puppylinux-woof-CE / woof-CE

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An "Awesome Puppy Linux" repo #1628

Closed sc0ttj closed 4 years ago

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

An "Awesome Puppy Linux" Github repo

Let's make a GitHub awesome list which has a big list of things that we know 100% work in Puppy, with links to their GitHub repos or homepages.

It could cover things that need extra software, and lots of specific categories and use cases, like:

Butterfly commented 4 years ago

On 10/24/19, Scott J wrote:

An "Awesome Puppy Linux" Github repo

Let's make a GitHub awesome list which has a big list of things that we know 100% work in Puppy, with links to their GitHub repos or homepages.

It could cover things that need extra software, and lots of specific categories and use cases, like:

  • Web
    • CMS
      • Jekyll
      • Hugo
      • etc
    • Web Servers
      • lighttpd
      • nginx
    • Blogging tools

Web/Internet > Browsers Web/Internet/Networking > Connection Tools (or something similar)

  • Music production
    • [some mixers]
    • [some DAWs]

Multimedia > CD/DVD players for movies Multimedia > Movie production packages (I haven't nosed around to see what's available yet but definitely a personal interest)

  • Games
    • Freeciv
    • [some online games]
    • etc

What you're suggesting ran through my own head last night after having poked my nose in yesterday.

Speaking as someone who played with website design and getting things on front page search results, creatively (but not overdoing) internal linking is a positive again with respect to how search engines view projects. It's about SEO.. search engine optimization.

AND, of course, this kind of thing would be a VERY user-friendly perk. :smile:

I was imagining something that follows Puppy Linux's Application Menu so that users find a familiar pattern of moving around amongst the packages Cognitively friendly is what comes to mind.


wdlkmpx commented 4 years ago

Some smalls tools and servers can be added to the pet repos, and even to the default builds (testdisk, etc).

But when it comes to blogging, email, etc. I find that a proper browser provides all of that and more (gmail, wordpress, blogspot), I don't see the point. The browser should be the gui for everything to justify its size.

I have some sfs's and recipes for sfs's here:


Currently only palemoon, firefox, linux_firmware and ffmpeg_static

Open invitation to anyone who wants to update the sfs's by running the scripts and upload the results, firefox and palemoon require the version variable to be updated. The recipes may be updated anytime.

My intention is to make that sfs repo available to future builds.

I will also upload ISO's, it could become a good place to download updated stuff and unofficial updated isos that are updated regularly... for testing purposes only.

But it can also just fade away just like all my other initiatives.

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

@wdlkmpx I think you got the wrong end of the stick .. Or I do ..

An "awesome repo" means a github repo with a README listing awesome things.. Like these ones:

They have nothing to do with package repositories .. I simply mean we should create a github repo called awesome-puppy-linux, with only a README in it, which lists all the releases, best derivatives, and all the best additional or user contributed programs and scripts (that are known to work on Puppy Linux).

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

My intention is to make that sfs repo available to future builds.

Again, this SFS package repo stuff is off-topic for this issue...

...but FYI, Pkg can do pkg --sfs-combine <pkg-name> and it will combine a package and its deps into a SFS file.. Should be an easy way to create custom packages (with extra fixes etc) of the bigger, fussier packages.

You can add these SFS files to an additional, "contrib" or "third-party" repo with the pkg dir2repo command:

Usage: pkg dir2repo DIR

Create a Puppy-compatible package repository (repo).

DIR must be a valid directory containing valid packages,
and all packages must have the same file extension.


Run the command, you will be asked to give a repo name,
repo URL, and optional 'fall back' repos.

The entire contents of the given directory should
then be uploaded to your chosen repo URL.


Alongside the packages, a repo file will be generated
in the repo directory, as well as a repo installer file.

