puppetlabs / puppetlabs-pecdm

Puppet Bolt driven fusion of puppetlabs/peadm and Terraform.
Apache License 2.0
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Identify stdlib dep and update dep functions #109

Closed MartyEwings closed 11 months ago

MartyEwings commented 1 year ago

Prior to this commit pecdm did not state stdlib as a dependency, this commit fixes that and updates the deprecated stdlib to_json_pretty and merge functions to their named space equivalents.

Also added Puppet 8 Support and updated the PDK template

CoMfUcIoS commented 1 year ago

Maybe it will be also good to bump peadm in this PR?

timidri commented 1 year ago

Maybe it will be also good to bump peadm in this PR?

We can probably do it in a separate one, just to divide and conquer.

I do have some worries about lack of testing here... Anyone has any ideas on how to properly unit/acceptance test this?

chelnak commented 1 year ago

The existing tests should cover this because in theory no functionality has changed.

Edit: I just looked and there are no tests for the project yet!

Since @MartyEwings did the PR maybe he wants to write a test suite too 😉

davidsandilands commented 1 year ago

@MartyEwings i just bumped this to PDK 3.0 if your good with it I can approve and merge

MartyEwings commented 11 months ago

@davidsandilands looks good