purcell / exec-path-from-shell

Make Emacs use the $PATH set up by the user's shell
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OS X warning from default bashrc #34

Closed jacobmoe closed 8 years ago

jacobmoe commented 8 years ago

The following warning appears when starting emacs on OS X:

Warning (emacs): You appear to be setting environment variables in your .bashrc or .zshrc: those files are only read by interactive shells, so you should instead set environment variables in startup files like .bash_profile or .zshenv.  See the man page for your shell for more info.  In future, exec-path-from-shell will not read variables set in the wrong files.

I'm using the standard OS X .bash_profile for shell config. This warning results from the default system-wide bashrc found in /private/etc/bashrc. Tested by renaming that file, and no longer saw the warning. Since /private/etc/bashrc is a read-only system default, this warning should probably be suppressed on OS X.

purcell commented 8 years ago

I'd rather figure out why than just suppress it. It must be somehow due to /etc/bashrc_Apple_Terminal. What variables are you loading via exec-path-from-shell?

purcell commented 8 years ago

In fact, I can't reproduce this on my OS X machine (10.11.1).

jacobmoe commented 8 years ago

Ah, this happened after I started using spacemacs. I assumed it was caused by a different version of exec-path-from-shell from my own config, which didn't have a problem. I'm on OS X 10.11.1, emacs

Other than initialization, a search of spacemacs only finds, (exec-path-from-shell-copy-env "GOPATH").

purcell commented 8 years ago

I just pushed a change which will include in the warning message the specific vars that are being set in the wrong startup files. So when that gets built as a fresh package on MELPA and you update it, it would tell us which of the vars is being set.

jacobmoe commented 8 years ago

Grabbed it from master. Here's the new warning: Warning (emacs): You appear to be setting environment variables ("MANPATH") in your .bashrc or .zshrc

Files containing MANPATH:

halbtuerke commented 8 years ago

I get this error with the default configuration of oh-my-zsh but unfortunately I have no clue how to debug this problem. Do you have any hint for what I should be looking for?

jacobmoe commented 8 years ago

This appears to be only an issue with the GUI, likely due to


MANPATH is not set outside of emacs, but in the emacs shell its value is ba691c29705f7e4e976bcae906b69862Saving session...

@halbtuerke Are you using spacemacs in the GUI on OS X?

halbtuerke commented 8 years ago

No, I'm not using spacemacs. But I'm using the GUI version of Emacs on OS X.

purcell commented 8 years ago

MANPATH is not set outside of emacs, but in the emacs shell its value is ba691c29705f7e4e976bcae906b69862Saving session...

Erk, that doesn't look right. Can you add (setq exec-path-from-shell-debug t) to the start of your init.el? This should produce more debug output at startup time.

halbtuerke commented 8 years ago

The debug output on my machine is the following:

Invoking shell /usr/local/bin/zsh with args ("-l" "-i" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s\\000%s' \"${PATH-c72b2dc4cb2495f181bc472bd82b1683}\" \"${MANPATH-c72b2dc4cb2495f181bc472bd82b1683}\"")
Shell printed: "__RESULT/Users/patrick/.gem/ruby/2.2.2/bin:/Users/patrick/.rubies/ruby-2.2.2/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/bin:/Users/patrick/.rubies/ruby-2.2.2/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/Users/patrick/Library/Python/2.7/bin:/Users/patrick/.local/bin:/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/bin:/Users/patrick/Coding/go/bin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/Users/patrick/bin:/Users/patrick/.fzf/bin/usr/share/man:/usr/local/share/man:/opt/X11/share/man:/usr/local/MacGPG2/share/man:/Library/TeX/Distributions/.DefaultTeX/Contents/Man:/Users/patrick/.fzf/man"
Invoking shell /usr/local/bin/zsh with args ("-l" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s\\000%s' \"${PATH-30a821240430073d01376e3ae0b0a28b}\" \"${MANPATH-30a821240430073d01376e3ae0b0a28b}\"")
Shell printed: "__RESULT/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin:/usr/local/MacGPG2/bin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/Users/patrick/Library/Python/2.7/bin:/Users/patrick/.local/bin:/usr/local/opt/go/libexec/bin:/Users/patrick/Coding/go/bin:/usr/local/share/npm/bin:/Users/patrick/bin:/Users/patrick/.fzf/bin/usr/share/man:/usr/local/share/man:/opt/X11/share/man:/usr/local/MacGPG2/share/man:/Library/TeX/Distributions/.DefaultTeX/Contents/Man:/Users/patrick/.fzf/man"
Invoking shell /usr/local/bin/zsh with args ("-l" "-i" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s' \"${GOPATH-a3d919562065edd25de72872fb5be932}\"")
Shell printed: "__RESULT/Users/patrick/Coding/go"
Invoking shell /usr/local/bin/zsh with args ("-l" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s' \"${GOPATH-f59c749f0e2f91f46a41f5cf65f244ef}\"")
Shell printed: "__RESULT/Users/patrick/Coding/go"
halbtuerke commented 8 years ago

