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Revise chapter 2, add "intelligent patching" and more #190

Closed porres closed 3 months ago

porres commented 3 months ago

This is a reboot of https://github.com/pure-data/pddp/issues/186

Changes are being made at https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/compare/master...porres:pure-data:manual-chapter2-revsion and changes include the checklist below and other revisions.

Document "intelligent patching"

Document many things under a new chapter subsection. Many of these features are described in the source: https://vimeo.com/273707442 https://vimeo.com/279631360 * https://vimeo.com/340437816

Lucarda commented 3 months ago

here we can mention that on Pd64 numbers are kept 64-bit floating point


porres commented 3 months ago

So, I have a new (INCLUDE PIC) request :) please check it, what I have in mind


porres commented 3 months ago

are you people not finding any issues with the text?

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

are you people not finding any issues with the text?

I'll probably find stuff. didn't get to properly read yet once more since I had a working day til now and will be afk for a bit. I remember that there was still at least one mention of "accelerator" instead of "shortcut" somewhere. but I'll check in a few hours (and add the pic)

Lucarda commented 3 months ago

i used this patch to tell that numbers are ok


porres commented 3 months ago

is this good? Can you add some space below the table now?

Screen Shot 2024-03-26 at 16 13 38

Lucarda commented 3 months ago

Can you add some space below the table now?

done via https://github.com/porres/pure-data/pull/51

porres commented 3 months ago

OK, all done... I'd like an 'ok' for text revisions, that new pic, and I'm merging :)

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

the pictures in 2.1.2. Object boxes and 2.2.2. Creating boxes will be redundant then, @porres (the put menu in both cases)?

porres commented 3 months ago

what do you mean? I just wanted a pic to show the 'X' cursor and the connection seldcted

porres commented 3 months ago

oh, forget that first one and remove it :)

porres commented 3 months ago

@ben-wes just make the connection selected in blue please

porres commented 3 months ago

I removed it, check it out

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

created PR https://github.com/porres/pure-data/pull/52 ... still didn't read everything - unfortunately also won't manage today. there are 3 lines mentioning "object proper" - and i admit that i don't know what this is supposed to mean.

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

@Lucarda : i changed </br> to just <br>. imho, the former is not proper html since a closing tag alone there doesn't make sense (<br/> would be valid, but not necessary). when i check with the w3 validator, i now only get complaints about the header line:

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html">

... i assume we could just omit that one. but it's been there forever - so maybe no need to change it now.

Lucarda commented 3 months ago

@ben-wes i always forget which is the valid "line break" :)

about <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"> i'll check it tomorrow but not a problem really

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

@ben-wes i always forget which is the valid "line break" :)

... that sounds familiar, haha - same here. :)

@porres : i added another commit to my PR rephrasing the "object proper" stuff. please check if they sound good to you that way: https://github.com/porres/pure-data/pull/52/commits/43ed39f62289faf20883af5133f31868ad107cc7

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

and to both of you, @porres @Lucarda : i admit that i only now learnt about "american punctuation" vs. "logical punctuation". i did some corrections here in the past where i moved commas or period outside of quotation marks - not knowing that this is valid in american english. to me (and also from a programming syntax perspective), this is totally weird and i prefer the logical version. anyway: sorry for those uninformed changes!

porres commented 3 months ago

This always seemed weird to me and it always felt like an error and something that miller came up with, hahahaha... so it is actually wrong for us to have "logical punctuation"? In a world perspective this looks weirds

porres commented 3 months ago

still didn't read everything

tell me when you're done

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

so it is actually wrong for us to have "logical punctuation"?

the whole topic is quite a rabbit hole and i refuse to go deeper, haha. short answer is: no, it's valid and even required by the style guides of some major American newspapers. and also: "American punctuation" doesn't even seem to be the correct term.

