pupnewfster / ProjectExtended

ProjectExtended is a mod that adds features to ProjectE that EE2 would probably have had it been made in modern times.
MIT License
2 stars 2 forks source link

Suggestion for the Shield. #7

Open masternetra opened 2 years ago

masternetra commented 2 years ago

Suggestion(s) for the shield,

While granted with how OP the gem armor is, the 99% blocking is probably only useful before you upgrade from Red Matter to Gem and/or if the shield is the first red matter item you make, but the thorns would help with clearing out hordes of opponents attacking as well as bosses, especially if it's reflecting a percentage of damage being dealt.

N00b14nL00z3r commented 2 years ago

I had a similar idea with thorns based on charge level costing emc. For an active ability a knock-back based on charge level, possibly deflecting projectiles in range as well.