puppetlabs / puppet-lint

Check that your Puppet manifests conform to the style guide
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(maint) - Release prep v4.2.2 #178

Closed jordanbreen28 closed 7 months ago

jordanbreen28 commented 7 months ago


Rolling back release v5.0.0. Releasing puppet-lint gem with reference to newly published rubygem on GitHub registry. Have added original owner back as this will be the final release under https://rubygems.org/gems/puppet-lint.

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ekohl commented 7 months ago

Have added original owner back as this will be the final release under https://rubygems.org/gems/puppet-lint.

Would it make sense to publish to both?

Facter gets released as GPG signed to https://downloads.puppet.com/ which feels like the right thing to do here. In Fedora's Facter packaging I use that as the official source (and verify the GPG signature). IMHO that gives way more supply chain safety than publishing to GitHub and also consistency to the community.

bastelfreak commented 7 months ago

Have added original owner back as this will be the final release under https://rubygems.org/gems/puppet-lint.

Would it make sense to publish to both?

I assumed and I'm still hoping that the final gems will be released to github and rubygems. Vox Pupuli follows the same pattern and that was also our recommendation in the last Vox Pupuli monthly meeting.

jordanbreen28 commented 7 months ago

@bastelfreak @ekohl - Lets discuss. We're going to re-open the discussion

ekohl commented 7 months ago

A gemspec can only name a dependency, it can't indicate the source. If a user doesn't specify the source of puppet-lint in a Gemfile, they will get an older version. It also means a lot more work for everyone consuming puppet-lint to set up. If you trust Rubygems, it's just so much easier if you publish to both. Not having to think about transitive dependencies, all of that.

In the case of Vox Pupuli, we don't depend on puppet-lint directly. Instead, we pull it in via voxpupuli-puppet-lint-plugins which in turn pulls it in via voxpupuli-test. Our modules have something that comes down to:

group :test do
  gem 'voxpupuli-test', '~> 7.0', require: false

If you don't publish to Rubygems, we need to change this to:

group :test do
  gem 'voxpupuli-test', '~> 7.0', require: false
  source 'https://rubygems.pkg.github.com/puppetlabs' do
    gem 'puppet-lint'

Out of interest, I just tried to at least consume voxpupuli-test but then I see:

$ bundle update
Authentication is required for rubygems.pkg.github.com.
Please supply credentials for this source. You can do this by running:
`bundle config set --global rubygems.pkg.github.com username:password`
or by storing the credentials in the `BUNDLE_RUBYGEMS__PKG__GITHUB__COM` environment variable

So that will make consuming puppet-lint anywhere via Bundler a massive pain, especially in CI.

My recommendation:

For Fedora RPM packaging of Facter & Puppet I verify the GPG key (https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/facter/blob/rawhide/f/facter.spec#_64 & https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/puppet/blob/rawhide/f/puppet.spec#_64) and I'll do the same for puppet-lint if possible.

The PDK can then consume gems from a verified source, either via GH or downloads.puppet.com. I don't know the PDK build process, but perhaps just being able to verify a gem is signed and is identical to what's on Rubygems is sufficient assurance for customers.

jordanbreen28 commented 7 months ago

A gemspec can only name a dependency, it can't indicate the source. If a user doesn't specify the source of puppet-lint in a Gemfile, they will get an older version. It also means a lot more work for everyone consuming puppet-lint to set up. If you trust Rubygems, it's just so much easier if you publish to both. Not having to think about transitive dependencies, all of that.

In the case of Vox Pupuli, we don't depend on puppet-lint directly. Instead, we pull it in via voxpupuli-puppet-lint-plugins which in turn pulls it in via voxpupuli-test. Our modules have something that comes down to:

group :test do
  gem 'voxpupuli-test', '~> 7.0', require: false

If you don't publish to Rubygems, we need to change this to:

group :test do
  gem 'voxpupuli-test', '~> 7.0', require: false
  source 'https://rubygems.pkg.github.com/puppetlabs' do
    gem 'puppet-lint'

Out of interest, I just tried to at least consume voxpupuli-test but then I see:

$ bundle update
Authentication is required for rubygems.pkg.github.com.
Please supply credentials for this source. You can do this by running:
`bundle config set --global rubygems.pkg.github.com username:password`
or by storing the credentials in the `BUNDLE_RUBYGEMS__PKG__GITHUB__COM` environment variable

So that will make consuming puppet-lint anywhere via Bundler a massive pain, especially in CI.

My recommendation:

  • Publish to Rubygems as has always been done
  • Publish to GitHub's registry
  • Publish GPG signed releases to downloads.puppet.com

For Fedora RPM packaging of Facter & Puppet I verify the GPG key (https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/facter/blob/rawhide/f/facter.spec#_64 & https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/puppet/blob/rawhide/f/puppet.spec#_64) and I'll do the same for puppet-lint if possible.

The PDK can then consume gems from a verified source, either via GH or downloads.puppet.com. I don't know the PDK build process, but perhaps just being able to verify a gem is signed and is identical to what's on Rubygems is sufficient assurance for customers.

Thanks for the in-depth analysis @ekohl. We have taken this all into account and will update the discussions thread by COB tomorrow with our final steps outlined.

RE The changelog, this was an oversight and will be corrected in the next release of puppet-lint.