pure-data / pdfontloader

tiny TCL extension to load fonts into the Pure Data GUI on Windows
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Compiling pdfontloader #6

Open Lucarda opened 6 years ago

Lucarda commented 6 years ago

I successfully compiled using MinGW Msys 1.0 with the “mingw-tcl 8.6.0-1” pkg installed.

The dll is working fine as your test-zip on https://github.com/pure-data/pdfontloader/issues/5

But your dll is 279KB

Mine is 21KB

I simply did:

make PDDIR=/path/to/miller-release

danomatika commented 6 years ago

Mine was a test build while your build is a stripped, non debug build. I added the stripping the the makefile later. It should happen automatically but you can do it manually with make strip.

umlaeute commented 6 years ago

please don't automatically strip the binaries. instead provide a strip target (you already do), and if needed a make install-strip (which strips the installed(!) binaries).