You can edit the contents of the following files
before uploading your repo:

Packages-*     <-- the repo file
install        <-- a repo info file (for installing the repo from URL)


Repos generated in this way and uploaded online can be
installed by other users simply by running this command:

  pkg add-repo <your-repo-URL>


Supported packaged types include PET, SFS, DEB, TXZ.
You can use any supported packages types, but you
cannot mix and match them in a single repo.
wdlkmpx commented 4 years ago

Hahaha, I sometimes don't properly read and don't finish reading either.

Puppy Linux.. what is puppy linux? Something may work today but tomorrow is another story. Many scripts that once worked no longer work and that's why a massive cleanup happened.

I'm aware pkg is advanced, but it might take a few weeks or months or years before I properly learn how it works. But that sfs repo is meant to have more generic stuff, downloading and packaging builds, not using distro specific builds.

An awesome puppy linux repo. Ok I agree somebody must do that, there are many things to do indeed. But as far as I known nothing can be expected from the current members of da team.

Access. Powerpoint. Word. There are 3 admins: 01micko, pemasu, mavrothal.

wdlkmpx commented 4 years ago

Looking at those awesome git repos, I see that sort of stuff probably should go in a wiki?

Something like this? https://github.com/puppylinux-woof-CE/woof-CE/wiki/Scripts-and-dependencies

Perhaps the project needs a wiki git repo with updated info.


That page has an interesting line.. build your own Puppy with woof-CE, only yours... for devs to break it whenever they make changes. Hehe. I like the idea.

It's hard to move something forward when you have to keep everything intact so that people can continue building their pups without issues.

Now, the awesome repo (awesome-pup). I can create it right now. I will not hesitate to give write access to people.

But maybe "woof-CE-wiki" makes more sense? In automatic mode I can write a few docs, but I need someone to revise and reword them if necessary. I can be a robot and just type random stuff while not thinking too much.

woof-CE-wiki or awesome-pup?

CollaboratorGCM commented 4 years ago

"woof-CE-wiki or awesome-pup?"

I see advantages in both of what is share in this thread.

The "Wiki" seems best going forward with the assumption that it has and maintains "stardard" document format; namely Table of Contents, a list of contributors, list of evaluators to maintain, keep current and to alert new/existing persons of content. Further, each PUP release should make it available in the opening splash (or browser home)...after FirstRUN.

This "could/should" have an advantage as one which might reduce developers having to answer the same questions over and over again....of course, the assumption here, is that it will become a widely used go-to wiki for accurate/preliminary PUPPY linux info.

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

Now, the awesome repo (awesome-pup). I can create it right now

"woof-CE-wiki or awesome-pup?"


Call it awesome-puppy-linux

So that way, people actually know what it is ... And it's a common convention already.

Just awesome-pup won't attract any users searching for Linux stuff, it's not clear, and bad SEO too...

and woof-CE-wiki is even worse - no one will have a clue what that is, or be searching for it .... think about attracting new users.... people who searched for "awesome linux" etc... Literally no one is Google searching "woof-ce" anything...

Anyway .... I just made one .. So maybe something like this? ...remember, it's just an example.

Awesome Puppy Linux

Puppy Linux is an awesome Linux distro, and here's a list of all the best Puppy Linux releases, derivatives and supported programs.

Feel free to contribute / star / fork / pull request . Any recommendations and suggestions are welcomed.

Or join us at the famously friendly Puppy Linux Forum. We're always happy to help our newest members, so become a member now.

Table of Contents

Official releases:

Release Name Supported systems Release Date Built from
BionicPup32 32 bit April, 2018 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) i686
BionicPup64 64 bit Sept, 2018 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic) amd64
ScPup 32 and 64 bit Dec 2018 Slackware 14.1
XenialPup 32 bit April, 2016 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) i686
XenialPup64 64 bit June 2016 Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (Xenial) amd64
TahrPup 32 bit Oct 2014 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Tahr) i686
TahrPup64 64 bit Dec 2014 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS (Tahr) i686

More versions are available on the official releases downloads page

Puppy derivatives:

Puppy Sites

Puppy Documentation

Installing Puppy Linux

Guides and Tutorials

IRC channels


Puppy Linux programs

These open source programs are exclusive to Puppy Linux, and were developed by the Puppy Linux community.