I think I fixed it. I moved the configurations of fzf, nvm and chruby to .zshenv and now I don't get the warning when starting Emacs.

purcell commented 8 years ago

@halbtuerke Great - that was the intention of the warning. :-)

JP-Ellis commented 8 years ago

For people who wish to have different $PATH variable in an interactive shell to the usual shell, how is this warning suppressed?

For example, if I (interactively) navigate to a path which has a python virtualenv set up, the $PATHenvironment automatically gets adjusted to load executables from the virtualenv, but I definitely do not want to have these executables in my global $PATH. Similarly, many Ruby projects have per-project binaries which don't really belong in a global $PATH environment.

jacobmoe commented 8 years ago

@purcell, my debug info:

Invoking shell /bin/bash with args ("-l" "-i" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s\\000%s' \"${PATH-eec8a1d3c6ae8ff157131f6b862d12e8}\" \"${MANPATH-eec8a1d3c6ae8ff157131f6b862d12e8}\"")
Shell printed: "Restored session: Mon Nov 23 09:27:26 EST 2015
__RESULT/Users/jacobmoe/bin:/Users/jacobmoe/.gem/ruby/2.2.3/bin:/Users/jacobmoe/.rubies/ruby-2.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/bin:/Users/jacobmoe/.rubies/ruby-2.2.3/bin:/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/Users/jacobmoe/bin:/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/Users/jacobmoe/code/go/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/bin:/Users/jacobmoe/code/go/bineec8a1d3c6ae8ff157131f6b862d12e8Saving session...
...saving history...
Invoking shell /bin/bash with args ("-l" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s\\000%s' \"${PATH-3be2f568bb9b41cdcf481f83defa2da3}\" \"${MANPATH-3be2f568bb9b41cdcf481f83defa2da3}\"")
Shell printed: "__RESULT/Users/jacobmoe/bin:/Users/jacobmoe/.gem/ruby/2.2.3/bin:/Users/jacobmoe/.rubies/ruby-2.2.3/lib/ruby/gems/2.2.0/bin:/Users/jacobmoe/.rubies/ruby-2.2.3/bin:/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/Library/TeX/texbin:/Users/jacobmoe/bin:/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/MacOS/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/Users/jacobmoe/code/go/bin:/usr/local/mysql/bin:/bin:/Users/jacobmoe/code/go/bin3be2f568bb9b41cdcf481f83defa2da3"
jschaf commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure this is related but removing the following code fixed it for me.

[ -z "$PS1" ] && return

Glancing at the source, it seems exec-path-from-shell now runs non-interactively. The snippet above will exit the script if the shell is not interactive, so $PATH will look different to a non-interactive process compared to an interactive shell if there's any additional customization past that line.

purcell commented 8 years ago

The big picture here is that I will eventually remove -i from the default shell arguments, because I believe that's the right thing to do, and I want to encourage people to set up their shells properly. I'm trying out this warning in the meantime to find out if there's a problem with that plan. The warning can currently be suppressed by either fixing the shell config or setting exec-path-from-shell-arguments to '("-l").

JP-Ellis commented 8 years ago

I completely understand where you're coming from, and it is really good to encourage people to set up shells properly; however; I do think there are some legitimate cases where the global $PATH variable can differ from the interactive $PATH variable. I also think there are cases where the user doesn't have a choice (for example, if the computer is administered by someone else).

In my experience, I have encountered the following cases:

Perhaps you could add some option which replaces the warning with a message.

In the meantime, I have adjusted exec-path-from-shell-arguments and it works all fine now.

magthe commented 8 years ago

I've been bit by this on Linux, with zsh. The output when turning on debug is

Invoking shell /usr/bin/zsh with args ("-l" "-i" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s\\000%s' \"${PATH-a7eb268137995dda67083d70138f6457}\" \"${MANPATH-a7eb268137995dda67083d70138f6457}\"")
Shell printed: "__RESULT^@/home/magnus/bin:/home/magnus/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl^@a7eb268137995dda67083d70138f6457TERM environment variable not set.
Invoking shell /usr/bin/zsh with args ("-l" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s\\000%s' \"${PATH-efe416d259564be2f6e2e0d7d535e150}\" \"${MANPATH-efe416d259564be2f6e2e0d7d535e150}\"")
Shell printed: "__RESULT^@/home/magnus/bin:/home/magnus/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl^@efe416d259564be2f6e2e0d7d535e150"

