Closed vexx-sm closed 2 months ago
Reopening as this is a known issue and will be fixed officially once I'm able to.
Thanks in advance for providing a fix for it, I recommend you create a pull request so I can review and merge your fixes accordingly 👍.
I've tried using the plugins, v4, They ended up throwing a fit in my logs and breaking half way through operation. Note, I've compiled the plugins myself with no issue, all the requirements/perquisites & file structure is intact. The plugins were installed on a clean server which only has the prerequisites listed here and the latest versions of both SourceMod & MetaMod.
Errors log with v 4.0.0 :
Fixed SP files :
One bored night later and here's how the code looks, fully functional, no errors and reports to databases correctly.
``` #include "tf2itemplugin/tf2itemplugin_base.sp" #include "tf2itemplugin/tf2itemplugin_cosmetics_base.sp" #include "tf2itemplugin/tf2itemplugin_cosmetics_data.sp" #include "tf2itemplugin/tf2itemplugin_cosmetics_requests.sp" #include "tf2itemplugin/tf2itemplugin_cosmetics_sqlite.sp" #include "tf2itemplugin/tf2itemplugin_cosmetics_menus.sp" #pragma semicolon 1 #pragma newdecls required #define PLUGIN_VERSION "4.0.0" #define DEBUG true public Plugin myinfo = { name = "TF2 Item Plugins - Cosmetics Manager", author = "Lucas 'punteroo' Maza", description = "Customize your cosmetic items and manage your server inventory.", version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "" }; /** * Load the "Regenerate" SDK call to refresh player inventories. * * @return Handle to the "Regenerate" SDK call. */ public Handle TF2ItemPlugin_LoadRegenerateSDK() { // Load TF2 gamedata. Handle hGameConf = LoadGameConfigFile(""); // Prepare the SDK call for the player entity. StartPrepSDKCall(SDKCall_Player); // Set the SDK call to find the "Regenerate" signature. PrepSDKCall_SetFromConf(hGameConf, SDKConf_Signature, "Regenerate"); PrepSDKCall_AddParameter(SDKType_Bool, SDKPass_Plain); // End the SDK call preparation. return EndPrepSDKCall(); } /** * Uses hooks to attach into the maps' `func_respawnroom` entities to determine if a player is within a spawn room. * * @return void */ public void TF2ItemPlugin_AttachSpawnRoomHooks() { // Declare a starting index for the spawn room entities. int trigger = -1; while ((trigger = FindEntityByClassname(trigger, "func_respawnroom")) != -1) { // Hook callbacks into the trigger. SDKHook(trigger, SDKHook_StartTouch, OnStartTouchSpawnRoom); SDKHook(trigger, SDKHook_EndTouch, OnEndTouchSpawnRoom); } } public Action OnStartTouchSpawnRoom(int entity, int other) { // Check if the entity is a valid client index if (other < 1 || other > MaxClients) return Plugin_Continue; // Is this entity a player? if (!IsClientInGame(other)) return Plugin_Continue; // If player is alive and real, mark them as in spawn room. if (IsPlayerAlive(other) && !IsClientSourceTV(other) && !IsClientObserver(other)) g_bInSpawnRoom[other] = true; return Plugin_Continue; } public Action OnEndTouchSpawnRoom(int entity, int other) { // Check if the entity is a valid client index if (other < 1 || other > MaxClients) return Plugin_Continue; // Is this entity a player? if (!IsClientInGame(other)) return Plugin_Continue; // If player is alive and real, mark them as not in spawn room. if (IsPlayerAlive(other) && !IsClientSourceTV(other) && !IsClientObserver(other)) g_bInSpawnRoom[other] = false; return Plugin_Continue; } public void OnPluginStart() { g_cvar_cosmetics_onlySpawn = CreateConVar("tf2items_cosmetics_spawn_only", "0.0", "If enabled, cosmetic