Chat Clients

Command-line programs

Data Recovery

Desktop Environments and Window Managers


E-Book Utilities



File Manager







Sharing Files




General Linux Websites

Linux News, Apps, and more ...


Learn Linux

Command Line Utilities


List of contributors

  1. (LuongVo)
  2. sc0ttj
  3. ....

⬆ back to top

Guideline to contribute

Simeply put the name of the application in the list. Link to its homepage or a guide on how to install it.
Also write a short description for the application + add icon. Make sure it is put under the appropriate topic. If the application doesnt fit in any existing topic, make a new one for it. Ensure everything is alphabetically sorted.

Items marked with Open-Source Software are open-source software and link to the source code. Items marked with Freeware are free (as in free beer).


Creative Commons License

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

^ it shouldn't take us too long to

We should also make sure to add programs that doesn't have it's own homepage or repo:

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

We can easily "borrow" stuff from other lists like the ones I linked to earlier.. This is a good one: https://github.com/luong-komorebi/Awesome-Linux-Software

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

Anyway, when there is a puppylinux-woof-CE/awesome-puppy-linux repo created, which users can do PRs on, then we can close this ticket.

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

And quite frankly, if we could rename the main GitHub namespace/user

from puppylinux-woof-CE to just puppylinux or puppy-linux

that would also be great.. :crossed_fingers:

EDIT: I know someone already has github.com/puppylinux ... but who are they? It's not being used..

CollaboratorGCM commented 4 years ago

As I remember, this GIT was created to address the needs for creating bootable PUPs. Thus its title intends to reflect that. .... Seems/seemed "Resonable" to avoid confusion.

But other ideas for OTHER GITs for other Puppy stuff make sense for other kinds of development.

GIT intends to support development versus eistence as an overall information sources, IMHO.

This site ( http://wikka.puppylinux.com/HomePage ) maybe the best location for what @Sc0ttj desires. Its maintainers keeps it up to date and insures that its focus "stays" on Puppy Linux stuff without the usual off-topic distractions seen in the murga forum. It welcomes everyone and I feel confident they are both receptive and supportive to this kind of idea(s) to promote Puppy Linux adoption. As I remember, this site has been around for over a decade, IIRC. And they are responsive.

I present this as mere FYI.

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

GIT intends to support development versus eistence as an overall information sources, IMHO.

  1. GitHub is a documentation space..

These days every good software project has a repo, which has a README.. written and presented nicely in Markdown, usually with screenshots, etc (not the horrible little .txt readmes like woof-ce repo).

  1. Many repos are only full of documentation. That is their sole purpose. That is fine.

  2. Ubuntu has a website, a wiki, and lots of "Awesome" lists on GitHub..

Improving or updating the Puppy Wiki is not an argument for not having an "awesome" list Github repo, which would serve as an additional tool we use to promote puppy, help new users, etc.

These lists don't need to be updated that often - we just have links to homepages, forum threads, github repos and once in a while we remove outdated or broken links.

They're free and give Puppy better visibility online, help advertise Puppy to new users, especially those who spend more time on Github than random wikis (basically everyone).

wdlkmpx commented 4 years ago

Well, I guess the organization can be renamed or something. But it's up to micko


I would rename it to Polaris Linux CE

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

I would rename it to Polaris Linux CE

I'll assume that's a joke.

BTW, I tried to push an improved version of the above awesome list to the new repo, and I got a 403... I don't have access..

Can you please make myself and all other known Puppy users on GitHub admins of that repo? Once myself and others are able to actually push changes to that repo, then we can close this ticket, and I can stop moaning ;)

sc0ttj commented 4 years ago

Done.. Thanks :+1: