puppetlabs / puppet_litmus

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(CAT-1545) - Return RHEL-9 ARM images in matrix #532

Closed jordanbreen28 closed 8 months ago

jordanbreen28 commented 8 months ago

This PR adds a new constant ARM_IMAGE_TABLE which contains viable arm architecture images in GCP. Now whenever rhel-9 is listed as a supported OS in a modules metadata, both the intel and arm GCP image details are returned. Have opted for bugfix label as fixes regression in https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppet_litmus/pull/530. We cannot specify arm explicitly in the metadata.json.

Related Issues (if any)



Verified with metadata.json containing rhel-9 that both the rhel-9 intel and rhel-9-arm entries are returned:

spec_matrix={"include":[{"puppet_version":"~> 7.24","ruby_version":2.7},{"puppet_version":"~> 8.0","ruby_version":3.2}]}