puppetlabs / puppet-specifications

Specification of the Puppet Language, Catalog, Extension points
99 stars 66 forks source link

(maint) Add CODEOWNERS #144

Closed joshcooper closed 5 years ago

joshcooper commented 5 years ago

Used the following to see which teams have participated:

$ git log --pretty=format:"%an" | sort | uniq -c
   9 Alex Dreyer
  24 Andrew Parker
   1 Brian Cain
   2 Casey Williams
  11 Dave Armstrong
  94 David Schmitt
   1 Enis Inan
   5 Eric Sorenson
   6 Ethan J. Brown
   1 Gabriel Nagy
   2 Geoff Nichols
   1 Gheorghe Popescu
   1 Greg Larkin
 196 Henrik Lindberg
   2 Iristyle
   3 J.D. Welch
   1 Jeff McCune
   2 John C O'Connor
   1 Jorie Tappa
  39 Josh Cooper
   1 Kevin Corcoran
  13 Kylo Ginsberg
   1 Lucy Wyman
   4 Maggie Dreyer
   2 Matthaus Owens
   1 Melissa
   4 Melissa Stone
  22 Michael Smith
   1 Michael Stahnke
   1 Morgan Haskel
   1 Nick Fagerlund
   4 Nick Lewis
   1 Nick Walker
   2 Peter Huene
   1 Reid Vandewiele
   1 Reid Wahl
   1 Richard Clamp
   4 Rob Braden
   1 Rob Reynolds
   1 Ruth Linehan
   1 Scott Garman
   1 Sean P McDonald
   1 Sean P. McDonald
  24 Thomas Hallgren
   1 Travis Fields
   2 claire cadman
   9 clairecadman
   1 davidmalloncares
   1 donoghuc
   1 fiddyspence
   1 geoffnichols
   4 james-stocks
   2 melamos
   1 mruzicka
   2 parisiale
   1 smcclellan
DavidS commented 5 years ago

Please move the @puppetlabs/networking to it's own line like this:

# Resource API specification handled by the Network Automation Team
/language/resource-api @puppetlabs/networking