Lucarda commented 3 months ago

@porres there is https://github.com/porres/pure-data/pull/53

@ben-wes this <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html"> was updated to

<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"> and passes the validation

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

i added one PR from my side as well (rebased to @Lucarda's latest changes): https://github.com/porres/pure-data/pull/54

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

concerning 2.10.4. Limitations: Miller plans to make data structures more convenient to work with iirc - not sure what the plans are, but the changes will possibly affect this paragraph?

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

i did proofread everything now except for 2.10 (data structures) and created a new PR with quite a few corrections: https://github.com/porres/pure-data/pull/55

2.7 seems to be a bit redundant in some parts - but at the same time is more detailed. altogether, i really like chapter 2 in this version now! i actually learnt a few new things while reading it now. :)

EDIT: if you want to review these changes, this view here is probably more convenient than the default: https://github.com/porres/pure-data/pull/55/files?diff=split&w=1

EDIT2: i'm not planning to proofread the data structure part - so from my side, i currently consider this done!

Lucarda commented 3 months ago

I could not do any reading as I'm working on other stuff. It should be ok I think :) (and it can always be edited later :) )

porres commented 3 months ago

I'm making a deep revision once more and calling it done. I guess you changed "boxes" to "objects" in many cases @ben-wes , which is making me work hard again :) to think when we should have the more general term "box" that includes GUIs, number boxes, messages, etc rather than "object", which is a specific type of box. I guess it's come to a point where we can just revise for typos and mistakes, and suggest other conceptual changes with discussion before changing it.

porres commented 3 months ago

ok, enough is enough, I'm merging, and haven't made a full revision cause I cannot take it anymore, hahaha, thanks a lot!

porres commented 3 months ago

hey, github desktop offered me to "squash and merge" :)

Lucarda commented 3 months ago


porres commented 3 months ago

well, I guess it'd be best to not squash, cause I think I would finally pass dan in the number of commits with this, hahahaha

Lucarda commented 3 months ago


good work anyway :)

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

I guess you changed "boxes" to "objects" in many cases @ben-wes

@porres : i see the semantical difference and certainly didn't intend to do so, no. maybe it slipped in in some cases, where i consulted deepl or chatgpt for easier ways to put a sentence. but if i check my link above, i don't really see these changes!? (and i also didn't copy/paste anything without reading every single word.)

just open https://github.com/porres/pure-data/pull/55/files?diff=split&w=1 and search for box/object to highlight these. hmm ... i wonder which changes you mean now?

what i see is that you went back to the non-logical punctuation (like "this," for example). maybe i misinterpreted your last comment on that above - but i thought you found that weird, too? :)

and i see a few typos when quickly scanning the diff:

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

but anyway ... happy when we're done with this. thank you both! i won't add another PR at this point. :)

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

ah, and this is not part of your changes, @porres - but here it should probably link to x4.htm:


... and i guess the "Externals" chapter should be titled with an uppercase "E"

porres commented 3 months ago

You can send a PR please with the typo fixes, could be directly to documentation branch now

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

EDIT: solved.

hmm ... i can't seem to make a simple PR with that last commit against pure-data/documentation could you support maybe? - this is the commit: https://github.com/ben-wes/pure-data/commit/936e0b04a00f462312285f300f25376ce3643551

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

ok, managed now. should have known that after the squash it's easier with a new branch: https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/pull/2234

porres commented 3 months ago

thanks, hoping miller includes this right away, I should stop and focus more on other things now, but would like to get back to this for more manual revisions for the update.

i thought you found that weird, too? :)

it is, but that's the original format and not all were changed, so I reverted back. I'm still not sure it is ok to use the 'logical' format, what do you say? We need to do it in all help files and chapters...

as for when things changed, I don't know, and I don't know how to look it up... just know I needed to redo it, but don't worry, it's fine, it's already done and it happens. Thanks for reviewing it. I just have to stop as I know I'm just gonna check for typos and end up rewriting A LOT, making lots of surgery and generate more typos.

