puppetlabs / Puppet.Dsc

Convert DSC resources into Puppet Resource API types and providers
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DSC Resources missing mandatory properties #242

Closed ShawnHardwick closed 1 year ago

ShawnHardwick commented 1 year ago

Describe the Bug

Execute both resources in the same Puppet catalog:

  dsc_systemlocale { 'ja-JP':
    dsc_issingleinstance => 'yes',
    dsc_systemlocale     => 'ja-JP',

  dsc_timezone { 'Eastern Standard Time':
    dsc_timezone         => 'Eastern Standard Time',
    dsc_issingleinstance => 'yes',

Catalog apply fails with below error:

dsc_timezone: raw data received: {"rebootrequired"=>false, "indesiredstate"=>false, "errormessage"=>"Could not find mandatory property TimeZone. Add this property and try again."}
dsc_timezone: Could not find mandatory property TimeZone. Add this property and try again.

dsc_systemlocale applies successfully

Expected Behavior

Both resource succeed without failure


Additional Context

I added some debugging statements to the get() function within the dsc_base_provider provider.

dsc_timezone: Collecting data from the DSC Resource
dsc_timezone: No cached results
dsc_timezone: cached_canonicalized_resource: {:dsc_issingleinstance=>"yes", :dsc_systemlocale=>"ja-JP", :name=>"ja-JP", :validation_mode=>"resource"}
dsc_timezone: cached_canonicalized_resource: {:dsc_issingleinstance=>"yes", :dsc_timezone=>"Eastern Standard Time", :name=>"Eastern Standard Time", :validation_mode=>"resource"}
dsc_timezone: mandatory_get_attributes: [:dsc_issingleinstance, :dsc_timezone]
dsc_timezone: namevar_attributes: [:name, :dsc_issingleinstance]
dsc_timezone: Include attribute: dsc_issingleinstance
dsc_timezone: Include attribute: dsc_systemlocale
dsc_timezone: Include attribute: name
dsc_timezone: Include attribute: validation_mode
dsc_timezone: mandatory_properties: {:dsc_issingleinstance=>"yes", :dsc_systemlocale=>"ja-JP", :name=>"ja-JP", :validation_mode=>"resource"}
dsc_timezone: retrieving {:name=>"ja-JP", :dsc_issingleinstance=>"yes", :dsc_systemlocale=>"ja-JP", :validation_mode=>"resource"}
dsc_timezone: invocable_resource: {:parameters=>{:dsc_issingleinstance=>{:value=>"yes", :mof_type=>"String", :mof_is_embedded=>false}}, :name=>"dsc_timezone", :dscmeta_resource_friendly_name=>"TimeZone", :dscmeta_resource_name=>"DSC_TimeZone", :dscmeta_resource_implementation=>"MOF", :dscmeta_module_name=>"ComputerManagementDsc", :dscmeta_module_version=>"8.5.0", :dsc_invoke_method=>"get", :vendored_modules_path=>"C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/puppet/cache/lib/puppet_x/computermanagementdsc/dsc_resources", :attributes=>nil}

It appears that the @@cached_canonicalized_resource contains other DSC resources from the catalog when it shouldn't. Due to this line, it grabs the first one. I'm not sure yet if @@cached_canonicalized_resource contains all defined resources from the catalog or all resources from the catalog for that module (dsc-computermanagementdsc). https://github.com/puppetlabs/ruby-pwsh/blob/main/lib/puppet/provider/dsc_base_provider/dsc_base_provider.rb#L132

In the above case, it is comparing the mandatory and namevar attributes against the dsc_systemlocale DSC resource which is the wrong one.

It incorrectly generates the below DSC script. Notice that the Invoke-DSCResource is missing the TimeZone parameter.

function new-pscredential {
    param (
        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

        [parameter(Mandatory = $true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]

    $secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
    $credentials = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($user, $secpasswd)
    return $credentials

Function ConvertTo-CanonicalResult {
      [Parameter(Mandatory, Position = 1)]


      $RecursionLevel = 0

  $MaxDepth = 5
  $CimInstancePropertyFilter = { $_.Definition -match 'CimInstance' -and $_.Name -ne 'PSDscRunAsCredential' }

  # Get the properties which are/aren't Cim instances
  $ResultObject = @{ }
  $ResultPropertyList = $Result | Get-Member -MemberType Property | Where-Object { $_.Name -ne 'PSComputerName' }
  $CimInstanceProperties = $ResultPropertyList | Where-Object -FilterScript $CimInstancePropertyFilter

  foreach ($Property in $ResultPropertyList) {
      $PropertyName = $Property.Name
      if ($Property -notin $CimInstanceProperties) {
          $Value = $Result.$PropertyName
          if ($PropertyName -eq 'Ensure' -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Result.$PropertyName)) {
              # Just set 'Present' since it was found /shrug
              # If the value IS listed as absent, don't update it unless you want flapping
              $Value = 'Present'
          else {
              if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($value)) {
                  # While PowerShell can happily treat empty strings as valid for returning
                  # an undefined enum, Puppet expects undefined values to be nil.
                  $Value = $null

              if ($Value.Count -eq 1 -and $Property.Definition -match '\\[\\]') {
                  $Value = @($Value)
      elseif ($null -eq $Result.$PropertyName) {
          if ($Property -match 'InstanceArray') {
              $Value = @()
          else {
              $Value = $null
      elseif ($Result.$PropertyName.GetType().Name -match 'DateTime') {
          # Handle DateTimes especially since they're an edge case
          $Value = Get-Date $Result.$PropertyName -UFormat ""%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%Z""
      else {
          # Looks like a nested CIM instance, recurse if we're not too deep in already.

