punassuming / ranger.el

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Big directories #198

Open y-ates opened 5 years ago

y-ates commented 5 years ago

When opening a big directory in means of "there are many files in the directory", ranger freezes. In my case, I have for example a directory with ~870 000 files in it. GUI window managers like Thunar actually freeze too, but I think we could improve this.

So instead of trying to show all files in the directory, we could show only X amount of files first. And then we could either have a command for "view more files" or do it like vlf (vlf is for opening large files. It only loads X lines of it first and when you get to the current last line, it loads more of the file).

This is some kind of a special case I guess as it is not that usual to have that many files in a directory. But to be able to also look into big directories would be a big plus.

Thanks in advance.

EDIT: I just tried it with ranger (ranger) and it needs some time to load the directory (just a few seconds) but is still way way faster and it does not freeze.