pupil-labs / pupil

Open source eye tracking
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Improve heatmap implementation #103

Closed cpicanco closed 9 years ago

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

Notes about the current blurred heat map implementation:

No blurr gives better feedback about the scaled coordinate system

I was wrong about that. I would rather say that to give control to the user, allowing blur gradation, is better to explore the data. Based on the histogram exploratory nature, i.e., there is no a priori or right interval/bin, you can conclude that there is no right amount of blurring as well.

"Ornamented" graphs usually are less informative than the "parsimonious" ones.

So, with the current implementation, indeed the blur does not work as an "ornament" at all. I don't know how to properly describe it, but it is essential to give proper feedback about the color mapping.

But of course, pupil community is not for "grumpy" scientists only. Pupil community is for everyone. Is that right?

But if you want, for some reason, with Pupil Player you could do anything regarding ornamented visualizations. That is what I mean.

mkassner commented 9 years ago

Well, to be honest. I don't think we have given this a lot of thought. I agree with your reasoning.

Should the blurring be adjustable? Does that even make sense for heat-map?

Maybe their is a correct amount of blurring (or distance) based on some paper?

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

Despite the fact that blurred heat maps are not difficult to find, you will find that some implementations makes it optional. I think this would be a good move, since with the current Pupil implementation, any amount of blur obfuscates the coordinate system scale. But it also gives smoother images. So, It should be optional, or there is a better answer?

willpatera commented 9 years ago

@cpicanco -- Good points. Would you be interested in testing out these ideas in code (time permitting of course)?

Notes/potential starting points:

Before adding all the UI controls, it might be useful just to quickly test blur parameters and alternative OpenCV filters (or one could make their own filter if you want that level of control :smile: ) Some links:

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

@willpatera, I am very interested. Good opportunity to learn a little bit more about python, opencv and heatmaps. Congratulations for such comprehensive notes!

Please, can I ask you for a dead line? How much time you expect this task should be accomplished? Best.

willpatera commented 9 years ago

@cpicanco -- Great! There isn't any hard deadline (unless you'd benefit from one :grin: ). So, I think it would be a good (pressure free) area to evaluate different methods, test out ideas, and develop at your own pace. Looking forward to following and contributing to your process.

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

I first traceback the code, first to better understand the homograph implementation.

But for curiosity too, to see how easy it will be to return the p(x,y) pixels of each surface corner (top,left), (top, right), (bottom, left), (bottom right), including possibly negative ones. (Another history...)

Beginning with the basics. Now I know that "bins" means "intervals" (yep, language issue). As far as i know, not necessarily fixed ones considering the numpy implementation (histogram2d). (Can you think about an example that will demand variable intervals?)

In the current case, gaze_x, gaze_y intervals. As you can see, and is not very difficult to deduce, there is no precise rule to determine the size of each interval. The "volume" and "diversity" of the data will give the constraints. So one should be able to play around, to explore the data and then choose the "best fit" intervals.

About the homograph implementation, I am guessiing that the current .png is a rotated surface, say to a perpendicular angle. Is that right?

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

I have a question. Right now I am not sure if I should call the actual cv2.gaussianBlur as smoothing. It is clustering the coordinates as well. Is that right?

P.S.: Good reading

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

First approach


The switch can be substituted for the zero in the slider. 2015-03-12-155311_1366x768_scrot

Nearest interpolation

Histrogram bin 10, 10 size 240, 240

low len(xedge), len(yedge) gives good resolution because the image is being resized to fit the size of the surface

heatmap_inter_nearest_1426098890 35

Blur/ Rouded interpolation

Note that bin 1, 1 and size, 240, 240 gives you something like the current implementation. heatmap_inter_blur1_1426098890 35 heatmap_inter_blur2_1426098890 35 heatmap_inter_blur3_1426098890 35 no blur heatmap_inter_noblur_1426098890 35


def generate_heatmap(self,section):
        if self.cache is None:
            logger.warning('Surface cache is not build yet.')

