punktniklas / NiKom

Swedish bulletin board system for AmigaOS. Originally developed between 1990 and 1998.
MIT License
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Suggestion: improved parser for changing meetings #54

Open joacimmelin opened 8 years ago

joacimmelin commented 8 years ago

When having several meetings with similar names and I want to go to one of them but can't quite remember the name NiKom by default always selects the first one. It would be better with a slightly changed design.


(Se) tiden --> Gå comp.sys.amiga

Flera möten matchar:

  1. comp.sys.amiga.marketplace
  2. comp.sys.amiga.misc
  3. comp.sys.amiga.programming

Vänligen välj ett av dessa (1-3):

By pressing one (1) I get sent to comp.sys.amiga.marketplace.

Another option is to be able to press tab to expand a meeting name if there are several meetings with similar names. Bash style, if you will.


(Se) tiden --> gå comp.sys.amiga TAB

comp.sys.amiga.misc comp.sys.amiga.marketplace comp.sys.amiga.programming

(Se) tiden --> gå comp.sys.amiga

By pressing TAB I can see what meetings are available and complete the meeting name.

I think my two options combined would be awesome. :)

punktniklas commented 6 years ago

I'm hesitant to change the current behavior of selecting the first forum (or user, and other things) that matches as the default. An alternative would be a flag that would change the behavior of the parser for those users that enable it.