pupunzi / jquery.mb.YTPlayer

use a custom yutube player for a video as background on jQuery framework
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How to auto play video without touch on mobile #352

Closed abbastahir closed 6 years ago

abbastahir commented 6 years ago

There is no any option to auto play video without touch on mobile. I have hide this code but same result. jQuery(document).one("touchstart", function () { YTPlayer.player.playVideo(); });

any solution?

pupunzi commented 6 years ago

The most of mobile devices doesn't allow video to play without a human interaction. I noticed that on the iPhoneX with the latest OS the video starts without the needs of the first touch but that is device dependent. don't remove those lines otherwise the most of devices will not be able to watch the video.

abbastahir commented 6 years ago
