punchcard-cms / punchcard

The Punchcard CMS
Apache License 2.0
31 stars 19 forks source link

Designer: A cool Font is apropos #675

Open scottnath opened 7 years ago

scottnath commented 7 years ago

This cool font could be cool: https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/keypunch029

Feature: Font matches the app name
  As a designer
  I want continuity of concept around my app's name
  So that I can reiterate that my app is like those punchcards that used to be what computers used.

  Scenario: Viewer's memories triggered
    Given that my app is named Punchcard
      And that I would like my font to make the app remind me of punchcards
     When I view my app
     Then I want the font to reflect the feeling of punchcards.

Font matches the app name