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Chapter 7 Synthesis #10

Open pupenasan opened 1 year ago

pupenasan commented 1 year ago

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pupenasan commented 1 year ago

Chapter 7 Synthesis

A second category of applications distinct from prediction is synthesis. It consists of fitting a density model to training samples and providing means to sample from this model.

pupenasan commented 1 year ago

7.1 Text generation

The standard approach to text synthesis is to use an attention-based, autoregressive model. The most successful in this domain is the GPT [Radford et al., 2018], which we described in § 5.3.

The encoding into tokens and the decoding is done with the BPE tokenizer (see § 3.2).

When it has been trained on very large datasets, a Large Language Model (LLM) exhibits extremely powerful properties. Besides the syntactic and grammatical structure of the language, it has to integrate very diverse knowledge, e.g. to predict the word following “The capital of Japan is”, “if water is heated to 100 Celsius degrees it turns into”, or “because her puppy was sick, Jane was”.

This results in particular in the ability to solve zero-shot prediction, where no training example is available and the objective is defined in natural language, e.g. “In the following sentences, indicate which ones are aggressive.” More surprisingly, when such a model is put in a statistical context by a “prompt” carefully crafted, it can exhibit abilities for question answering, problem solving, and chain-of-thought that appear eerily close to high-level reasoning [Chowdhery et al., Due to these remarkable capabilities, these models are sometimes referred to as foundation models [Bommasani et al., 2021].

pupenasan commented 1 year ago

7.2 Image generation

Multiple deep methods have been developed to model and sample from a high-dimensional density. A powerful approach for image synthesis relies on inverting a diffusion process.

The principle consists of defining analytically a process that gradually degrades any sample, and consequently transforms the complex and unknown density of the data into a simple and well-known density such as a normal, and training a deep architecture to invert this degradation process [Ho et al., 2020].

Given a fixed $T$, the diffusion process defines a probabilities over series of $T+1$ images as follows: samples $x0$ uniformly in the data set, and then go on sampling $x{t+1} ∼p(x_{t+1} \mid x_t)$ where the conditional distribution $p$ is defined analytically, and such that it gradually erases the structure that was in $x_0$. The setup should be such that the distribution $p(x_T)$ of $x_T$ has a simple, known form, so in particular does not depend on the complicated data distribution $p(x_0)$, and can be sampled.

For instance, Ho et al. [2020] normalize the data to have a mean of 0 and a variance of 1, and their diffusion process consists of adding a bit of white noise and re-normalizing the variance to 1. This process exponentially reduces the importance of $x_0$, and $x_t$’s density can rapidly be approximated with a normal.


Figure 7.1: Image synthesis with denoising diffusion [Ho et al., 2020]. Each sample starts as a white noise $xT$ (top), and is gradually de-noised by sampling iteratively $x{t−1} \mid x_t ∼𝒩 (x_t+f(x_t,t;w),σ_t)$.

The denoiser f is a deep architecture that should model and allow sampling from, $f(x_{t−1},xt,t;w)≃p(x{t−1} \mid x_t)$. It can be shown, thanks to a variational bound, that if this one-step reverse process is accurate enough, sampling $x_T ∼p(x_T)$ and denoising $T$ steps with $f$ results in a $x_0$ that follows $p(x_0)$.

Training $f$ can be achieved by generating a large number of sequences $x^{(n)}_0 ,...,x^{(n)}_T$ , picking a $t_n$ in each, and maximizing


Given their diffusion process, Ho et al. [2020] have a denoising of the form:


where $σ_t$ is defined analytically

In practice, such a model initially hallucinates structures by pure luck in the random noise, and then gradually build more elements that emerge from the noise by reinforcing the most likely continuation of the image obtained thus far.

This approach can be extended to text conditioned synthesis, to generate images that match a description. For instance, Nichol et al. [2021] add to the mean of the denoising distribution of Equation 7.1 a bias that goes in the direction of increasing the CLIP matching score (see § 6.6) between the produced image and the conditioning text description.