If I remove MANPATH from exec-path-from-shell-variables I get the warning on PATH instead. The debug output then becomes

Invoking shell /usr/bin/zsh with args ("-l" "-i" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s' \"${PATH-c93f10e5f78006bc62e3ba90fd24d74c}\"")
Shell printed: "__RESULT/home/magnus/bin:/home/magnus/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perlTERM environment variable not set.
Invoking shell /usr/bin/zsh with args ("-l" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s' \"${PATH-6cd7100d2138e5fb980487ed417d9871}\"")
Shell printed: "__RESULT/home/magnus/bin:/home/magnus/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl"

As you can see the environment variables are actually the same in both interactive and non-interactive shells, but the code in exec-path-from-shell fails to recognize this.

StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

TERM environment variable not set.

@magthe It looks like to be the difference. What if you try to play with this varible? (setting/unsetting) it?

magthe commented 8 years ago

@StreakyCobra Indeed, that is the difference, but where should I set it?

ATM it is set in all my terminals, but I'm not sure where it comes from.

StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

I'm not sure, but as the warning says about interactive vs non-interactive shells and .zshrc vs .zshenv, try to define in one file or the other or both. I don't know if it will help, just trying ^^

magthe commented 8 years ago

@StreakyCobra I'll try it, but I don't think it really belongs there, TERM is related to the terminal, not to the shell (AFAIU).

magthe commented 8 years ago

I set it to vt100 (seemed as good a value as any) but the issue remains, now the difference has changed though (I had to use cat -A to get the non-printing stuff out properly):

Invoking shell /usr/bin/zsh with args ("-l" "-i" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s\\000%s' \"${PATH-f9446344eae823955844e5d1018fad70}\" \"${MANPATH-f9446344eae823955844e5d1018fad70}\"")$
Shell printed: "__RESULT^@/home/magnus/bin:/home/magnus/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl^@f9446344eae823955844e5d1018fad70^[[H^[[J"$
Invoking shell /usr/bin/zsh with args ("-l" "-c" "/usr/bin/printf '__RESULT\\000%s\\000%s' \"${PATH-260ba1d09795fe011a830b317488342d}\" \"${MANPATH-260ba1d09795fe011a830b317488342d}\"")$
Shell printed: "__RESULT^@/home/magnus/bin:/home/magnus/.local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/lib/jvm/default/bin:/usr/bin/site_perl:/usr/bin/vendor_perl:/usr/bin/core_perl^@260ba1d09795fe011a830b317488342d"$

I wonder where those non-printing characters come from.

joncol commented 8 years ago

Also got this warning on Mac OS 10.11.1, using Fish shell. Setting exec-path-from-shell-arguments to '("-l") removed the warning.

benmezger commented 8 years ago

I am getting the following error after an update:

Warning (emacs): You appear to be setting environment variables ("PATH") in your .bashrc or .zshrc: those files are only read by interactive shells, so you should instead set environment variables in startup files like .bash_profile or .zshenv.  Refer to your shell's man page for more info.  In future, exec-path-from-shell will not read variables set in the wrong files.
Warning (emacs): You appear to be setting environment variables ("GPG_AGENT_INFO") in your .bashrc or .zshrc: those files are only read by interactive shells, so you should instead set environment variables in startup files like .bash_profile or .zshenv.  Refer to your shell's man page for more info.  In future, exec-path-from-shell will not read variables set in the wrong files.

All my PATH's are set in my .zshrc, so I am not sure how to fix this. I am using prezto's zsh's framework, any clue?

StreakyCobra commented 8 years ago

I posted this comment on https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/3920, the Spacemacs issue following this problem. I cross-post my message here as it can be an useful review of the general problem.

It seems .bash_profile/.zshenv is the right place to define $PATH and $MANPATH, for being used both by interactive and non-interactive shells. exec-path-from-shell is trying to make people do this, by comparing both version and throwing a warning in case of difference. It's a good intention, but there are some drawbacks:

You can do what the warning message says and move PATH and MANPATH related definition to you shell environment file (.bash_profile, .zshenv). If the message still appear or if you don't want to do this, as there is no option to disable the warning, the current workarounds to remove it are:

benmezger commented 8 years ago

Ok, I have the following in my emacs.el;

;; exec-path-from-shell
(require 'exec-path-from-shell)

(when (memq window-system '(mac ns))

(provide 'setup-exec-path-from-shell)

I did a full grep in my dotfiles, and all my PATHS are set at .zshenv, but since I am using prezto's framework, perhaps that's where the problem is coming from. I had to remove (exec-path-from-shell-copy-env "GPG_AGENT_INFO") due the warning. But I need my GPG_AGENT_INFO, any idea how to fix this? GPG_AGENT_INFO is set at prezto's framework.