        # removing encapsulation
        x_bin, y_bin = self.heatmap_bins['x'], self.heatmap_bins['y']
        x_size, y_size = self.real_world_size['x'], self.real_world_size['y']

        # create equidistant edges based on the user defined interval/size
        x_bin = [x for x in xrange(0,int(x_size + 1), x_bin)]
        y_bin = [y for y in xrange(0,int(y_size + 1), y_bin)]

        all_gaze = []

        for c_e in self.cache[section]:
            if c_e:
                for gp in c_e['gaze_on_srf']:

        if not all_gaze:
            logger.warning("No gaze data on surface for heatmap found.")
            all_gaze.append((-1., -1.))

        all_gaze = np.array(all_gaze)
        all_gaze *= [x_size, y_size]
        print all_gaze
        hist, xedge, yedge = np.histogram2d(all_gaze[:, 0], all_gaze[:, 1],
                                            bins = (x_bin, y_bin),
                                            # range = [[0, x_size], [0, y_size]],
                                            normed = False,
                                            weights = None)

        # numpy.histogram2d does not follow the Cartesian convention
        hist = np.rot90(hist)

        # smoothing/ rounded interpolation?
        if self.filter_blur:
            filter_size = (int(self.heatmap_detail * len(x_bin)/2)*2 +1)
            std_dev = filter_size /6.

            hist = cv2.GaussianBlur(hist, (filter_size, filter_size), std_dev)

        # scale convertion necessary for the colormapping
        maxval = np.amax(hist)
        if maxval:
            scale = 255./maxval
            scale = 0

        # colormapping
        hist = np.uint8(hist * (scale))
        c_map = cv2.applyColorMap(hist, cv2.COLORMAP_JET)

        # we need a 4 channel image to apply transparency
        x, y, channels = c_map.shape
        self.heatmap = np.ones((x, y, 4), dtype = np.uint8)

        # lets assign the color channels
        self.heatmap[:, :, :3] = c_map

        # alpha blend/transparency
        self.heatmap[:, :, 3] = 125

        self.filter_resize = True
        # here we approximate the image size trying to inventing as less data as possible
        # so resizing with a nearest-neighbor interpolation gives good results

        if self.filter_resize:
            inter = cv2.INTER_NEAREST
            dsize = (int(x_size), int(y_size)) 
            self.heatmap = cv2.resize(src=self.heatmap, dsize=dsize, fx=0, fy=0, interpolation=inter)

        # texturing
        self.heatmap_texture = create_named_texture(self.heatmap.shape)
        update_named_texture(self.heatmap_texture, self.heatmap)
cpicanco commented 9 years ago

I was wrong about that "No blurr gives better feedback about the scaled coordinate system."

Better say that control the blur gives some freedom to explore the data.

willpatera commented 9 years ago

Hi @cpicanco -- exciting update! Are you working on this in a branch within your fork of Pupil? If so, please share a link to the commit (if not please make a commit and share it :) so that I (and others) can try it out and make comments directly on the commits/code lines.

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

I just merged pupil-labs/pupil upstream to the master branch. https://github.com/cpicanco/pupil, https://github.com/cpicanco/pupil/commits/master,

"first approach commits"

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

Second approach,

This can help the user to estimate the size, will commit soon.

    def get_surface_vertices(self):
            Returns 4 denormalized vertices (vx,vy) and its corresponding indexes (i).