          if ($PropertyPath -eq [string]::Empty) {
              $PropertyPath = $PropertyName
          else {
              $PropertyPath = "$PropertyPath.$PropertyName"

          if ($RecursionLevel -gt $MaxDepth) {
              # Give up recursing more than this
              return $Result.ToString()

          $Value = foreach ($item in $Result.$PropertyName) {
              ConvertTo-CanonicalResult -Result $item -PropertyPath $PropertyPath -RecursionLevel ($RecursionLevel + 1) -WarningAction Continue

          # The cim instance type is the last component of the type Name
          # We need to return this for ruby to compare the result hashes
          # We do NOT need it for the top-level properties as those are defined in the type
          If ($RecursionLevel -gt 1 -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($Value) ) {
              # If there's multiple instances, you need to add the type to each one, but you
              # need to specify only *one* name, otherwise things end up *very* broken.
              if ($Value.GetType().Name -match '\[\]') {
                  $Value | ForEach-Object -Process {
                      $_.cim_instance_type = $Result.$PropertyName.CimClass.CimClassName[0]
              } else {
                  $Value.cim_instance_type = $Result.$PropertyName.CimClass.CimClassName
                  # Ensure that, if it should be an array, it is
                  if ($Result.$PropertyName.GetType().Name -match '\[\]') {
                      $Value = @($Value)

      if ($Property.Definition -match 'InstanceArray') {
          If ($null -eq $Value -or $Value.GetType().Name -notmatch '\[\]') { $Value = @($Value) }

      $ResultObject.$PropertyName = $Value

  # Output the final result
$script:ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'
$script:WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'

$response = @{
    indesiredstate = $false
    rebootrequired = $false
    errormessage   = ''

$InvokeParams = @{Name = 'TimeZone'; Method = 'get'; Property = @{issingleinstance = 'yes'}; ModuleName = @{ModuleName = 'C:/ProgramData/PuppetLabs/puppet/cache/lib/puppet_x/computermanagementdsc/dsc_resources/ComputerManagementDsc/ComputerManagementDsc.psd1'; RequiredVersion = '8.5.0'}}
Try {
  $Result = Invoke-DscResource @InvokeParams
} catch {
  $Response.errormessage   = $_.Exception.Message
  return ($Response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
} Finally {
  If (![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($UnmungedPSModulePath)) {
    # Reset the PSModulePath
    [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', $UnmungedPSModulePath, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine)
    $env:PSModulePath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable('PSModulePath', 'machine')

# keep the switch for when Test passes back changed properties
Switch ($invokeParams.Method) {
  'Test' {
    $Response.indesiredstate = $Result.InDesiredState
    return ($Response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
  'Set' {
    $Response.indesiredstate = $true
    $Response.rebootrequired = $Result.RebootRequired
    return ($Response | ConvertTo-Json -Compress)
  'Get' {
    $CanonicalizedResult = ConvertTo-CanonicalResult -Result $Result
    return ($CanonicalizedResult | ConvertTo-Json -Compress -Depth 10)
chelnak commented 1 year ago

Another interesting one. Thanks @ShawnHardwick

Hvid commented 1 year ago

I'm experiencing the same issue. Is there a workaround available?

ShawnHardwick commented 1 year ago

@Hvid The current workaround I have in place to continue my testing involved converting the class variables to instance variables in the dsc provider in pwshlib. You can find the exact changes here:


I am not running this in production so use at your own risk. I'll let Puppet develop the correct solution.

chelnak commented 1 year ago

@ShawnHardwick nice. Do you want to submit this as a PR on pwshlib?

GSPatton commented 1 year ago

hi @ShawnHardwick. This is a really good spot, we appreciate the work. I'm going to ticket this up and have a look at it soon. Thanks again for the contributions.

ShawnHardwick commented 1 year ago

Sorry for the long delay in responding. I am no longer in a role to follow up on this unfortunately so I won't be able to contribute much outside of what I've provided.

jordanbreen28 commented 1 year ago

Hey @ShawnHardwick - Understand this may be of no help to you now.. But just wanted to shout out that we shipped your fix, so thanks for the help with this one!

ShawnHardwick commented 1 year ago

Even though I'm not actively working on it, I'm glad this was made available for others. Thanks for following up on it @jordanbreen28