Closed liayn closed 4 years ago
Does this issue still exists? Can you give me some more details?
Yes it does. Simply open the BE and check your browser's console - network panel - and see the 404 response. As denoted above, the instance runs in a subfolder of the webroot, but the CSS is included from webroot, which is wrong.
I can confirm this issue.
Actually I've another problem with it, it tries ot load:
The domain is running in the main-directory and not in a sub-directory like in the complaint of @liayn .
Like this in ext_tables.php it works:
// Custom CSS include
if (TYPO3_MODE=="BE") {
$extRelPath = \TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\ExtensionManagementUtility::extRelPath('pt_extbase');
$TBE_STYLES['inDocStyles_TBEstyle'] .= '@import "'.$extRelPath.'Resources/Public/CSS/Backend.css";';
Amazing, my old comment is still usable, good hint, David 😀
siteurl: requested url: