pure-data / pddp

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[hip~] is redundanct in most of audio examples #238

Closed porres closed 2 weeks ago

porres commented 1 month ago

Even the 'classic'/'old' examples make use of the previous [output~] abstraction which did contain a [hip~ 3] object in the input. Hence, all the examples that had a [hip~ 5] for the output is redundanct, since the [output~] abstraction already does the job.

I think it makes sense to present the [hip~] as an option and better explain where it might help or not. This could be done when presenting the [output~] abstraction, mention that it has it, and then just forget about putting [hip~] just everywhere redundanctly.

Also, most of the time, the examples do not really require a need to filter DC, such as in some synthesis techniques, and playing samples without DC offset.

I think it is important to address and reinforce the need of [hip~] for Waveshaping, specially, but most of the others can just benefit from simplifying the patch and reduce noise.

porres commented 1 month ago

I also see this in [adc~] and I think the same should apply, like mentioning about it in a first example, but overall, I think it's even less necessary to worry about DC on the input. I think laptop gear and sound cards usually handle this fine. You gotta have a rather cheap and faulty gear to have this problem.

And, also, honestly, if you're getting distorted signals into PD with DC offset, then it's already too late and the damage might already be done.