I like the whole idea, but I will this will break lots of stuff, specially when people are using frameworks.

rakkesh commented 8 years ago

All my PATH's are set in my .zshrc, so I am not sure how to fix this. I am using prezto's zsh's framework, any clue?

@ephexeve I use zsh prezto configuration for work, and I know that it does not promote having environment variables in ~/.zshrc. Please refer to the README.md file in runcoms directory.

Moving on to this issue, I have two mac os x machines with zsh prezto and spacemacs setup almost similarly. On one machine, spacemacs starts without a warning but on the other it reports this issue and that ("PATH" "MANPATH") are being set from ~/.zshrc, which is not correct. I have verified that neither PATH or MANPATH is set by prezto.

$ cd ~/.zprezto
$ grep -E -R '(PATH|MANPATH)\=' ./*

No result.

benmezger commented 8 years ago

@rakkesh then I am not sure why exec_path_from_shell is complaning about, since there isn't any PATH anywhere else except in .zshenv.

rakkesh commented 8 years ago

prezto does set path but in ~/.zprofile. If I add an option to ignore case in the grep command in my comment above, i.e.,

$ grep -i -E -R '(PATH|MANPATH)\=' ./*

I get a result of all init.zsh files from modules subdirectory .

jacobmoe commented 8 years ago

I'm no longer seeing this issue after updating spacemacs.

stefano-m commented 8 years ago

@purcell, I have another edge case you might want to consider.

I am on a Linux machine where bash is the default shell and I cannot change it because I do not have root privileges.

I set up my environment in ~/.bash_profile, but then I fall back to zsh.

The code goes something like

# set env vars etc.
if [[ -x /usr/bin/zsh ]]; then
  export SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh
  exec /usr/bin/zsh -l
   # sometimes zsh is not available.
    [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc

This works nice and well in the terminal (and when I start Emacs from the terminal), I do not have to duplicate the environment in ~/.zshenv, but when I run Emacs in the X-windows system, exec-path-from-shell picks up zsh as shell and ignores the setup in ~/.bash_profile.

This complicates things for me because I have some applications installed in non-default paths that I set in ~/.bash_profile.

I understand that this is an edge case, but any help is appreciated.

stefano-m commented 8 years ago

I have figured out a (quite ugly) workaround:

at the bottom of ~/.zshenv, add

. ~/.bash_profile

and modify the previous snipped in ~/.bash_profile as follows

if [[ -x /usr/bin/zsh ]]; then
    # Emacs workaround for https://github.com/purcell/exec-path-from-shell/issues/34
    if [[  ! "x$SHELL" == "x/usr/bin/zsh" ]]; then
        export SHELL=/usr/bin/zsh
        exec  /usr/bin/zsh -l
    [[ -f ~/.bashrc ]] && . ~/.bashrc

any idea better than this one?

purcell commented 8 years ago

@stefano-m Or, in your first example, only source .bashrc if the current shell is interactive (and also pass "-i" to zsh in that case).

ethanluoyc commented 8 years ago

I would also like to mention another valid reason for having different PATH. https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/issues/4195

purcell commented 8 years ago

@ethanluoyc Not the same issue -- I commented directly on the issue you referenced.

AstonJ commented 7 years ago

Sorry to resurrect this Steve, but I am getting a similar issue.

I have installed the package and added the following lines to my init.el file:

(when (memq window-system '(mac ns))

When I start Emacs via the terminal I get the following error:

You appear to be setting environment variables ("MANPATH") in your .bashrc or .zshrc: those files are only read by interactive shells, so you should instead set environment variables in startup files like .profile, .bash_profile or .zshenv. Refer to your shell’s man page for more info.

However I do not have a . bashrc or . zshrc file.

When I open SpaceMacs as an app (i.e. not via terminal) I am not shown the error. Regardless how I open SpaceMacs I am not getting access to what's in my .bash_profile file.

My .bash_profile seems pretty standard:

[[ -s "$HOME/.profile" ]] && source "$HOME/.profile" # Load the default .profile

# Chruby
source /usr/local/share/chruby/chruby.sh
source /usr/local/share/chruby/auto.sh
chruby ruby-2.2.2

PS1="[\W]\$ "
alias ll="ls -lahG"
alias irbs="irb --simple-prompt"
alias rake="bundle exec rake"
alias bec="bundle exec cucumber"
alias ber="bundle exec spec"
alias pow="touch tmp/restart.txt"

alias pgstart="pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log start"
alias pgrestart="pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres -l /usr/local/var/postgres/server.log restart -m fast"
alias pgstart2="postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres"
alias pgstop="pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop -s -m fast"
alias pgreset="rm /usr/local/var/postgres/postmaster.pid"

I have also tried commenting out the first 6 lines but I still get the same.

