punchagan / childrens-park

A Jabber/Google-talk bot that can be used as a chatroom. (Based on python-jabberbot)
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Change prefix of commands from `,` to `/` or add option for change it #15

Open MurzNN opened 8 years ago

MurzNN commented 8 years ago

In most of chats, special commands starts with / symbol, but in your script there are , symbol (,help, ,list, ,invite, etc). Why did you select , symbol for this?

Will be good to have ability for changing command prefix symbol via settings file, and maybe set / or \ symbol by default. What do you think about this?

punchagan commented 8 years ago

IIRC, some version of JabberBot had ',' as a prefix? Or their examples. Though, now I can't find it. Also, it looks like JabberBot has changed and made the command_prefix configurable. I'm not sure when this happened. It should be possible to update this code to use that.

I also chose ',' because some of the client (like Pidgin) had their own commands starting with / and would complain if they couldn't recognize commands. Also, /me and other commands could be gobbled up on the XMPP server before they reach our chatroom server.

MurzNN commented 8 years ago

Thanks for reply, will be good to see prefix configurable. Before I find your chat bot, I use http://partychapp.appspot.com/#nowwhat that have all commands starting with / and I have no problems with it.

punchagan commented 8 years ago

Interestingly, we also used to use this (many years ago), before we wrote this bot. We are no longer using this and I'm not too keen on implementing this. Sorry!

MurzNN commented 8 years ago

But what do you use now for organize multi-user chats on Jabber with offline messages? Or you move from free opensource Jabber protocol to commercial proprietary protocols like Skype, WhatsApp, or email? :-) I need to organize multi-user Jabber chats with offline messages on my company, and find only your bot, and no other easy usable solution :(

punchagan commented 8 years ago

Yes, unfortunately we've moved to using Slack. You could also try taking a look at Zulip, its FOSS but not Jabber based.

I could try and implement the feature you have requested, but in general it may not be a good idea to use this bot since I won't be actively maintaining it. Unless, you can maintain it yourself or find someone to do that for you, I would recommend using something that is more actively maintained!