list of users on the site).

If manually deleting all the posts, unfollow people etc via the webui or a client is tedious, maybe a Python script can be written, using PyPump, to automatically accomplish the task. It looks like not very difficult, I think:


I'm not a Python expert, but you think this is enough for now, I can try to write that script and publish it somewhere with a FaiF license, so people can use it for deleting their accounts from the commandline. What do you think?

ghost commented 10 years ago

Hello, just like say @larjona, but with the last step, removing the user, can be done with the api(*), but What consequences can give removing an user with a client? remember that the client alternative is just temporally.

redblade7 commented 8 years ago


What kind of transparency is this?

I've been on this "deletion" list for THREE F---ING YEARS NOW!!!


The broken https://pumpyourself.com/danq.co Plus https://pumpyourself.com/danqco and https://pumpyourself.com/danq PLEASE DELETE THESE ACCOUNTS NOW!!!!

ghost commented 8 years ago

Imho this project appears to be inactive. We probably can't expect much to happen any more.

larjona commented 8 years ago

The project is not inactive. See https://github.com/e14n/pump.io/wiki/Community We have a codebase with running tests again, so expect more activity in merging pull requests soon. If you know somebody that is working or willing to work in this issue, please reference their pull request here. Thanks for caring!

TheLastProject commented 8 years ago

Seeing how @evanp explicitly ignored all my attempts to personally contact him to have my account deleted, I'm just going to go and comment on this issue to add another voice to the "Please finally add this" camp.

clacke commented 6 years ago

Duplicated in: https://framagit.org/compa/compa/issues/1

redblade7 commented 6 years ago

Looks like we passed the 5-YEAR-MARK!!!

clacke commented 6 years ago

This is still an important feature, but it seems your particular host is no longer functional? :-)

Serkan-devel commented 6 years ago

On the minds.com network, all messages from deleted accounts are still intact as I'm aware of

redblade7 commented 6 years ago

@clacke Yep I'm aware, but just pointing out that we were still scammed by fake open-source advocacy and it's been over 5 years

@Serkan-devel Never heard of minds.com, gave it a quick glance and didn't see anything relating to evan's network of scam sites

strugee commented 6 years ago


I would love to take a well-written PR for this, with unit tests. @evanp wrote a description of how to do this in https://github.com/pump-io/pump.io/issues/347#issuecomment-19657058; most of that can even be done without the server being involved. The only thing you'd be missing is to remove the user from the users list. It would be awesome if someone could take it on themselves to write a script to do the steps you don't need the server for (i.e. most of them).

Please understand that the people who work on pump.io, including me, do so in their spare time. I'm a first-year in college; I have friends and homework and two other large freedom-respecting software projects I work on at the same time as pump.io, plus a bunch of smaller ones too. All those things take my time.

I can't speak for others, but for me as the primary maintainer, coming into this issue tracker and yelling makes me want to work on this feature less, not more. If there's any more of that I'll be locking this issue since there's already actionable information in this thread and I see no reason to tolerate people yelling because they think they're entitled to open source software maintainers' unpaid labor.


redblade7 commented 6 years ago

I wasn't getting at unpaid labor, I was getting at possible motives of the MIA developer in light of this issue being un-"fixed" for half a decade. As in, Mozilla repeatedly delaying "fixing" the Google SafeBrowsing cookie bug.

redblade7 commented 6 years ago

Unless you change your mind and make this issue the top priority, I can't do anything about this and I've said all I have to say, if I'm the only reason you're thinking of locking this bug then go ahead

strugee commented 6 years ago

I was getting at possible motives of the MIA developer in light of this issue being un-"fixed" for half a decade

This is kind of unbelievable. Are you suggesting there's some sort of conspiracy here? Seriously? This is a small project, relatively speaking. People don't have time. End of story.

I assume when you talk about the "MIA developer" you're talking about Evan. Evan isn't the maintainer anymore. I am. And we're both just busy. I don't know what you want from him; he can't add more hours to the day.

I can't do anything about this

As I have just said, you can. You could contribute code to fix this yourself. Or you could pay someone to write the code for you. You're being disingenuous and again implying that I have to make this issue the top priority or I'm doing something shady. But I don't see you contributing anything besides complaints.

Linus Torvalds once said, "talk is cheap. Show me the code." Linus acts like a jerk in many respects. But he was right about that.

clacke commented 6 years ago

It's fair to say "this feature is very important to me" or "I think you are underestimating how essential it is for a freedom-respecting service to allow for people to leave" or something, to argue for the priority of the issue. But to come on here and call people names for providing you free software that isn't to your liking is pretty rich.

There is no need to accuse someone for lack of transparency, calling them a "scam" and "fake open-source", when there's a perfectly transparent issue tracker where we are having this discussion, and the software is real and exists and you can run it on your server today and you're free to modify it and contribute your modifications.

pump.io is transparent, it is real, and it is genuine free software.

ghost commented 6 years ago

I think this is a basic feature, more for privacy and useful for the end user, and after 5 years this needs a priority, I saw in the code and is very hard, but I self-assign this for implement the basic functionality.


Serkan-devel commented 6 years ago

Can just like on reddit or Minds, have the comment stay there even when the account is deleted.

Oh and for explaining my comment above, minds.com claims to be a decentralized social network, but It's just a centralized elgg instance with some blockchain fumbling around. They have indirectly discredited other social networks like this one, but it's another story

iv4nhoe commented 6 years ago

I'd like this function too, but I guess it's not appealing for a dev to work on since the feature request basically says "for whatever reason I don't like your software, so please put effort into this software so I can stop using it."

clacke commented 6 years ago

The way pleroma and/or mastodon do this, is they delete all messages, including sending out deletion notices to all followers.

... it can take a while ... but I think it's the right thing to do and what's expected by the user.