puppetlabs / puppet-approved-modules

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Please approve puppet/erlang #4

Closed bastelfreak closed 1 year ago

bastelfreak commented 1 year ago

Puppet Module Approval Request

Please include the module Github URL (include namespace and module name), For example: https://github.com/voxpupuli/puppet-erlang

Gareth made an erlang module ages ago. it has the approved badge, but wasn't updated in 8 years: https://forge.puppet.com/modules/garethr/erlang/readme

I think this doesn't quafily anymore for the approved badge and it should be transferred to the Vox Pupuli module.

david22swan commented 1 year ago
  1. Style - Module is well laid out and easily understood
  2. Documentation - README is relatively sparse and does not have any example usage, the REFERENCE does however so I would personally consider this requirement fulfilled.
  3. Maintenance and Lifecycle - Module seems to be actively maintained with multiple maintenance commits through the past 6 months. Module has a handful of maintainers, with the added knowledge of this being a Vox module I am happy with this.
  4. License - Module is licensed under Apache
  5. Originality - While, as stated above, there already exists a approved module with the same functionality, it has not been updated since 2014, as such I would feel confident in moving the approval to this module.
  6. Metadata - metadata looks clean and accurate
  7. semver - Module has been tagged with semver
  8. Testing - module features good test coverage, though on a PR basis only, no nightly test coverage in place. Due to the rather static nature of the module this is not a large issue however.
  9. Puppet Version - Module is up to date with current puppet versions
david22swan commented 1 year ago

@bastelfreak This all look's good to me, will talk it over but I think we are good to get this approved.

david22swan commented 1 year ago

@bastelfreak That's the badge transferred over now