pumpitupdev / pumptools

A collection of tools to run Pump It Up games.
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Pillarbox option for native 4:3 games #9

Open voidderef opened 3 years ago

voidderef commented 3 years ago

In GitLab by @icex2 on May 17, 2020, 16:39


Add an option to enable rendering with pillarbox for old 4:3 games.

Detailed description

Old 4:3 games are stretched on todays 16:9 screens which displays them not as itended and making them look odd. Have an option to allow pillarboxing them for 16:9 screens. There might be multiple ways of doing that:


The games look as intended which even the former devs didn't have the priority to care about.



Current blockers


super-triangle commented 2 years ago

Is this still an unimplemented feature request?

Noticed this issue was listed as open, but also saw many of the hook.config files deployed by pumpos list pillarbox options as being available. I tried setting it for Exceed 2 and it still rendered as 640x480, so I thought I would see if that was expected.

voidderef commented 2 years ago

good question and i was surprised this was still open. however, seeing my note here the previous implementation caused some issues and a different solution is required to make everything work properly.

therefore, consider this issue still relevant and open.

voidderef commented 2 years ago

Related issue: https://github.com/pumpitupdev/pumptools/issues/26