I thought we could have yet a new image showing an uncreated object box in "dashed form" (is this phrasing correct? I just added that info into the manual last time). What do you think?

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

I'm still not sure it is ok to use the 'logical' format, what do you say? We need to do it in all help files and chapters...

i'd be glad to change it everywhere. but maybe not for this revision now. iirc, the changes in x2.htm were quite complete, since there are exceptions (when a whole sentence is quoted for example).

here's wikipedia's take on this, which i find pretty ... logical. :)

Using logical quotation in articles in American English is not "bad grammar", but supported by major journals, and increasing in use in the general populace. Typesetters' quotation is a loose, ambiguous style common in fiction and journalism and is not suited to encyclopedic writing. Wikipedia uses logical quotation – do not add punctuation that is not part of the original quotation – by consensus, because it is accurate. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Logical_quotation_on_Wikipedia

as for when things changed, I don't know, and I don't know how to look it up... just know I needed to redo it, but don't worry, it's fine, it's already done and it happens.

i was curious now and am certainly nit-picking a bit. but to give you some examples of the object->box corrections you did:

... but at the same time, i admit that actually some changes slipped in for the worse in my earlier edits - sorry for these and for causing you additional work there! (https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/commit/432a6463b600c266665832b505f81ef23540cc99?diff=unified&w=1#diff-cf4e3e25e3505e15864d6cba90cf0936ab9a0546b1714b42a8a1ab3de144dab9R271 for example). won't happen again!

I just have to stop as I know I'm just gonna check for typos and end up rewriting A LOT, making lots of surgery and generate more typos.

i know what you mean. same here. :) ... it's ok if we manage to actually still improve things - but should probably stop at some point and switch to other tasks again, haha!

I thought we could have yet a new image showing an uncreated object box in "dashed form" (is this phrasing correct? I just added that info into the manual last time). What do you think?

i updated my branch with these commits here - feel free to check and give feedback (i'd prefer not to create too many PRs against pure-data/documentation): https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/compare/documentation...ben-wes:pure-data:docs-manual-fix?expand=1

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

@porres : in the "Triggerize" chapter, we're still missing relevant interactions for Ctrl + T action on selected trigger objects imho:

porres commented 3 months ago

I don't even know about this, wanna add it?

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

I don't even know about this, wanna add it?

please check https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/compare/documentation...ben-wes:pure-data:docs-manual-fix?expand=1

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

@porres : i made one more update and force-pushed. if it looks good to you, feel free to merge it.

and let me know if i should work through the whole manual (all chapters) to correct quotes and brackets for following the logical rules according to the wikipedia statement above. imho, the current form is not appropriate for a manual - but of course, that's also not the most relevant thing to to now.

porres commented 3 months ago

go ahead

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

@Lucarda since you changed the <pre> font-size to 90%: should we do the same for <kbd>? i copied the 80% for kbd from there to have consistent sizes (although consistency here might not be relevant if it looks alright in the text).

Lucarda commented 3 months ago

@Lucarda since you changed the <pre> font-size to 90%: should we do the same for <kbd>?

no. it looks good here on Win and I think i saw it on linux 2 days ago and seems fine. <pre> is independent of <kbd> and vice-versa IIRC. Also I like 80% on <kbd>

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

go ahead

@porres: i have this commit here now for these changes including minor formatting clean-up: https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/compare/documentation...ben-wes:pure-data:docs-manual-fix?expand=1

... a bit of background:

Here's more information on this topic besides the quote in my comment above: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quotation_marks_in_English#Order_of_punctuation ... as you can see, both approaches are valid and have some prominent followers. i think that for a manual that names lots of things (and especially specific syntax and object names) in quotes, the logical version is way less ambiguous and confusing though.

anyway: no worries if you don't want to merge this!

porres commented 3 months ago

we keep logical then

ben-wes commented 3 months ago

we keep logical then

alright - but just to not confuse the two: we keep "typesetters' quotation" now - not the "logical" one. :)