puppetlabs-toy-chest / puppetlabs-package_updates

Package update discovery Puppet Face and custom Facter fact
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Package updates improvements #15

Closed ccaum closed 8 years ago

ccaum commented 8 years ago

This PR improves the class parameter values that can be passed to minute, hour, month, and weekday. The minute parameter could not accept values greater than 9 and would default to a value of 0-9 which was not ideal. The minute value can now be 0-59 and 'all' or any array of values between 0-9. The hour parameter now accepts an array of Integers between 0 and 23.

The cron job command has been greatly improved. Prior to this PR, the package_updates.json file would be emptied as the command began and would remain empty until the command completed, which can take up to a minute. If Facter is run while the cron job is executing, Facter would throw an error while attempting to parse the package_updates fact. Now, the command outputs to a tmp file that's moved into place after the command is done executing.