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Two bugs with DNS_ALT_NAMES variable #262

Open elofu17 opened 3 years ago

elofu17 commented 3 years ago

README.md says: "The value of DNS_ALT_NAMES must list all the names, as a comma-separated list, under which the Puppet server in the stack can be reached from agents. It will have puppet prepended to it as that name is used by PuppetDB to communicate with the Puppet server."

Two bugs:

Bug 1) The variable DNS_ALT_NAMES is not actually used in the code! The variables PUPPET_DNS_ALT_NAMES and PUPPETDB_DNS_ALT_NAMES are used to set DNS_ALT_NAMES.

gem/lib/pupperware/compose-services/puppet.yml: - DNS_ALT_NAMES=${PUPPET_DNS_ALT_NAMES:-puppet} gem/lib/pupperware/compose-services/puppetdb.yml: - DNS_ALT_NAMES=${PUPPETDB_DNS_ALT_NAMES:-puppetdb}

I run the given command from README.md: DNS_ALT_NAMES=host.example.com docker-compose up -d

...but since I have set neither PUPPET_DNS_ALT_NAMES nor PUPPETDB_DNS_ALT_NAMES, DNS_ALT_NAMES is set to its defaults.

You can see this in:

/var/lib/docker/volumes/compose-services_puppetserver-config/_data/puppet.conf : dns_alt_names = puppet

This should read:

dns_alt_names = puppet,host.example.com

Bug 2) README.md says the hostname "puppet" will be prepended to whatever I type. It is not!

If I manually workaround Bug 1 above by:

export PUPPET_DNS_ALT_NAMES=host.example.com export PUPPETDB_DNS_ALT_NAMES=host.example.com docker-compose up -d

/var/lib/docker/volumes/compose-services_puppetserver-config/_data/puppet.conf : dns_alt_names = host.example.com

See that the hostname "puppet" has not been prepended.

This should read:

dns_alt_names = puppet,host.example.com

Current workaround for both bugs:

export PUPPET_DNS_ALT_NAMES=puppet,host.example.com export PUPPETDB_DNS_ALT_NAMES=puppetdb,host.example.com docker-compose up -d

Fix: Either fix the bugs or change the documentation.