pure-data / pddp

Pure Data Documentation Project
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add a bit more color in the background of arrays #179

Closed porres closed 3 months ago

porres commented 7 months ago

The themes of the help files are quite modest and we just got some GUIs that are a bit grayed, this remotes to this other 'issue' -> https://github.com/pure-data/pddp/issues/63\

What annoys me now is that arrays are out of this 'theme' and the sheer whiteness backgroundlessness they have kind of distorts with the theme. My idea is to have a lighter gray [cnv] in their background. I know people may wonder why the array seems colored, as if it was some property, but they can also just learn this trick of using a canvas, and I see other people use the same trick and we can give this idea to people.

For the [output~] abstraction I did something similar. I have a lighter gray canvas behind the number box and comments, because being plain white looked bad to me.


Screen Shot 2023-11-30 at 00 58 03

here's a test with the recent changes I did to the [soundfiler] help file.

Screen Shot 2023-11-30 at 01 00 20 Screen Shot 2023-11-30 at 01 00 29

umlaeute commented 7 months ago

i would be super-careful with over-theming the documentation.

i really think that that guy on the pd-list who criticized the grey toggles had a point: if you create a table then it will not be grey. with toggles, you can at least change the background color, but with tables you are mimicking a background color and leave people wondering how you did that. (and i don't feel this is a great way to "make people learn a trick"; if things get too confusing, we end up getting explicit about how things are done, with loads of little remarks in totally unrelated help-patches.... i'm thinking of all these click => and open subpatch to see... and Dealing_with_$0 repetitions).

and then, there is the sad fact that all theming has the apparent property of getting stale quickly. what looks cool today looks like 50ies SciFi tomorrow.

anyhow, just my 2¢. if you feel the necessity to go ahead, just do it.

porres commented 6 months ago

I'm sitting on this, the ideal situation for me would be adding a new functionality to canvases like I suggested in https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/issues/1833