punchcard-cms / punchcard

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View Revision Schedule #373

Open Snugug opened 8 years ago

Snugug commented 8 years ago

Split schedule scenario from #354 out


Feature: Approve Content
  As a content approver
  I want to understand how the content I'm reviewing is going to be affected by sunrise/sunset
  So that I can make an informed decision about whether or not I should approve or reject the revision being reviewed

  Scenario: View Revision Schedule
    Given that a piece of content can have multiple revisions scheduled to sunrise at once
      And a piece of content may be scheduled to sunset
      And a piece of content my have a live revision
     When I want to understand how a piece of content may change over time
      And I can see what revision is current live, if any
     Then I can see a listing of approved revisions for a piece of content
      And I can see the revision ID, date created, date approved, identifier, have a link to view the complete revision, and have a link to create a new revision off of the current one, for each revision
      And if the revision has not yet passed its sunrise, its sunrise date and time until sunrise
      And revisions should be sorted by when they will become live
      And the current live revision should be separated from all other revisions
      And the sunset date for the content should be visible
      And if there are revisions scheduled to become live after the sunset date, they should be separated from revisions scheduled to become live before the sunset date.
      And I should be able to access this view from the approval page
      And I should be able to access this view from the revision listing page
      And I should be able to access this from the content listing page

Approve Content

Snugug commented 8 years ago

Work begun on https://github.com/Snugug/punchcard/tree/feature/schedule-view