overrides can only be changed in spawn regions.", 0, true, 0.0, true, 1.0); g_cvar_cosmetics_unusualEffectsURL = CreateConVar("tf2items_cosmetics_unusuals_url", "", "URL from where to fetch the Unusual effects data."); g_cvar_cosmetics_searchTimeout = CreateConVar("tf2items_cosmetics_search_timeout", "15.0", "The amount of time (in seconds) to wait before timing out a player Unusual effect search.", 0, true, 5.0, true, 60.0); g_cvar_cosmetics_databaseCooldown = CreateConVar("tf2items_cosmetics_database_cooldown", "15.0", "The amount of time in seconds to wait before a player can perform a database action. -1 disables the cooldown.", 0, true, -1.0, true, 60.0); // Load the "Regenerate" SDK call. hRegen = TF2ItemPlugin_LoadRegenerateSDK(); // Find the network offsets for the weapon clip and ammo. clipOff = FindSendPropInfo("CTFWeaponBase", "m_iClip1"); ammoOff = FindSendPropInfo("CTFPlayer", "m_iAmmo"); // Register the cosmetic manager commands. static const char commandNames[][24] = { "sm_hats", "sm_hat", "sm_cosmetics", "sm_cosmetic", "sm_myhats" }; for (int i = 0; i < sizeof(commandNames); i++) RegAdminCmd(commandNames[i], CMD_TF2ItemPlugin_CosmeticManager, ADMFLAG_GENERIC, "Manage your cosmetics on the server."); // Connect to the SQlite database. Database.Connect(TF2ItemPlugin_SQL_ConnectToDatabase, "tf2itemplugins_db"); } public void OnClientAuthorized(int client, const char[] auth) { // Initialize the inventory for the client. TF2ItemPlugin_InitializeInventory(client); // Search for the client's preferences. TF2ItemPlugin_SQL_SearchPlayerPreferences(client); // Disable their cooldown flag. g_bIsOnDatabaseCooldown[client] = false; } public void OnMapStart() { // Attach hooks to the spawn room entities. TF2ItemPlugin_AttachSpawnRoomHooks(); // Setup an HTTP request to obtain latest Unusual effects information. char url[512]; g_cvar_cosmetics_unusualEffectsURL.GetString(url, sizeof(url)); LogMessage("Requesting Unusual effects information from %s", url); TF2ItemPlugin_RequestUnusualEffectsData(url); } public Action CMD_TF2ItemPlugin_CosmeticManager(int client, int args) { // If the client is not in a spawn room and the cvar is enabled, notify them. if (!g_bInSpawnRoom[client] && g_cvar_cosmetics_onlySpawn.BoolValue) { CPrintToChat(client, "%s You must be in a spawn room to manage your cosmetic items.", PLUGIN_CHATTAG); return Plugin_Handled; } // Open the cosmetics menu for the client. TF2ItemPlugin_Menus_MainMenu(client); return Plugin_Handled; } ``` ### Changes ```diff - // Is this entity a player? - if (!IsClientInGame(other)) - return Plugin_Continue; - // If player is alive and real, mark them as in spawn room. - if (IsPlayerAlive(other) && !IsClientSourceTV(other) && !IsClientObserver(other) && other <= MaxClients) - g_bInSpawnRoom[GetClientOfUserId(other)] = true; - // Is this entity a player? - if (!IsClientInGame(other)) - return Plugin_Continue; - // If player is alive and real, mark them as not in spawn room. - if (IsPlayerAlive(other) && !IsClientSourceTV(other) && !IsClientObserver(other) && other <= MaxClients) - g_bInSpawnRoom[GetClientOfUserId(other)] = false; - static const char commandNames[][24] = { "sm_hats", "sm_hat", "sm_cosmetics", "sm_cosmetics", "sm_myhats" }; + // Check if the entity is a valid client index + if (other < 1 || other > MaxClients) + return Plugin_Continue; + static const char commandNames[][24] = { "sm_hats", "sm_hat", "sm_cosmetics", "sm_cosmetic", "sm_myhats" }; ```tf2itemplugin_weapons.sp
``` #includeAlternatively, here's the compiled version