pupunzi / jquery.mb.audio

An audio API for mobile HTML5 that tries to actually work :-)
161 stars 37 forks source link

Works in Appmode on iOS9b3, not as webpage #13

Open PatrickBK opened 9 years ago

PatrickBK commented 9 years ago


I mean iOS9b5:-)

I used your code in my dev site http://beebuy.it

Clicking om the + on an iPhone (plaats veiling on desktop) and clicking 'verder' in that page without filling in the form gives a sound on my iMac and on my iPhone when the site is pinned to the home screen and ran as a webapp but the sound doesn't work when I load beebuy.it in mobile safari and do the same steps.

Is this an iOS9b5 issue? Or is it in your code?

If you want to test, send me your IP so I can add you to the access list for beebuy.it

Ow and btw...

streak : {id: "streak", start: 0, end: 1.3, loop: 3},

Loops in Chrome and Ffox on my iMac but not in Safari. Mobile Safari (webapp mode) also doesn't loop.

