pump-io / pump.io

Social server with an ActivityStreams API
Apache License 2.0
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OStatus #8

Open evanp opened 12 years ago

evanp commented 12 years ago

We should support remote follow using OStatus.

evanp commented 11 years ago

This is likely to work with a bridge rather than with code internal to pump.io.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Please support OStatus.

Or are there other ways how I can follow someone on pump.io when I am running GNU social?

akuckartz commented 10 years ago

Is OStatus still of relevance ?

marxistvegan commented 10 years ago

@evanp what can we do to work on making this happen?

ghost commented 10 years ago

@akuckartz according to Wikipedia many free/open source social network software support OStatus. And what other protocol would you use to follow follow people/groups on other services?

akuckartz commented 10 years ago

@txt-file Which "other services" do you have in mind?

The W3C recently started the Social Interest Group and the Social Web Working Group. See http://www.w3.org/Social/ for further information and links.

If you are interested in becoming an active member of the Social IG you can apply to become an invited expert (if you are not working for a W3C member company).

You also might want to join the Federated Social Web Community Group: http://www.w3.org/community/fedsocweb/

ghost commented 10 years ago

@akuckartz e.g. I am using Gnu social and want to follow people/groups which are using pump.io.

xuhdev commented 9 years ago

+1 on supporting OStatus

vyp commented 8 years ago

+1. same as @txt-file

pizzamaker commented 8 years ago

Would definitely love to see this :)

andybalaam commented 7 years ago

It would be brilliant if I could follow people on indenti.ca from mastodon.social - see https://github.com/Gargron/mastodon/issues/138

strugee commented 7 years ago

Heya! Here's the deal:

This is almost certainly never going to make it into pump.io core since as Evan pointed out above, it makes more sense as a separate bridge. Anyone who wants this feature badly enough is welcome to step up and volunteer to write such a bridge (and I'll be happy to help out whoever does however I'm able), however this won't be high priority for pump.io roadmap for a looooong while. I.e. if no one does this independently, it simply won't happen. I'm really hoping that someone steps up to do this, since it would be pretty sweet. (+1s here are, as usual, extremely unlikely to change the above.)

Thanks for your interest in pump.io :)

clacke commented 6 years ago

Duplicated in: https://framagit.org/compa/compa/issues/3

evanp commented 6 years ago

At this point in time, I'd suggest writing an OStatus-to-ActivityPub bridge, since it'd be more useful.

Serkan-devel commented 6 years ago

Does anyone here know how to follow a mastodon user from a pump.io instance?

strugee commented 6 years ago

@Serkan-devel it isn't possible... yet. That'll change when ActivityPub support lands.

Serkan-devel commented 6 years ago

Can pump.io speak to a gnusocial instance? https://pump2status.net/ Seems to have been caught by a domain grabber. Just like Openfarmgame

strugee commented 6 years ago

No, GNU Social uses OStatus

Serkan-devel commented 6 years ago

What does pump.io use then?

Serkan-devel commented 6 years ago

Wait, @evanp must have co-written the Activitypub spec https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/

clacke commented 6 years ago

@Serkan-devel pump.io uses its own pump.io protocol. Sometimes people call it ActivityPump, but that has several meanings. The ActivityPub effort (the W3C Social Working Group) was started by Evan, and ActivityPub is based off pump.io, but with ActivityStreams updated to 2.0 and several more changes made during the standardization work, based on input from the WG members and their experience building other federated social networks.

Serkan-devel commented 6 years ago

How far off are ActivityPub and ActivityStreams 2.0?

strugee commented 6 years ago

See #1483

evanp commented 6 years ago

@Serkan-devel we are cranking on it right now. I'd expect it for the next version of pump.io, either 5.2.0 or 6.0.0 depending on whether deprecation is backwards-compatible.

strypey commented 5 years ago

Any news on support for ActivityPub in pump.io? 1) is it still the plan? 2) any idea when it might become a reality?

As one of the pioneers of federated social networking, we'd love to feature pump.io prominently on fediverse.party. But the criteria include being able to federate with at least one other federated packages. AFAIK pump.io sites currently only federate with each other, is this correct?

ghost commented 5 years ago

@strypey the correct issue for that question is: https://github.com/pump-io/pump.io/issues/1241

strypey commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot @vxcamiloxv ! I'll update our internal wiki to follow that issue instead of this one. But can you (or anyone) confirm that pump.io sites currently only federate with each other, or if this is not correct, let me know what other packages pump.io can currently federate with?

ghost commented 5 years ago

@strypey currently only federate with each other, but probably @strugee has more information