Any idea what I might be doing wrong?

purcell commented 7 years ago


I have installed the package and added the following lines to my init.el file:

(package-initialize) (when (memq window-system '(mac ns)) (exec-path-from-shell-initialize))

When I start Emacs via the terminal I get the following error:

You appear to be setting environment variables ("MANPATH") in your .bashrc or .zshrc: those files are only read by interactive shells, so you should instead set environment variables in startup files like .profile, .bash_profile or .zshenv. Refer to your shell’s man page for more info.

If you're starting it from the terminal, then window-system should be nil, and that block should not be getting executed. (And that's the intention of the block, because you don't need exec-path-from-shell from the terminal.) What am I missing here? How are you starting it?

AstonJ commented 7 years ago

Thanks for the reply @purcell

I usually start my code editors one of two ways, either by going to the directory in terminal and then typing emacs ., or, by simply dragging a folder onto the Emacs icon in the dock.

If it's any help, I installed and set-up SpaceMacs as per this guide: https://elixirforum.com/t/spacemacs-general-discussion-blog-posts-wiki/109

Although I think that's the pretty standard way of installing it on a Mac?

AstonJ commented 7 years ago

Hi again Steve, just a quick note to say it seems to be working now (I can use things like ll from my .bash_profile) and I fixed it by creating a .bashrc file and added . ~/.bash_profile to the end of it.

I am still getting the message on startup but only if I start from terminal:

You appear to be setting environment variables ("MANPATH") in your .bashrc or .zshrc: those files are only read by interactive shells, so you should instead set environment variables in startup files like .profile, .bash_profile or .zshenv. Refer to your shell’s man page for more info. Customize ‘exec-path-from-shell-arguments’ to remove "-i" when done, or disable ‘exec-path-from-shell-check-startup-files’ to disable this message.

Is this ok? Or should I investigate further in an attempt to stop this message from appearing?

purcell commented 7 years ago

@AstonJ Thanks. If you're not getting the message now, then I guess all is well enough, but it's still not clear why exec-path-from-shell-initialize was getting called by your startup scripts even though you weren't in a window-system Emacs instance. That's the root problem here, and creating .bash_profile has just worked around it, albeit harmlessly.

AstonJ commented 7 years ago

Thanks again for the reply Steve.

I'm still getting the message if I start from within Terminal. I'm not getting the message if I start from the dock though.

Btw, I had to create a .bashrc file as I already had a .bash_profile - that was after reading this from the emacs wiki:

Emacs shell environments behave differently from Terminal environments and in order to have correct environments like LANG=en_GB.utf-8 LC_ALL=en_GB.utf-8 or PATH= for sub-applications launched from Emacs like R, Octave, Gnuplot etc., set the environments not only in .bash_profile but in .bashrc and try (since Yosemite /etc/launchd.conf is no more consulted for security reasons).

It's done the trick anyway so I'm happy, unless you think I need to troubleshoot further? Could it be because I added:

(when (memq window-system '(mac ns))

to my init.el file and perhaps should have added it to my .spacemacs file somewhere? (I think I read that we should only add customisations to the .spacemacs file). I'm new to emacs/spacemacs so not sure tbh.

purcell commented 7 years ago

It's done the trick anyway so I'm happy, unless you think I need to troubleshoot further? Could it be because I added:

(package-initialize) (when (memq window-system '(mac ns)) (exec-path-from-shell-initialize)) to my init.el file and perhaps should have added it to my .spacemacs file somewhere? (I think I read that we should only add customisations to the .spacemacs file). I'm new to emacs/spacemacs so not sure tbh.

Yeah, is it possible that the init.el file is being ignored, and spacemacs is calling exec-path-from-shell-initialize unconditionally?

AstonJ commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure tbh. I did remove those lines from init.el, and put them inside my .spacemacs file, but I still got the same thing.

Also slightly related, does exec-path-from-shell work for Eshells as well? (It's not for me - I don't have access to functions in my .bash_profile like how I didn't with the 'normal' emacs shell (which I get to in SpaceMacs by SPC ')

AstonJ commented 7 years ago

It looks like SpaceMacs include it by default :)



But I wonder why it's not working for me (by showing me the warning via terminal)