            3 . . 2
            .     .
            .     .
            0 . . 1
        if self.detected:
            denormalized_vertices = []
            surf_verts = ((0.,0.),(1.,0.),(1.,1.),(0.,1.))
            for (vx,vy),i in zip(self.ref_surface_to_img(np.array(surf_verts)),range(4)):
                vx,vy = denormalize((vx,vy),(self.img_shape[1],self.img_shape[0]),flip_y=True)
        return denormalized_vertices

    def estimate_size(self):
        if self.detected:
            for (vx, vy), i in self.get_surface_vertices(): 
                if i == 0: # bottomleft
                    x0, y0 = vx, vy
                if i == 1: # bottomright
                    x1, y1 = vx, vy
                if i == 3: # topleft
                    x3, y3 = vx, vy

            self.x_dist = math.hypot(x1 - x0, y1 - y0) 
            self.y_dist = math.hypot(x3 - x0, y3 - y0) 


    def estimate_x_size(self):
        print self.x_dist 

    def estimate_y_size(self):
        print self.y_dist 

and the ui of the offline_marker_detector

    s_menu.append(ui.Button('Estimate Size', s.estimate_size))
    s_menu.append(ui.Text_Input('x',s.real_world_size,label='X size', getter=s.estimate_x_size))
    s_menu.append(ui.Text_Input('y',s.real_world_size,label='Y size', getter=s.estimate_y_size))
cpicanco commented 9 years ago

@willpatera, the commits.

Estimate Size UI 6e05e6637d0976487e96385aaf9a511b07abc4e9 Estimate Size (function) fc5c78cd810dd268e266d54ad2a502c16ae387e0 First approach on Heatmaps UI 002ab5101a420580751e35f7749f0254284def0d First approach on Heatmaps (function) df755619e3eb8e7e139dedc9a1eec218fc5707d7

I think that it is a good opportunity to learn more about data analysis.

willpatera commented 9 years ago

Great!! I'll test it out later today.

willpatera commented 9 years ago

Hi @cpicanco -- Apologies for the delayed replies. I ran your code from your master branch and encountered a few issues that could lead to a crash, that can quickly fixed:

General notes for your consideration:

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

Take your time @willpatera , take your time. So, did you like the estimate size idea?

willpatera commented 9 years ago

Hi @cpicanco

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

@willpatera, sorry but I am working in another project. I will return to the present problem soon. I will be finishing the upgrade of my plugins to the v0.4x and solving some bugs in my stimulus control program.

I was thinking about some journals that requires high resolution images. Yes, the resolution (size), and if possible an option to overlay the current frame (surface roi) to the heatmap image (I was reading the source and noticed that you guys already implemented something like this, for some reason it is commented).

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

I am not sure if something here should be merged. Please, make me know, I could make a pull request including the @willpatera recommendations. For me it is not urgent at all.

willpatera commented 9 years ago

@cpicanco -- The blur toggle and the blur gradation slider are very useful and self explanatory for users. If you make a pull request for those changes (minus additions for real world scale estimations) @mkassner and I will happily review it :smiley:

cpicanco commented 9 years ago

I found a study describing a "Standard heatmap algorithm" as follows:

Standard heatmap algorithm

The Gaussian topological function generates smoother heatmaps and thus, with no surprise, became popular among commercial products, like Ogama and SMI BeGaze. The Gaussian function is defined as below:

screenshot from 2015-07-25 01 48 14

For each raw gaze data or fixation (x i , y i ) on a stimulus, the above function calculates intensities of surrounding pixels (x, y) of the stimulus image. The spread of pixels receiving more intensity from (x i , y i ) is defined as kernel size, the sum of all intensities on each pixel than generates an array of intensities. Color of the stimulus image pixel is based on a proportion between the pixel value and the maximum intensity.

Time complexity and quality of heatmap results depend on sigma and kernel size constant values. Sigma is known as variance. As illustrated in Figure 2, a low value of sigma creates a lot of small spots with wide cool area, while a high value results in very few hot spots and heatmap is colored uniformly. Kernel size is the second constant in the Gaussian function. Figure 3 shows that a narrow range creates many small heated spots, while a wide range gives a smoother heatmap. The rendering time will be longer if the kernel size is large because intensity of more pixels around gaze samples need to be computed. In this work, we test the kernel size in range of [100, 200] and the sigma in range of [25, 50].


They are on RG.

willpatera commented 9 years ago

Hi @cpicanco -- thanks for the link, I will read through it :smile: