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UX Researcher: Synthesizing CMS User Interviews - Batch 1: User roles and team needs #433

Closed mkiang3051 closed 7 years ago

mkiang3051 commented 8 years ago

Synthesize CMS user interview notes/data with primary users, Jeremy (marketing) and Allen (ID) about user needs for user roles and team needs #294

Feature: Synthesizing interview data
  As a UX researcher
  I want to synthesize the data collected from the user interviews 
  So that I can see what questions about user roles and team needs for the CMS have been answered and what information I still need to attain from future interviews

  Scenario: Review and clean up raw interview notes
    Given that I will have collected data from my interviews in various forms (video/audio recording and handwritten notes) and in various levels of legibility and consumability
     When I go to review and clean up my raw interview notes
     Then I will be sure that everything is legible and that sentences are and ideas are fully formed so I can create a second round of cleaner, better organized notes from the raw notes

  Scenario: Create better organized interview notes
    Given that I will have reviewed my raw interview notes to make sure that it is legible and contains fully formed sentences and ideas
     When I go create cleaner and better organized notes from my raw notes
     Then I will be able to use these cleaner notes as a basis for creating assets around defining the main insights and findings from the CMS user interviews for my teammates to read and review

  Scenario: List out main insights and findings from user interviews
    Given that I will have created clean and organized interview notes that are easy to consume
     When I go to use my notes to pull out the main insights and findings from my interviews
     Then I will be able to list out my main insights and findings from my user interviews
      And be able to communicate these main insights and findings to the broader team
      And use this information in any research assets that I may create later on

  Scenario: Create wiki page of insights and findings on our GitHub (CMS) Wiki
    Given that I will have listed out the main insights and findings from the user interviews
     When I go to create a wiki page featuring our main insights and findings on our GitHub (CMS) Wiki 
     Then I will be able reference the notes in an easily accessible location on the CMS Wiki in my web browser
      And be able to send the link out to my teammates
      And be able to send the link to those who may be interested in my research that aren't on my direct team

  Scenario: Upload data and notes to WOX Box folder for reference
    Given that I will have created many research assets in various levels of fidelity
     When I go to upload all these assets onto my WOX Box research folder
     Then I will be able to have a backed up and consolidated location to access all my raw notes
      And my cleaned up notes
      And my main insights/findings
      And any raw audio/video files
      And any presentation slides
      And any additional related research/UX assets

Synthesizing Interview Data

Box files/notes:

mkiang3051 commented 7 years ago

@joshkimmell Moving this to backlog

mkiang3051 commented 7 years ago

@joshkimmell @ineedsubstance I want to try to add this story to this sprint (Sprint 24). Is it ok to do so?

ineedsubstance commented 7 years ago

I'm ok with it.