pumpikano / tf-dann

Domain-Adversarial Neural Network in Tensorflow
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How to create / download synthetic digits dataset? #15

Closed engharat closed 6 years ago

engharat commented 6 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to reproduce some DA results using the synthetic digits dataset (not mnist-M one). According to this paper: https://vision.in.tum.de/_media/spezial/bib/haeusser_iccv_17.pdf the synthetic digits -> MNIST experiment run on a synthetic digits dataset provided by you. The same dataset seems to be used by you in your "Domain-Adversarial Training of Neural Networks" work, and this synth dataset is mentioned in this github repo README: "The MNIST-DANN.ipynb recreates the MNIST experiment from the papers on a synthetic dataset" But it seems I cannot find proper code for generating it or download it ( I would like to get the very same dataset for fair comparison). I thank you in advance!

pumpikano commented 6 years ago

The only synthetic dataset used in this repo is MNIST-M and the that dataset is built by create_mnistm.py. The authors of that paper have used my code to generate MNIST-M, with some small modifications: https://github.com/haeusser/learning_by_association/blob/master/semisup/tools/data_util/create_mnistm.py

Since you say you don't mean MNIST-M, are you talking about the Synth → SVHN experiment from that paper? On page 4, the authors say that they obtained the Synthetic Digits dataset from the authors of [9]. I am not an author of that paper, so perhaps you should reach out to them to access that dataset.

engharat commented 6 years ago

Very thanks for the support. Yes, I'm talking about Synth -> SVHN experiment; I will contact the authors.

MLEnthusiast commented 5 years ago

@engharat Did you manage to get hold of the synthetic digits data set?

engharat commented 5 years ago

@engharat Did you manage to get hold of the synthetic digits data set?

@MLEnthusiast I managed to get it some months ago, I have uploaded it for you at the following link but double check its content as I'm not 100% sure it is exactly the same dataset. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1lQoeTViThmv79AiY6tgibnPItl5y6zUc

MLEnthusiast commented 5 years ago

Thank you @engharat