puneetsl / lotion

Unofficial Notion.so app for Linux
MIT License
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How to change icon back to native notion icon? #86

Closed ChiHangChen closed 3 years ago

ChiHangChen commented 3 years ago

I already download native notion icon and move the icon to ~/.local/share/lotion/icon.png and ~/.local/share/lotion/Lotion/resources/app/icon.png

But when I open lotion, it still be blue icon displayed and my native icon next to it without any function.


Oh, I just fixed it by kill all lotion jobs and run again, but the moment I start lotion it will still be a transparent icon besides it and disappear after few seconds.

Also, I wonder why sometimes I click my page in lotion it will open with browser rather then in lotion?

joshpetit commented 3 years ago

Can you look inside ~/.local/share/applications/Lotion.desktop and verify that the Icon field is set like this Icon=/home/user/path/to/icon.png?